The Ring...

dreaming neon darkspot

natures' retard
May 13, 2002
in times of grace
*Amos and my movie going experience*...well,it's mainly mine,but Amos will add her commentary whenever she gets here,I suppose.It's not so much on the movie that I am focusing...seeing as how I don't want to ruin it for those of you who haven't had the *pleasure* of seeing the Ring and the fact that I didn't quite get the movie myself(poor,dim darkspot).But I'm mainly talking about what happened to us at the theater.The most amusing part of the night,by far,was when the 3 of us(Amos,our Smashing Pumkin obsessed friend-Cyn- and I) and various other ppl who we were talking to in the theater pissed this one guy off so bad that he started hurling obsenities at us and left the theater.Amos,Cyn and I were making fun of the movie,as we do w/every movie we see together,and I guess we were talking kind of loudly. Well,this whigger(or he appeared to be a whigger) sitting a few rows in front of us all got so fed up that he stood up and yelled "Y'ALL NEED TO LEARN HOW TO SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!"several times as he got up and left.I saw an oppurtunity and yelled "Yeah,go see 8 Mile!"[the Eminem movie thing] after him,which got lots of laughter and agreement from my compainions and many others in there w/us...Darkspot's moment to shine.Anyway,we obviously don't make very good movie-going companions.Now,would anyone care to explain the plot of the Ring to me?There was the first plot that kind of made sense,but then different things happened and that didn't make sense any more and there was a whole new plot.It kind of made sense towards the end of the movie...but there wasn't an actual end to the movie,was there?

if you make a copy of the tape, you don't die.

therefore everything that girl did throughout the movie to try and save herself was completely pointless, since she had already made a copy. Thats why her son is ok, 'cause when she was making a copy with him, his hands were the ones pushing the tape into the thing, she was just guiding his hand.

That girl in the well is just evil, so she'll keep killing people since thats just what she does.

I thought there was plenty in the movie that was worth making fun of, but the more I thought about it it turned into a slightly better movie. I didn't like how pretty much the whole plot was pointless in relation to what the overall plot was, seeing as how it all came full circle back to the beginning... but then it occured to me... going full circle .. ? as in A RING! haha

This movie was a remake of another movie, which I believe comes from a book. Apparantly the original Japanese movie is much better. I'm interested in seeing that one, along with its sequel, and prequel, which focuses more on the life of that evil girl, so I hear...
Another reason I didn't like it too much is because it was really hyped up to me as being "VERY SCARY!!!" and apart from a moment or two in it, I found it to be pretty boring and not all that suspenseful.

That video that the people were watching I thought was really cool. I'd like to see a longer movie in a style like that. I also really enjoyed the scene where the girl comes out of the TV.
good stuff.
Amos,Cyn and I have seen 3 movies together so far-the Ring,Swimfan and Signs.We had the best time making fun of Signs,but Swimfan was just lame.
I didn't get the whole copy of the tape thing,though.It makes a bit more sense now,though.But w/the whole story about that crazy woman,her daughter(Samoa,or something like that)which she wasn't supposed to have and her husband...that kind of made sense.But how did the mad horses have any relevence to the story???And then there was that damn tree that they showed you between frames every 5 minutes.The tape was interesting;kinda like a big long Tool video...except Tool videos are better.My favorite parts of the movie were when the girl come of out the tv screen and that part where the woman was trapped down in the well...I dunno,maybe I'd have to see the movie again to understand it better.
I thought that some of the stuff was pretty freaky as well,I did a lot of hiding behind Amos:lol: But,obviously none of us were paying that much attention.We got some of it,especially Cyn,but for the most part,we were too busy laughing our asses off and yelling at the whigger who told us all to shut the fuck up.So when the usher came in and threatened to throw everyone out of the theater because we were being too loud and we had to pay attention to the movie,we were just lost.

I assume that Samora had some kind of psychic power that drove the horses mad (probably why she didn't like being locked in the barn with them) and not only sent Anna to the nut hatch but hurling Samora into the well and jumping off the cliff as well...also that doctor lady on the island said that Samora could send visions to other people via telepathy or something. Apparently she made the x-ray looking pics out of thin air (as seen on the patient video at the Morgan house) and apparently the videotape from beyond the grave. My take on the whole make the copy angle is that no one ever tried to understand or listen to Samora in life. I think the chick said something about "She just wants to be heard."

Hope that helps. Just my view anyway!:D
ya.. .if ya didnt pay attention to it all, you wouldnt get it... like... when she was being interrogated sort of, it went somethin like
"you dont want to hurt anybody do you?"
"oh yes i do, and it will never stop"

thats where the whole copy-the-tape thing came into play, because they were actually helping Samora do what she wanted
so dnd, you're one of THOSE people. If u weren't talking throughout the movie making fun of it, u might have paid attention and got it. Now don't get me wrong, i'm all for making fun a movie (even if it's good), but only if i rented it, it's fucking expensive to see movies in theater and pisses me off when people are talking the whole time. I don't blame the dude for getting pissed at you, even though i hate wiggers, but seriously, especially in a movie like the ring that relies entirely on atmosphere, u can't ruin it by talking the whole time. that's just not cool

nice crack with the 8-mile comment though, i like :)
I just d-loaded and watched it

know what was cool. right at the end when the guy(noah?), his tv comes on and it shows the well, my phone just began ringing.I started cracking up.

I agree with chromatose, not scary at all.

The storyline itself is not that complicated, but VERY cool, and interesting.

The structure of the movie actually reminded me of CANDYMAN.Which IMO, was much better.

The ONLY thing I am not completely clear on is why making a copy of the tape would save them.
it was helping the little girl do what she wished. hurt people

when the guy was asking her questions in that place, he asked if she really wanted to hurt people. she said "yes i do. and it will never stop"
oh, so making copies made her happy?

saying that it will never stop was kind of pointless right?
I mean, after one made the copy, they could just destroy it and the curse would end, would it not?