At first I thought that further explanation was needed, which is why I took the time to explain myself. You have never once addressed the core of the issues that I and many others have raised. Whatever argument is presented, and no matter how thoroughly and eloquently it may be stated, your response is always the same: "lalalalala you guys are jealous and bitter because you lost." It is easy to be gracious in victory, more difficult in defeat. However you, much like the team you support, seem to have no concept of graciousness or sportsmanship at all.
Ultimately, I'm sad for you and those like you. Most sports fans have been taught from an early age that while winning is nice, how you play the game is as important. Sportmanship and the importance of a strong character are necessary life lessons that sports helps to instill in the young. Apparently you have never learned these lessons.
Sports are entertainment is; a diversion from the pressures of our daily lives. They are not the end-all and be-all of our existence. They are not life and death. None of us will lose our jobs or develop a tumor or see a loved one die due to the outcome of these games. Sports are a leisure activity. The difference between people like you and the rest of the world is that the rest of the world actually cares about things like sportsmanship, character, and fair play.
You, however, care only about winning. And so, when your team is criticized for its repeated examples of bad character and foul play, you are mystified as to why such complaints are being made. The only way your narrow mind can make sense of it is to assume that everybody else thinks like you. In this fantasy world, legitimate complaints about underhanded tactics get translated into jealousy. Because these tactics do not bother you, you cannot conceive how they would bother others. But they do. And that is the central flaw in all of your arguments.
So go ahead, respond as you always do that I'm jealous and disappointed that the Colts lost (not even to the Pats mind you, that's another impressive leap of logic you've consistently taken). If you ever cared to address the issues we've raised, we could possibly have had an interesting discussion. But in every case, you've taken the easy way out.