Your username...

i did a thread exactly like this...isnt that a coincedence..anyways i can up with my name becuz i love children of bodom, and the seem to have a fascination with the reaper and death, as do i...
Originally posted by Opet
I know several Rosa's here at work. I thought you were a she too. O'well. We all bleed red. I notice that happens a lot. I think Spike was another one. The last avatar change threw me off. You don't always remember everything someone says on here. I liked Black Heart's (I think it was Black Heart) approach to it. Changed the title to "I'm a girl, dammit!" or something similar. :lol: My names from the book The Sunbird.

a) Sorry about that Opet, I'm trying to fiind something more suitable to 'me' but nothings coming up :cry:

b) Are you telling me that my 'Board Member Status' Doesn't give things away :rolleyes:

c) As far as my 'handle' on the forums goes, I'd rather not explain it the in depth way, as it takes a few twists and turns to get there.... Needless to say it is my current nickname (in common use) and has evolved (through many permutations) from my original nickname from way back when. My original nickname was 'Pikelete' (Yeah, go figure) . I can't believe I've for gotten how to spell it!
Are you telling me that my 'Board Member Status' Doesn't give things away :rolleyes:

:lol: Your what? Member status? Huh? ;)
Argh, I'm too tired to explain my nick Ya know... I was really looking forward to finding out once and for all where the hell the word comes from...but, if you're too tired :rolleyes: :lol:

I'm not sure if I wanna know where they take the meat for the kebabs. Simple! From an ass to your table? :dopey:
Mines the nick I used to use years ago when I was a Quake junkie taking refuge in the safe world of digital carnage and mayhem...

I liked it so I use it now...
I live in small town with aprox. 6000 people. Some years back I was the only one riding a skateboard, so my friends thought it sounded fun to call me Board (??). I didn't like it at first, but then I got used to it. Now everybody calls me Board and I more or less calls myself it all the time.
By the way, my real name is Anders, which is a common Danish name.
Originally posted by ~Zeanra~

Argh, I'm too tired to explain my nick :p

edit: I'm not sure if I wanna know where they take the meat for the kebabs...:D

Can I take a shot at it!? Please! Please-PLEASE-PUHLEEEASSSEE!!! (Explaining your nick, that is)

I used to rembere what it is, but I'll prolly get it all wrong here, so feel free to correct me ~Z~ :grin:

A few years ago ~Z~ was doing a 'school play' of sorts (or perhaps it was something for a theatre type subject she was taking....?) needless to say she was cast (quite fittingly I believe ;) ) in the roll of a nymphomaniac (I think) who went by the name of....... Zean (Or some other shortened version of ~Zeanra~.

The name kinda stuck afterwards, but she thought it sounded a little silly so she added the 'ra' on the end, hence...... ~Zean-ra~

Was I even close, ~Z~ ?

P.S. Has anyone ever called you 'Zeaney-Baby'. St00pid question I know, but it had to be asked... :grin:
My name is somewhat a play on words because it's Autumn which is a beautiful month and then Falls... ie. Fall which is also Autumn. I thought it was clever at the time! ::thumbs up!::

The nick I use at every other board but this one though is Autumns Maudlin which I guess basically means the maturity of effusive emotion or something I don't know!!

Other then that I'm going to have to regretfully tell Xenomorph that his name does not mean alien in latin. I took Latin for three years and didn't really learn a damn thing but I'm good buddies with my teacher and talk to him frequently out of school... from what I can remember about latin though Xeno means all or every and morph means to shape. Not latin for alien man sorry.
