The Riffs


Sep 19, 2004
Seeing as Paul got his praise I thought I'd give Larry and Vito theirs. One of the reasons I love ND soo much is the riffs(aswell as Pauls Vox ;) ). Larry and Vito seem to produce some of the most heaviest riffs I've heard yet they also seem to contain slight touches that give them maximum emotional impact...I just love this. :Spin: Which guitarists inspire you Larry?

Oh those other kind of riffs are badass too.
I am really looking forward to hearing the new album. The heavy parts of ND have always been the moments I've enjoyed best. Hence 'Dark World Burden' being far-and-away my favourite track on the last album. The death vocals in that are plain just fucking awesome awesome.
Vic Rattlehead said:

Oh those other kind of riffs are badass too.

No riffs I write could ever compare to THOSE riffs!! You just don't fuck with a gang of black men wearing karate gear and wielding hockey sticks.... We were actually just watching this movie before band practice a couple weeks ago. What a great fuckin' movie.
FUBAR said:
Seeing as Paul got his praise I thought I'd give Larry and Vito theirs. One of the reasons I love ND soo much is the riffs(aswell as Pauls Vox ;) ). Larry and Vito seem to produce some of the most heaviest riffs I've heard yet they also seem to contain slight touches that give them maximum emotional impact...I just love this. :Spin: Which guitarists inspire you Larry?

Thanks alot for the compliments, it means alot honestly.

Vito and I have mostly very different influences, and I think that really helps our writing because it's the combination of them which creates the songs we write. I have so many different influences because I have listened to alot of different kinds of music besides extreme metal, and I enjoy playing different styles as well, so that all factors in.
My biggest overall influences would be players like David Gilmour (Pink Floyd), Ritchie Blackmore (Deep Purple), Glen Buxton (Alice Cooper), Jimmy Page (Led Zep), Randy Rhoads, Tony Iommi, Lars (Candlemass), Denis D'Amour (voivod), Alex Lifeson (Rush), Peter Green (Fleetwood Mac), George Harrison (Beatles), Dave Murray (Maiden), Neal Schon (Journey), Rick & Bruce (Trouble).....

In terms of more extreme metal guitarists who've influenced or inspired me I'd have to say Bill Steer (carcass), Tom Warrior (celtic frost), Frank & Boudewyn (Gorefest), Alex (Entombed), Anders (Katatonia), Dan Swano, Chuck Schuldiner, and James Murphy. Those are/were big influences where my heavier writing and playing is concerned.

Mainly alot of my writing draws from a strong influence of Pink Floyd, Candlemass, Entombed, and Voivod. Mix that together and I think you get a pretty good basis for where I'm coming from.

You might notice I listed alot of guitarists from the UK, which is because they just have the best fucking guitarists man!! :headbang: Gilmour, Blackmore, Green, Page, etc., are all amazing.
Ah ok cool and...

NvmbrsDoom5 said:
You might notice I listed alot of guitarists from the UK, which is because they just have the best fucking guitarists man!! :headbang: Gilmour, Blackmore, Green, Page, etc., are all amazing.

...yes we do! :headbang:
hehe, i tried to play some of the riffs on Pale Haunt Departure with my guitar, but since i've been playing the guitar for maybe 2 months,it didnt go too well.
Tab is something we've been talking about doing for you guys it's just so time consuming and when we're busy focusing on new material it's admittedly difficult finding the time and concentration to tab out the old material. However, it can be done eventually. Vito did some tabs of songs that are available on our website if anyone is interested. Like I said, with more time we'll put some more songs up soon.
The tabs I did aren't the greatest, but they should get you by. If you need any explaination on them, you can private message me through here. I don't know when we'll have time to do more tabs, but hopefully we'll get around to them soon.