chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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Taliesin, if you are talking about Kirchhoff's loop rule, It is because of the principle of conservation of energy!, if it wasn't Zero, it would be possible to build a machine that would perpetually pass a current in a circle around the circuit, which is not possible.
Heh, of course.. now that you say it, it's very logical. So maybe electronics and I can become friends after all :)
Electronics have lost me as a friend, but gained one in you. It is quite a balancing day for the history of electronics, as an entity.

Cheers to that, rock on!
They're gone...

After two years of blissful existence, sharing every moment with me, constantly by my side. They were always ready and close when I needed them. I loved them but their time has come. This morning, from an approximate 16 inches long, my hair dropped to an average 1 inch, thanks to my friend Myriam who happens to be an hairstylist. Worry not friends, it was my decision and I am now embracing a new life, learning to love the gel as much as I loved the conditioner.
Aacht! The sole thought of it makes my skin shiver with the awkwardness of a million bolts of frozen water, expelled out of despiteful abhorrence!
Hyena: My condolences. I walk into just about every meeting I have fearing something like that will happen. I know you'll fight your way back though.

EEs: Afz - I think I'm a bit more like you in this case. I understood the whole fun deal behind Kirchoff's laws, but I just sucked at applying them. I could hook up a system rather well, (and in my digital logic design course, I wound up accidentally creating a capacitor and running our setup after we removed the battery...) but tests drove me crazy.

They're gone...

After two years of blissful existence, sharing every moment with me, constantly by my side. They were always ready and close when I needed them. I loved them but their time has come. This morning, from an approximate 16 inches long, my hair dropped to an average 1 inch, thanks to my friend Myriam who happens to be an hairstylist. Worry not friends, it was my decision and I am now embracing a new life, learning to love the gel as much as I loved the conditioner.

o_O an't wait to see how yw look!

And I just notied that ye changed yer name back to RS again :) .
NF: Tired, sick, great.

Just came home from Malta where I was with my class and it was awesome. The weather was perfect, we were visiting stone age temples during the day or were sleeping and were going out at night. Now I have a cold due to the wind there, I am coughing all the time, have a sore throat, my voice sometimes fails in the middle of a sentence, got several sunburns but it's ok.
Now I have two weeks of vacation. :)
nf: like i need an antidepressant. i woke up thirty minutes ago, which was not wise considering that tonight i need to be in bed quite early so as not to fuck up everything tomorrow during my presentation. i am also slightly sick due to too many beers last night. i am falling apart, more or less, and i should have waited two more days to do so. i hope that the god of thunder, or any other imaginary creature routinely invoked by manowar, comes to my help so that my performance tomorrow is decent. wouldn't really count on it tho, i'm just broken, and some other little annoyances are piling up.
nf: like i need an antidepressant. i woke up thirty minutes ago, which was not wise considering that tonight i need to be in bed quite early so as not to fuck up everything tomorrow during my presentation. i am also slightly sick due to too many beers last night. i am falling apart, more or less, and i should have waited two more days to do so. i hope that the god of thunder, or any other imaginary creature routinely invoked by manowar, comes to my help so that my performance tomorrow is decent. wouldn't really count on it tho, i'm just broken, and some other little annoyances are piling up.

i hope everythinh will be ok for you... i also have to go to bed early today, as i have an exam tomorrow!

By the way, i learned last Wednesday that i had a Physics exam on 2 days ago (on Friday)... and I passed... i have 32,5 points out of 64! :heh:
The exam was going to be on April 13, but iit changed because of a trip that we have to do (i unfortunately cant because the only 2 exams i failed were requested for this trip)... So the prof didnt state very clearly when teh exam was so i only learned about it 2 days before teh day.
nf: like i need an antidepressant. i woke up thirty minutes ago, which was not wise considering that tonight i need to be in bed quite early so as not to fuck up everything tomorrow during my presentation. i am also slightly sick due to too many beers last night. i am falling apart, more or less, and i should have waited two more days to do so. i hope that the god of thunder, or any other imaginary creature routinely invoked by manowar, comes to my help so that my performance tomorrow is decent. wouldn't really count on it tho, i'm just broken, and some other little annoyances are piling up.

Damn, that sure sucks. You should try not to "drown" yer problems in alcohol, I know it does help to drink a bit, but ye shouldn't do it to the point of waking up sick.

You should not try to invoke Thor, he does little help, maybe Odin :) ? (Oden, Wotan, whateva :p ).

You should try tyo put yerself together, think postively, and things will work out for ye. Just close yer eyes and breathe, tranquil and slowly. Just breathe... . :) .

I think ye're a very capable person, and I know things will work out for ye. :) . Just take it easy, and take a few moments to breathe and relax.

Nf: A bit tired, had to wake up at 5:30 (on Sunday! Preposterous! Right, Frank? :lol: :p ), because me little sis is going on a trip to the US Space Camp, hope everything will go fine :cry: . She's only 9, so she was a bit scared when she said bye to me, but I said; "Take it easy, it'll be fine," ans she said "Ok :) ."

Ah well last time I checked the flight she arrived in Atlanta, so everything's fine :) .
@siren: thank you. :) did that exactly. go me. i might even have some ludicrous surprises for you all in the near future. for the time being, i'll just head under the shower and then drag myself to the conference dinner - i have no energy whatsoever, and i'm only going because i'm going to be escorted by someone who is deserving all my attention and then some.
:lol: Unfortunately i'm not the one escorting hyena. :p
But do notice that she was exhausted at the time of posting, i'm sure she didn't do it on purpose. ;)
Nf: A bit tired, had to wake up at 5:30 (on Sunday! Preposterous! Right, Frank? :lol: :p ), because me little sis is going on a trip to the US Space Camp, hope everything will go fine :cry: . She's only 9, so she was a bit scared when she said bye to me, but I said; "Take it easy, it'll be fine," ans she said "Ok :) ."

Ah well last time I checked the flight she arrived in Atlanta, so everything's fine :) .

Hope she has fun! The older of my two younger sisters went there a year or two back, and had a blast. I think it was one of the things that pointed her in a more math/science direction in school. She's currently looking at schools for majoring in Math, but I'm thinking she'll probably wind up doing something less abstract.

@Villain: Worry not for it takes little time to heal such wounds. If wounds there is, of course frustration and anger towards yourself is a normal reaction after such a turndown but at least you managed to ask. Even if the outcome was, as you say, almost predictable, in fifteen years from now you won't be still questioning yourself as why didn't you ask. For the little I can share, I have been through dozens of those "perhaps some other time" and I ussually get over it within two or three days now.

Well, it's been well over a week now, and it seems I'm still not fully over it - probably because I saw her briefly on Saturday and we had a very short and rather awkward discussion. I don't know why, but I almost felt like apologising for ever asking her out - as if doing so would've erased the whole thing from my memory or something. We didn't really say much, as we were both in a hurry; she mainly just smiled like one smiles for a confused child (she's actually a little younger than me).

Fuck, I hate this kind of stupid shit so much. I started my vacation today and I'd hate to ruin it by being upset for such a meaningless thing.

Anyways, thanks for Kovenant and Marduk on the words of wisdom as well. Human it is, indeed, to be weak and so easily hurt.

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