The Sports Thread

Hah! Stupid Mavs! What, the best record in the regular season and now on the verge of elimination by Golden State? GO WARRIORS!
I fucking LOVE the Texas Rangers. The Yankees always seem to knock the shit out of them. It's great. I really want to get to Rangers game at Yankee Stadium sometime, but they are never fucking included in my ticket. Why can they never play a Saturday game in New York?
Sorry to clog up the thread but.



Where the fuck was he in the first 4 games dammit.
So Phil Hughes is going to be out for 4 to 6 weeks. God damn it, why the fucking hell can't the Yankees have a pitcher- or a position player, for that matter- stay healthy? They really fucking need to shit can this new conditioning staff. When half the God damn team is going down with muscle injuries, you need to figure out what the problem is. It's not the weather, because it isn't that cold anymore (and it's not happening to other teams) and it isn't age, because it's happening to the older guys and the younger guys. How much do the actual players themselves need to openly complain about the conditioning staff and how many of them need to go on the DL before the front office gets it though their fucking heads that the guys who are supposed to be keeping these players healthy are incompetent? FUCK.

Oh well. At least we should be getting Roger Clemens before long. When he does, and when Hughes comes back, watch them. Their wind-ups and deliveries look almost exactly the same.
I fucking hate the Texas Rangers. Fucking worthless team.
I have Michael Young and Mark Teixera on my fantasy team and those assholes have done nothing for me. :mad:

So Phil Hughes is going to be out for 4 to 6 weeks. God damn it, why the fucking hell can't the Yankees have a pitcher- or a position player, for that matter- stay healthy? They really fucking need to shit can this new conditioning staff. When half the God damn team is going down with muscle injuries, you need to figure out what the problem is. It's not the weather, because it isn't that cold anymore (and it's not happening to other teams) and it isn't age, because it's happening to the older guys and the younger guys. How much do the actual players themselves need to openly complain about the conditioning staff and how many of them need to go on the DL before the front office gets it though their fucking heads that the guys who are supposed to be keeping these players healthy are incompetent? FUCK.

Oh well. At least we should be getting Roger Clemens before long. When he does, and when Hughes comes back, watch them. Their wind-ups and deliveries look almost exactly the same.
Your evil deeds are coming back to haunt you. If only there had been a talented Japanese pitcher available. Oh well.
Your evil deeds are coming back to haunt you. If only there had been a talented Japanese pitcher available. Oh well.

How'd the Sawx do against Igawa, again? Oh. That's right- 6+ innings, two hits, no runs and 6K's. How'd Dice-K do against the Yankees? Not so good.



PS: Remember Hideo Nomo? Yeah, he was hot shit at first, too.
Hey hell awaits:
caption underneath your avatar read "fuck the cubs" bout week ago, right? I agree with you since Ive been hardxxcore SOX fan for the last 20 years!!