The reality of finding band members


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Oct 22, 2008
Sacramento, CA
So I have been working on my music project for the past 6 years. Amongst this time we have only managed to be three members, two guitar and drums. We have a temporary bassist coming in only because we have a show in a few weeks and we are in the process of converting the music from being a setup with vocals to instrumental (filling in lead guitar with vocal melodies and whatnot).

The bassists aren't a problem, I have my drummer going through every resource that he has and it seems that he has temporary solutions to get us by until a permanent guy comes around.

My question or statement, regards the idea if using networks (such as this very forum) to get out the idea that we need a vocalist and discuss the reality of actually finding one. My band has discussed the reality that in our area we may not find one which has resulted over the past year entertained the idea that I would have to fill the position of vocals. Problem is, I can't sing to save my life. I have been practicing my ass off and have really seems myself as the only vocalist that would fit the band but thinking about it now I really don't want to actually sing, I just want to play guitar. Even though my vocals have gotten much better over the past few weeks I really don't want to do it anymore, they just aren't up to par and it has just taken too much time to work on them.

The problem is that the reason I have taken that duty is we expect to never find one. We have searched before and it was a disaster. Instead of spamming classifieds like we have before, I am figuring that we use our limited resources to get a narrow range of (better) auditions. My question to you guys is this. What is the reality of finding a aggro/clean vocalist for a melodic metal band (we are a more contemporary metal, nothing really extreme about the music) in the US? It seems that there is an abundance of good clean metal vocalists in the EU, but in the US, particularly the west coast, we seem to be flooded with death metal and old retired men playing blues.

I guess I am at a loss for resources. I really don't feel like spamming craigslist because that has gotten us nowhere. The only thing I can think of in terms of using resources is by posting through Facebook but my guitarist who has many more friends than I do has picked up nothing, not even a following for the videos we post and our fans on our pages are so small, no one cares to follow. We are definitely at a loss as to what to do. So I ask, what do we do? And I mean give ideas that we may have not have thought about yet.
go to local shows, meet lots of people and look for people off the internet. I was astonished by how many musicians there are around here from going to local shows. Sure most of them are probably garbage, but there is always 1 or 2 who are awesome
That has been the hard part. We don't go to local shows, for the most part not being able to afford it. The shows we will go to will be our own which means we are playing without a full lineup. Hell we aren't even up to date with similar bands or other metal bands becuase the ones that we have played with have either retired or gotten signed, which means we are behind on the times. Its also strange, around here, for the shows that I gone to, the guys that I have met and are still friend with are music fans not musicians, that seems to be the case around here. The musicians over 18 are in a band already (usually not very good ones and don't really like melodic metal).
Same answer as for some other thread. Go to a strip club.

..hey, that's where you'd find me ;)