The rumours of my death. . .


Sep 4, 2002
Without the Darkness
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were very bloody close to being true!

meant to post this ages ago but didn't want to make such a huge deal out of it all.
but since I dropped notes about hospital and such, thought it best to tell my tale.

basically on the week before the 22nd of Febuary I got an infection that turned into an abscess and took myself to the emergency ward at Calvery Hospital, where it was operated on and drained, taking part of my bowel with it.
But then turned to Necrotising Fasciitis ( don't open this link if you have a weak stomach or hate medical photographs) but was caught in time by the doctors, so only lost a bit of skin on the front on my pelvis (the entire right side from my cock to my hip) and a tiny bit of the left but also unfortunately my scrotum. also part of my bowel/anus and the top of my right leg.

was very lucky because almost spread into my right hip, which would've meant the loss of my entire leg, or into my organs. which would've meant a slow death.

they cut off the necrotic flesh and I survived -since if they had sent me home as originally planned, I'd be pretty much dead -since survival rate from the disease isn't all that high (only found that out recently).
strange that I had no real visible symptoms of it and don't recall how they knew because of all the drugs and post surgery haze (was lucid but messing lots of parts of my memory), so am grateful to the doctors for finding and eliminating it.

after that, spent over a week in ICU where they cleaned out the wound every day and I got massively sick from the morphine, which lead to a couple of psychotic episodes but that's another story.

it was then decided that I would be transferred to the Canberra Hospital (formerly Woden Valley Hospital) for skin grafts and scrotal reconstruction, since Calvery doesn't have the trained staff to do it.
spent a week in the Gastro Ward so they can look after my vast wounds and then they shifted me down for my grafts and reconstruction.

they harvested skin from my right thigh and took skin and muscle from my left leg to reconstruct the scrotum (which my friends have dubbed Robo-Scrotum) and left me unable to move my lower body for several days.

after being taken back to surgery to clean out the dressing and see how things were progressing, gained little but painful use of my legs.

after a few weeks, the graft took as did the reconstruction (but slowly because of issues with the cleaning and bandaging of it) but now, after close to 7 weeks, almost completely healed and am looking to be out of here by this coming friday (the 9th of april, almost 8 weeks after entering hospital).
Any story that involves the term 'scrotal reconstruction' can't be good. Glad to hear that you didn't cark it and that you're on the mend!
I think I speak for everyone when I say, "FAAAARKEN HELL!!!"

Not much else I can say which wouldn't be an understatement to be honest. Just a good thing Oz has a social healthcare system, eh?
My advice: don't skimp on the scrotoplasty. Get the best you can possibly afford. If you can't afford much, get a loan.

You don't want to ever be in a situation where imminent scrotolingus is interrupted by an uncertain pause requiring you to explain "No, I swear they're not herpes scars, I had necrotising fasciitis and needed scrotal reconstruction".
My advice: don't skimp on the scrotoplasty. Get the best you can possibly afford. If you can't afford much, get a loan.

You don't want to ever be in a situation where imminent scrotolingus is interrupted by an uncertain pause requiring you to explain "No, I swear they're not herpes scars, I had necrotising fasciitis and needed scrotal reconstruction".

I think the fact it looks like a side of smoked pork overrules all of that, Ferret
holy shit.....!

glad to hear your on the mend dude! may you and robo-scrotum live a long and trouble free life from here on!
Fark indeed! I knew it wasn't pretty but didn't know it was that bad. Very glad to hear you're over the worst part and will be out of there shortly.
Fark indeed! I knew it wasn't pretty but didn't know it was that bad. Very glad to hear you're over the worst part and will be out of there shortly.

another fucking week and will be out of here

monday will mark two whole months that I've been in hospital, so am hoping to be released by then
any longer and I will seriously lose my temper