The Reunion fuckin sucks


Feb 4, 2002
But is interesting at the same time. Any chance we will hear some Bush tunes with Joey? And where the fuck is an Interview with Bush telling us what he thinks?
I want someone to ask Scott why he would come on this board and say Rob and John aren't going anywhere, then turn around and say at the press conference that he doesn't know what the future holds. Get your story straight, i.e. stop lying to your fans.
johnnieCzech said:
they can go fuck themselves. Greedy sellout liars. I mean it.

saying sellout is really lame man,do u really think they are gonna make any substantial amount of money after its split 5 ways,sure they will make a few extra bucks but it aint like they are playing stadiums or anything,the best thing about all this is people are talking about anthrax on a few diff message boards now,first time in a while i have ever seen anthrax threads on oither boards.
As much as I'd prefer the WCFYA lineup - I'm going to the Adelaide show and also either Sydney or Melbourne - it's Anthrax!!!
I can't wait for the dvd as they need to show audiences in both chicago(I will be there) and those huge euro fests :Spin: I have a feeling you won't see people staring in befuddlement wondering "where is john?" :Smug: that again is NOT a knock on John as he is a super cool guy but I am happy as I never wanted this lineup to split.
I think that ANTHRAX have done well over the years... and Bush did a phenomenal job! But, I always preferred Joey Belladonna's Vocals on the songs he sang and am looking forward to hearing him in the band again. I hope they play OZZFEST, if you go to the main stage still has a open slot. I was hoping that it would be announced they would play on the US dates.
I am glad Joey is back ,thats why I am here...It is time for the them to kick some ass live again!
wu sucks.
we waited weeks for this shitty news / shitty website?
it's so out of touch with what us fans want to hear. in the years of me being on this board i can't remember ONCE anyone saying they longed to hear joey and spitz back in the band. go figure.

johnnieCzech said:
they can go fuck themselves. Greedy sellout liars. I mean it.
Full blown schizophrenia!! We get an album of John singing Joey songs, now we get some bullshit reunion with Joey. What's next? Flavor Flav joining them on stage every night to do "Bring The Noise" while Scott wears a big ass clock around his neck? I couldn't agree with you more johnnie.......sellouts.
yeah they are totally confusing die hards like myself. they go and go TGOTE and then get joey back? what the fuck?

sellouts indeed.