The search is finally over....

Congrats! Looks fine, except the lower wing. :P But I prefer the white one. Well, I wouldn't buy one of them anyways, so.. Edwards is the way to go. :D
:lol: I bet that guitar was 1-2 thousand at the least. Please elaborate how a 13 year old makes thta kind of cash?

:lol: ummmm....duh, remember, he was going to whore himself out to old ladies!!!! or sell his jizz to the sperm bank....

no really, that's awesome dude, i'm glad you got it finally! WOOOO!
nice guitar man! i presume your still adjusting playing in the sitting position?

meh, im pretty comfortable, just gotta get used to doing fast licks

practice a lot dude :kickass: i wish had took serious my guitar lessons wen i was 13, instead of getting drunk

even if you eventually change your mind, i think its great! and you should focus on things you like

but take off that damm Demon Burger Tshirt

i practice a lot, i love the guitar. i dont do that whole, getting drunk and smoking thing, its t3h gheyz0rgz. dimmu borgir is t3h pwnz
stfu nerd! :lol:


so on saturday i drove to like 7 guitar shops to look for guitars. went to guitar center of course played a lot of things there. then i went to this store called apple, i've heard it really good, but i heard the service wasnt to great. so i stepped god. just hundreds of guitars. first thing i see is that see through jem with the light and shit. already sold. i also see a jem dna, and a jem 777. im like SHIT! i look at the multitude of guitars...and i set my eyes upon....THE ALEXI they had the black and white, and black and yellow. so i asked this guy to help me pull down the black n yellow one. he says that he'll take me into the back room so its quieter. so he hooks me up to like a 3000 dollar marshall half stack. im like hell ya! i start playing and it fucking amazing. way better then i expected. and he just keeps bringing guitar after guitar in. so then we leave. the next day we go there, and my guitar teacher brandon is there to help me pick out a guitar. so i first get the alexi down, and he starts playing it. and hes totally impressed with it. he plays some others and he says hands down that one is the one to get. my mom is obsessed with me playing "other genres" so he plays some jazz and classic rock stuff, and he says that he was impressed with how it held up for a primarily metal guitar. so we talk to that same guy, who turns out to be the fucking owner, nicest guy on the planet. and my mom says she will think about it. (oh yeah i forgot to say he has a fucking 1954 strat, worth almost 1m. he has some fucking rare ass guitars, ask about it and he probably has it). so she goes home and then se takes a walk. when she comes back she said she thought about it a lot, and she decided that its the best for me and that she'll get it tomorrow (today). im fucking excited as hell, as soon as school got out today i called my mum and asked if she had it and she did. so i just fucking pretty much ran a mile to get to my house. and there it is! i had already played it a lot before at the store...but man it was unreal! it plays so beautifully, the sustain is amazing, access to the higher frets is awesome, very easy playibility sitting down, best guitar i've ever played standing up. just awesome sounding tone, it sounds like a real god damn pro guitar. and of course it look just amazing. the OFR is orgasmic, the simplicity is just what i need.


its not in GP because, i wanted to announce that i finally got it, because i've made threads, asked a LOT about it before. so i wanted to give closure..

ok on topic...

alright i have some questions...

if the neck is painted, wouldnt that be better then wood because then you wont like get heavy neck wear that looks bad on it? or do you? and is it wrong for me to be really overprotective of it right now? i dont have a case so im being REALLY careful, im getting a case next week but still...
its not in GP because, i wanted to announce that i finally got it, because i've made threads, asked a LOT about it before. so i wanted to give closure..

ok on topic...

alright i have some questions...

if the neck is painted, wouldnt that be better then wood because then you wont like get heavy neck wear that looks bad on it? or do you? and is it wrong for me to be really overprotective of it right now? i dont have a case so im being REALLY careful, im getting a case next week but still...
I personally hate panited necks cause they stick.(I heard you can sand them down though). And no if you paid a lot of money for something you might as well be very protective of it.
and is it wrong for me to be really overprotective of it right now? i dont have a case so im being REALLY careful, im getting a case next week but still...

Why buy a guitar for over $1,000 with no case and you don't have one?
My answer is, no, it is necessary for you to be overprotective.