Your username...

Originally posted by Spike
Can I take a shot at it!? Please! Please-PLEASE-PUHLEEEASSSEE!!! (Explaining your nick, that is)

I used to rembere what it is, but I'll prolly get it all wrong here, so feel free to correct me ~Z~ :grin:

A few years ago ~Z~ was doing a 'school play' of sorts (or perhaps it was something for a theatre type subject she was taking....?) needless to say she was cast (quite fittingly I believe ;) ) in the roll of a nymphomaniac (I think) who went by the name of....... Zean (Or some other shortened version of ~Zeanra~.

The name kinda stuck afterwards, but she thought it sounded a little silly so she added the 'ra' on the end, hence...... ~Zean-ra~

Was I even close, ~Z~ ?

P.S. Has anyone ever called you 'Zeaney-Baby'. St00pid question I know, but it had to be asked... :grin:

Uh well....quite close...It wasn't a school play but it was a LARP....aaaaand I think the rest of it was quite right. BUT....

quite fittingly?????



Care to explain, Spikey-honey? :Smug: Zeaney-Baby sounds some sorta teddy bear...:bah: Oh, and you were right, it never hurts to ask...ALMOST never...
In the American Final Fantasy 1, the very highest level of white magic spells included the spell XFER. Every spell in that game was limited to four characters (the limitations of the good ol' 8-bit NES, sigh), so there were spells like FIR2 (fire 2), AMUT (anti-mute), etc. I could never figure out exactly what XFER meant. You were also an idiot if you ever used it, because all it did was "reduce enemy defence", but took up your highest-level spell slot and barely ever worked.