The REAL reason you need to buy Terria

I love my brother's three cats, and I know I will love Terria. Listening to Terria on my bed with headphones was the highlight of my day. :D

The case of my cd is slightly cracked but no biggie, really.
Cats from that family are a lesser known HDR tradition. Clint's predecessor apparently made it onto Tracy's first page and has shown up on pretty much every one since somewhere or another

That is such a goofy face that I could almost swear the person listens to Maudlin of the Well ;)
Maudlin of the Well is this band who thinks they're really cool. They make these "musical" noises and recite some "lyrics" that no one really understands. It's all a ploy to spite their fourth grade teachers of course.
well, for me there are two reasons (mainly) to buy Terria: the first is Stagnant...and the second is the artwork....ahhhhhhh!!!! :)

fathervic (summer's here....)
i used the hurting words to make you make you understaaand and seeee shoobidoobidoo
i am a cat person but it died (poor old boy :cry: ) but in the wintertime when everything is gray
and in the summertime into the month of may
i get a feeling that it's all so temporaaary
and it's feeling that can take my blues awayyyyyyy