chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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Hell, I haven't been to a doctor in years :heh: Well, had to see a therapist about a strep throat infection (work hazard!! Argh, not what you think though :D)

I'm on vitamins, good food and stable sleep schedule (with minor disorders), so no complaints. And I sleep on the floor - ask Kat :heh:
Well, you posts are so goddamn colourful that I somehow missed you saying anything about your sexual orientation before. :) But now the colourfulness and overuse of smilies make more sense. :p You have my respect for handling this really awkward question so openly and calmly. And congratulations to Gigi (and to you for being with her)!

Haha actually I never related the use of smileys to the bi stuff, I just like to use them because they say a lot, like the modd in which I am or how I feel :) :rolleyes: .

Thank you, it makes me really happy that I get at least some support concerning that over here.

Thanks, she's an incredible woman.

Snape Fan (aka hyena) said:
@danny: thanks for your answer - i had missed posts concerning your orientation too, i was just gathering information from your comments about beautiful men, how hot the musician in your avatar is etc. i had no intention whatsoever to imply you were hitting on kov (didn't cross my mind really). i just thought i'd ask because i have a long history of trying to make up my mind about the correct attitude a woman should have when faced with her partner's bisexuality. however, you do state that you're not looking for relationships with men, therefore it's probably a bit easier on Gigi than it was on me, having to cope with the frustration of my partner because he actually wanted to bed men too and i was not happy with the idea.

Well ok, dunno why everybody missed that so much but ok I'll try to do sex jokes more often hehe :heh: *YUM*.

Yeah I was wondering from where ye got the idea, I was like "I'm just concerned aboout Kov, what's her problem"?, but I'm glad that's not the case :) .

Glad it's about the avatar, and yes Közi is sooo *ahem*, ye know..., the problem is he's japanse, so it'd be like what, 8cm? And erected. Heheh no wonder there are so many suicides in Nihon (Japan), there's too much social pressure related to yer sexual tastes and related things :Smug: .

Yeah, I don't think there's actually a correct attitude to use when facing that, my opinion is that the couple should talk things out, and if ye truly love each other ye will not separate nad will find a way to deal with that. Again, the best thing to do is to talk things out and if ye couldn't resolve it I don't think ye were meant to be together, because when one really loves that person you let that thing slip.

Wow, it mus've been terrible to have a bi boyfriend and him wanting to get guys onto bed and related stuff. So the guy actually cheated on ye with another guy? That sucks :erk: . Wait, let me guess! His name was Giovanni :lol: :p .

Anyway, I think this is a really interesting theme to discuss here because I feel that everyone is very mature, at least to some degree, so I'll write more about it. I'll write later, and I'll tell ye how frustrating it is to be like this and all the problems it brings.

Aber Ich muss jetzt Deutsch studieren, deshalb bis bald!

(But I must study German now so see ya leater!)

LBRH said:
Well ok, dunno why everybody missed that so much but ok I'll try to do sex jokes more often hehe

Danny, if that wasnt meant ironically, I think you should re-consider your career as a translator/interpreter. I dont want to sound like a cunt (which I do, of course), but the word "miss" does not only mean to feel the lack or loss (like in "I miss you"), but also to fail to perceive, understand, or experience (like in "I somehow missed that" or "Did I miss anything". So, me and hyena did not miss your sexual jokes/your talking about your sexuality (quite the contrary), we missed the point when you were talking about it, so we didnt know anything. This was just to make things clear - please dont feel compelled to post sexual jokes or anything related to your sexuality on the grounds of our use of the word "miss", ok? ;)
@mardy: Of course i could be wrong, but i think that mistakes like the one you mention above can be attributed to lack of attention. Danny seems to have a short attention span and to be rushing through posts and answers (which could also be the cause of his many typos). In this case he should definitely make a serious effort to be more attentive if he wants to tread that career path.
And i wholeheartedly agree that he shouldn't feel compelled to post sexual jokes. :ill:
@MarduK: Hey that was a bit harsh wan't it? :cry: bad Mardy, now ye've made me sad. J/k, but again it was a bit harsh to post that I should "reconsider" my carrer just becasue I missed yer point :rolleyes: .

Haha ok I understand now, but I still may make some everry now and then... :heh: .

@Siren: Thanks, ye put it in nicer words than Marduk at least hehe :cry: . Anyway, I do have attention spams, I'm quite the hiper-active person.

It's terrible ye know, one moment I'm fully concentrated in my studying, the other I'm blankly staring at my window, and when I notice half an hour has gone by :Smug: :p .

Also, I really can't satnd still in one place for too much time, if I do I get all cranky and stuff :Smug: .

But it's amusing, because when it comes to things that I'm really interested in or feel passion towards them, as in translating, I get really hooked up and make little to zero mistakes :) .

I must brag that I'm quite the good translator, I don't even have a degree on that and I've already published several articles on various mags :) .

Anyway, you'll see that when ye read the translation of the DT article, let me know what ye think. I'll probably post it on Monday/Tuesday, most likely the 1st :) .
@mardy: Of course i could be wrong, but i think that mistakes like the one you mention above can be attributed to lack of attention. Danny seems to have a short attention span and to be rushing through posts and answers (which could also be the cause of his many typos). In this case he should definitely make a serious effort to be more attentive if he wants to tread that career path.
And i wholeheartedly agree that he shouldn't feel compelled to post sexual jokes. :ill:

Well, I was maybe a bit too mentorish, but that was actually my point. Translating is a craft like any other, and no matter how many diplomas or degrees in foreign languages you have, if you cannot concentrate and work with text properly (and Im not even talking about the time management), you should re-consider that choice of your future career. Its similar with my brother - he has done some jobs for my company, but he doesnt seem to reflect on any (or very few) comments I have to his efforts. He makes a lot of mistakes (punctuation, as well as terminology) and although he has a good feeling every time he finishes a translation, the work itself is mediocre. Its hard, because there are terms which are a real pain in the ass, and sometimes too tough even for google to crack, but you cannot only look up the meaning that fits your vague idea best. I know Im ranting, but I hope it doesnt hurt too much. :)
@MarduK: Hey that was a bit harsh wan't it? :cry: bad Mardy, now ye've made me sad. J/k, but again it was a bit harsh to post that I should "reconsider" my carrer just becasue I missed yer point :rolleyes: .

Haha ok I understand now, but I still may make some everry now and then... :heh: .

No, I dont think it was. As a future translator you should be thankful for every piece of feedback you get. If you would make a mistake like that in a test translation for me, you would get a polite email and never hear from me again. But if you think you will be a good translator, thats all that matters. Youll fulfill your goals eventually.
^ I still think it was a bit harsh but I get yer point now. For a moment it seemed that ye were saying that just to bother me, not to give me feedback.

Since that's the case, thank you. I always take feedback into account, and feedback is always welcome. It helsp me correct my mistakes and not make them again, and in the fututre I know I'll make only perfect translations :) .

Also, take into account that these are posts, and I won't read a translation as fast as I read a post, I'm not getting paid to do the latter :rolleyes: .

So ye're a bit frustrated with yer brother huh? Can I know an approximate on how much he earns, I would like to know how well of is a translator over there.
NF: excited. Mister Herneheim arrives in Montreal in less than 24 hours! :)
We're gonna attend a press conference with Megadeth, with an exclusive performance on a tv show at our kinda MTV channel (called Musique Plus) on sunday!
Tomorrow is my last day of work before gettin' in vacation for ten days! I can't wait, I feel soooooooooooo happy :D And Spring is HERE! Yay!
This was just to make things clear - please dont feel compelled to post sexual jokes or anything related to your sexuality on the grounds of our use of the word "miss", ok? ;)

Now don't get me started on how jokes including the word "miss" might be construed at the expense of a bisexual man. :p

@Danny: seriously now... No, my ex did not cheat on me (as far as I know). However, as Lina pointed out, he insisted on remarking his sexual desire toward my best friend, aka master rahvin, who is straight and was not therefore a cause of any factual scandal - i think that even if he had been gay he would not have bedded my boyfriend of all people, anyway. still, the intention on my ex's part was there and it disturbed me, especially when he admitted that one of his reasons for hanging out with me, even after we broke up, was the opportunity to get to meet rahvin every now and then. go figure.
anyway, aside from this pitiful circumstance, i got reprimanded several times for my inability to accept that he, as a bisexual person, could never be quite content with having women only or men only. i was basically torn between my desire to have a monogamous relationship with him and his constant claims that i was robbing him of a chance at happiness in insisting that he should be faithful, because i couldn't deliver both ends of the spectrum anyway.
about two years after our breakup, he finally decided he could speak to me plainly and told me that my apparent unease with his inclinations was one of the reasons why he thought we could not work out together (and i don't mean have a session in the gym... incidentally, guy's scrawny and wouldn't have him spotting me for any reason, too dangerous :p)
Also, take into account that these are posts, and I won't read a translation as fast as I read a post, I'm not getting paid to do the latter :rolleyes: .

If I get involved in this particular debate I'll come off as more offensive than marduk, so I'm just going to comment on this. It would be better for your career to get into the habit of reading everything thoroughly, and commenting only with well-thought-out messages: even if it takes a little longer at first, it'll be much more convenient for you when it finally comes natural. This is partly the point with trying to avoid being too eccentric in your use of language here, as well. I know this is just a metal board, but what you do on a daily basis in the comfort of this sheltered place will be way too tempting to stop doing once - if ever - you'll be playing with the big boys. Aside from being a mild annoyance to others, by distorting your speech to fulfill some passing fancy of yours you're actually putting years of study (of "proper" English) at risk.
I feel stupid and angry at myself.

It's the same old story: I met a woman recently, she was fun, smart and very pretty. Before I knew it, I had a crush on her - haven't had those for quite some time. I knew right away she was way above "my league" and my chances were pretty damn close to zero, and yet I failed to walk away and just forget her. And even if I'd had the slightest chance, there was nothing I could've done with it - I'm pretty much married to my job right now, there's no time I could devote to any sort of a relationship. And as I've said before, I'm really not even seeking a proper relationship - I hate the whole idea of being dependant of someone else.

And yet, the stupid me had to go and ask her for a date. As expected, she turned me down; very politely but resolutely (it's funny how clearly one can read "never" between the lines of "perhaps some other time"). And now I feel hurt because of it. I don't even know why exactly - was it the blow to my self-esteem? The realization that I'll never get a woman like her? But I do know had I never asked her, had I just let the sudden crush go by (as I've let happen before), I'd feel fine now. And I knew it all the time.

In short: I lost nothing and I had nothing to gain, yet I somehow managed to get hurt. And all the while I knew how it was going to end. Which is why I hate myself sometimes.

On a completely unrelated note, concerning LBRH's choice of expression on this forum: For what it's worth, I skim 90% of his posts, because I find them unreadable due to the abundance of smileys and the less than reader-friendly language. No offense meant, just stating my personal preference - I understand others may skim my posts due to the dryness of my text, but that's simply the way I want to write and read.

@Villain: Worry not for it takes little time to heal such wounds. If wounds there is, of course frustration and anger towards yourself is a normal reaction after such a turndown but at least you managed to ask. Even if the outcome was, as you say, almost predictable, in fifteen years from now you won't be still questioning yourself as why didn't you ask. For the little I can share, I have been through dozens of those "perhaps some other time" and I ussually get over it within two or three days now.

I might have more to say on this but I'm at work and my supervisor is about to smite me with a pile of faxes. I'll continue some other time.
I know what you mean, Villain, sorry to read that. You are probably not that kind of person, but maybe you should worry less about the outcome of such things, and try no matter what. I know I would, even if I "knew" Id be turned down. You never know for sure until you do it, and thats probably the whole point.
On the topic of Danny, I've just noticed something. Since the initial remark, I've noticed he has started to clean up his posts a little bit - in a rather funny turn of events, the middle paragraphs in his posts seem to be impeccable, while they are bounded by typos and strange figures of speech.

In short, I do think the potential is there for you to be a good translator, Dan, but as Rahvin said, only practice will help you excel. I know that my language skills suffered greatly during my college years, in part due to the informality I began using with my speech on this board (not to blame the board for my laxness, but rather my tendency to become more lax in an informal environment), but also due to the lack of practice I had in real writing (a major drawback to studying engineering).

@Villain: In short, you seem to be upset that you are human. It can be frustrating, not knowing why you've felt a certain way, though you knew it would only hurt you in the end, but there's not always a good reason for that kind of feeling. I just hope you come away from it alright. Best of luck.

NF: Sick. Blech.

On the topic of Danny, I've just noticed something. Since the initial remark, I've noticed he has started to clean up his posts a little bit - in a rather funny turn of events, the middle paragraphs in his posts seem to be impeccable, while they are bounded by typos and strange figures of speech.

The emoticons seem to create two main issues: technically, they make it difficult to see where paragraphs break and interrupt the understanding of the concepts; psychologically, they clearly represent lack of trust in one's ability to get the message across without "international" symbols that skip the language barrier. Unfortunately, this is not a good mix if your interests lie in a field that places a lot of stress on the importance of being verbal (and eloquent) in all your utterances. Non-verbal communication is especially a surrogate in writing.
NF; Good!
In vacation. Mr. Peter is here. Everything is going well! Met Dave Mustaine yesterday, goin' to meet DT on wednesday, it's a KILLER week! :D
The emoticons seem to create two main issues: technically, they make it difficult to see where paragraphs break and interrupt the understanding of the concepts; psychologically, they clearly represent lack of trust in one's ability to get the message across without "international" symbols that skip the language barrier. Unfortunately, this is not a good mix if your interests lie in a field that places a lot of stress on the importance of being verbal (and eloquent) in all your utterances. Non-verbal communication is especially a surrogate in writing.

Oh, I definitely agree. I think nowhere is this more obvious than this very forum. Even to this day, I see instances of tempers flaring because someone didn't put a ':p' or 'j/k' after a sentence. I'm especially guilty of using both of those tools, but it's also a part of my conciliatory nature - I'm always afraid someone is going to take something I say the wrong way and get angry or upset.

I think it goes both ways, though - people have become less keen on reading emotion or tone in prose, and without the kind of emotional legend provided by emoticons, they interpret things with a hostile bent almost automatically.

But you make a very good point. For someone doing translations, it is imperative to convey the emotional content as well as the facts of a passage, or risk distorting the entire meaning. I'll hold off any comment on Dan's abilities in this regard until I've seen how his interview translation comes out, but I think he does have the potential, but just needs to take things a little slower and more carefully.

Ahh well, tough week for me in the phorum ha? Heheh :p .

Well I think I'm actually quite eloquent, and I can assure ye I can convey wahtever message I want. I just like emoticons that's all, and I will continue to bother your existence with them until I'm either banned of the phorum (in which case I'd return he :p ) or until the smileys are gone.

But that wouldn't be no fun wouldn't it? :cry: :loco:

Anyway, I've taken into consideration yer advise, and I now actually read what I'm posting. The thing is that I type to fast and the keyboard can't keep up with me hehehe :kickass: :heh: :p .

Concerning the translation, I'm sorry but I don't think I'll be able to post it yet, a neighbour gave me a few articles to translate on the weekend so I had no time to do anything besides studying and translating. And going out, of course :) .

Anyway, next week is Holy Week, = vacations!!!

Finally, I so need a break! :erk:

I hope ye're not too desperate to read the interview, I don't think I'll publish it until next week. But I'm sure I'll have it ready by that time :) .
Well I think I'm actually quite eloquent, and I can assure ye I can convey wahtever message I want.

It's not a question of assuring. I may assure you I can leap a fourteen-story building, but you'd be hard pressed believing me without any evidence.

I don't know whether you'll be a good translator or not, because it depends on what field you plan to work in (but graduate- and post-graduate-school level translations seem out of the question, judging by your current proficiency), but ideas such as "I'm going to post emoticons until you send the cavalry to stop me and then I'll die shouting smilies or death!!!" betray your young age: good luck reading this stuff again four years from now and don't rush to the delete button.
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