The Spanish thread

KillerGon said:
tengo un muy buen manejo del lenguaje lascivo que usan los españoles... me se todas las palabras!! :lol: :lol:

you just said: i keep very good track of the words used by peopole who speak spanish...

am i a god, or am i god?
Glycerine said:
you just said: i keep very good track of the words used by peopole who speak spanish...

am i a god, or am i god?
no, you aren't...

this is what i said: i have a great handling of the lascivious language used by the spanish... i know all the words!! :lol: :lol:
¿Que palabras lascivas conoces?

Yo de jerga argentina solo se decir, ehmm...

Ché boludo!!! :cry:

Ah, y sustituir las LL por SH. :D