the soundtrack to my week

cheer up. i will send scores of baby bunnies to your house to hug you, like this little scamp:

No More Will is like in my top 10 metal songs of ever list.

love the whole album.

i ain't a good state of mind though.

The soundtrack of life week has been that really fiona apple album with the really wordy title because I've written like 5 papers in the span of 4 days.
i always try to adopt another rabbit and then when it';s time to introduce him/her to freddy, freddy totally goes nuts and attacks them :(
yea it was at a vet's office. it was always coordinated by their small animal specialist. the dude finally just said freddy was too well trained and when other bunnies do bad things he gets pissed and tries to keep em in line. i guess he stands alone!