Oh yeah. I worked maybe four days a week, but restaurants (obviously) do most of their business on the weekends, so I'm sure most would hire a weekend guy. They give the best shifts / sections to the best people, though, so at first I suppose they'd have you on in the day a lot, or put you in the lower traffic areas. Really, it's all just sales. If you get people to buy more stuff (which is pretty easy), you'll bring in more money, so they'll start setting you up to get more customers, which means more money in your pocket.
My friend who I told you about who'd make like $400 in a good night, he was great at that shit. We worked at a Pizzeria Uno, where there was full bar and twelve page menu. He'd just sell his ass off. Constanly recommending the most expensive apps, meals, deserts, add-ons (like, "would you like to add shrimp to that steak?" you don't tell them it's $5 more). He'd sell drinks like crazy, too. He thought up all these twisrs on the shirley temple, so he was even selling shit from the bar for kids and people who weren't drinking alchohol. Eventually they started giving him the entire bar / smoking section on Friday and Saturday nights, and he'd just clean up. Motherfucker had has own car and an apartment by 19. All you have to do is get to know people just a little bit, be a little weird and talk about how great everything is.