Yeah it sure is!As long as I don’t start hearing you say this ;”Pahrk The Caaaarh In The Haaavaaard Yaaaard”
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So in the interests of shredding I was having a look around at what James Murphy has done and there is some interesting connections back and forth around not just James but so many others. James played five solos on the album White Line by Greek speed/groove/thrash band Memorain, The Memorain album that followed, Reduced To Ashes (2006) used some barely known drummer named Nick Menza, and Jeff Waters did one solo. The album Evolution (2012) then had another nearly unknown drummer named Gene Hoglan and a barely known guitarist named Steve DiGiorgio, playing on all songs with Jeff Waters again and some bass player with the last name of Ellefson on two tracks.

It's an interesting link of musos through a relatively unknown, and quite good Greek band.
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As with a lot of greek bands the vocals are not the easiest to come to grips with but the band is pretty much a pet project of guitarist Ilias Papadakis. The music also changes a bit for the first four albums because of the players changing. After album four (or five) the line up settled a bit and the music wasn't quite the same, but it was still okay from memory.

Looking at James' wiki list I haven't heard a lot of his 'guest appearances'. I've heard Firewind, Memorain, Malevolent Creation, Gruesome and Vicious Rumors but that's only a fraction of the list. I also haven't heard Cancer and I don't know Knonkhra well enough to remember anything he did with them
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Yeah I assume these guys that played one track or one solo were just contacted through their labels etc and they sent tapes through. Would be a big deal to go all the way to Greece to play one solo :)
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