The Sports Thread

When this whole "spygate" thing came out, a lot of you pats fans talked about being "ashamed" of your team for cheating. Now you say it doesn't matter. Right.

Never said it does'nt matter. They were wrong and simply pushed a rule (that I believe others push) to the edge. I just think the edge they gained is minimal compared to the scope that this is being overblown. Again, assistant coaches can do more from the sidelines ingame than the vid would provide.
When this whole "spygate" thing came out, a lot of you pats fans talked about being "ashamed" of your team for cheating. Now you say it doesn't matter. Right.

It doesn't matter now because the whole cheating issue was resolved after Game 1 of the season. The Pats earned it fair and square from that point on, essentially the entire season.
It doesn't matter now because the whole cheating issue was resolved after Game 1 of the season. The Pats earned it fair and square from that point on, essentially the entire season.

Of course it matters. The big accomplishment is winning every single game, and if they cheated to win even one of them, it obviously tarnishes the entire season.
Seeing it was against the Jets, it wouldn't have made a difference.

That really isn't the point.

Saying it doesn't matter that they cheated because they would have beaten the Jets anyway is a total cop out. It is never a forgone conclusion which team will win. That is why they actually play the games.
So whats the point?
O.k. they cheated, SO DOES'NT EVERBODY ELSE.
At the end of the day we have 4 trips and 3 SB titles in 7 years, thats far better than any other team. Its because they cheated right? Not because they have a genius Coach who is probably more responsible for the Giants having 2-titles under Parcells giving that Belichick was thier masterful defensive Coach, and we know thier defense won those titles. Bottom line, like it or not they are great because they have one of the best Coaches, one of the best Quarterbacks and had a clutch Kicker, its not because they cheated. Pats fans are thrilled, we are not the ones in denial, showing spite, jealousy, bitterness, not trying to have discussions or not answering simple questions. When your team wins and gives you titles you can only be happy not bitter like the rest. Take Spygate and your accusations and shove em, I don't care if the opposing team hands you thier fucking playbook before the game, 18-O is fucking amazing. You still have to strap em on and go out and play the fucking game. Great teams in the past-Steelers, Niners, Broncos etc. have all been dirty, cheap, nasty and have cheated or gained any advantage they can. Its Football not fucking Soccer!
Nice try, but the point is that none of that changes the fact that they cheated to accomplish this undefeated season of theirs. No way around it.

By the way, do you think that claiming- with no shred of supporting evidence- that "everyone does it" makes up for it? Do you think the Pats should get their draft pick back because the others teams probably maybe might have done the same thing at some point in the past? Should MLB stop suspending players for using steroids because "everybody" does it?
Wow. The shit just keeps coming out of the assholes of the Patriots. /shitstorm

I do like the NY Post's retort:

"The Post, ever confident that Eli Manning and company will squash the Pats on Sunday, spent $375 for its own trademark application yesterday - on "18-1."

Our application, No. 77385477, is pending.
" :lol::lol::lol:
1) Yes, it DOES take away from their undefeated season significantly.
2) Sources, faggot. What former NFL players have said that "pretty much every team uses videotape"? What did they mean by "uses videotape"? Did they mean illegal uses of "videotape"? Of course all teams use video, but what the Patriots did wasn't simply watching game film. Also, go find that "exact quote" about ambiguity in the NFL rule. Go find other teams that have been caught cheating. Just saying "I mean teams do this" doesn't mean that there is no issue at hand that needs to be addressed. An undefeated team cheating to go undefeated is a pretty big deal, especially in the modern era when there is so much tied to games in terms of bets and ratings and other things of that nature.

Um "faggot" is pretty unnecessary, don't you think? Just becasuse your Steelers are out of the run and we aren't talking about obscure black metal bands from Norway doens't mean you have the right to act like a prick:loco:

first, tiki barber, cris collinsworth and mike golic ALL SAID ON RECORDED television that it has been common knowledge that teams have always videotaped other teams. so there is 3 sources for you....faggot:lol:

and you still havent really made a credible argument against my claim that the patriots are a dominant, ass kicking team. clearly after they got "caught" videotaping the jets they stopped whatever they were doing. bb got fined half a million bucks for fucks sake. and then they decided to go ahead and kick the living shit out of every team that came in their way, including your Steelers (easy victory for the pats). so, it goes like this: they videotaped another team. they were told to stop. they stopped. and they still have yet be beaten. fucking cry about it some more you little baby. you know goddamed well know if this was the steelers you would be in the opposite position you are in know. its like i wrote before, a few weeks ago. please learn how to separate your personal feelings from factual events that are taking place before you form your opinion. richard is the same way on here. little bitch is such an awful fan he cant fucking stand the fact that his team blew it this year, the patriots are a better team, and brady is BETTER than manning. he wont give NE as a team or any player any credit whatsoever. oh well. i bet it was so hard watching the colts lose that game at home to NE....and then lose at HOME TO THE FUCKING CHARGERS!!!!!! of all teams! fucking san diego - an absolutely mediocre team by all measures. but whatever. im sure its still eating at him on the inside.

the point that is that all you fucking haters are just plain JEALOUS that YOUR teams arent nearly as GOOD as the Pats this year. that is a FACT. if no one on this forum besides us fans from new england is gonna give any credit to the players or the team, then fuck off. go and cry some more, and after tomorrow you can take the whole off season to say how the pats cheated and they werent really a good team and the chargers, and steelers, and colts and giants are all better teams and randy moss sucks and tom brady sucks blah blah blah. hahaha it makes me fucking laugh actually. get a fucking grip on reality and fucking bow down to the patriots, the best team YOU HAVE EVER FUCKING SEEN IN THE NFL.
I'm so certain the Pats are going to win today that I'll make the wager that if the Pats lose, I will have to put a gay pride triangle (or something equally humiliating and disgraceful) as my avatar.

My point is, there is NOT A CHANCE that the Pats will lose. I think I'm just going to watch the game here. I can't wait till WHEN the Pats win.
Um "faggot" is pretty unnecessary, don't you think? Just becasuse your Steelers are out of the run and we aren't talking about obscure black metal bands from Norway doens't mean you have the right to act like a prick:loco:

Why are you making this about who is and isn't in the superbowl? That has no relevance to this argument. You don't even have a leg to stand on here, so instead your going to harp on irrelevant shit for the sake of being a dip shit.

first, tiki barber, cris collinsworth and mike golic ALL SAID ON RECORDED television that it has been common knowledge that teams have always videotaped other teams. so there is 3 sources for you....faggot:lol:

I don't think anyone has ever doubted that teams video tape other teams. I'm pretty sure that this issue is that the Pats were doing it and using the tape in-game. But, hey, I'm a very casual football fan, so...

and you still havent really made a credible argument against my claim that the patriots are a dominant, ass kicking team. clearly after they got "caught" videotaping the jets they stopped whatever they were doing.


bb got fined half a million bucks for fucks sake. and then they decided to go ahead and kick the living shit out of every team that came in their way, including your Steelers (easy victory for the pats). so, it goes like this: they videotaped another team. they were told to stop. they stopped. and they still have yet be beaten. fucking cry about it some more you little baby. you know goddamed well know if this was the steelers you would be in the opposite position you are in know. its like i wrote before, a few weeks ago. please learn how to separate your personal feelings from factual events that are taking place before you form your opinion. richard is the same way on here. little bitch is such an awful fan he cant fucking stand the fact that his team blew it this year, the patriots are a better team, and brady is BETTER than manning. he wont give NE as a team or any player any credit whatsoever. oh well. i bet it was so hard watching the colts lose that game at home to NE....and then lose at HOME TO THE FUCKING CHARGERS!!!!!! of all teams! fucking san diego - an absolutely mediocre team by all measures. but whatever. im sure its still eating at him on the inside.

Do you see the irony in you bitching that everyone else is letting their "personal feelings" cloud the judgment here? Most of your argument consists of irrelevant crap meant to do nothing but take a shot at the people your arguing with. "OH THE PATS DID NOT CHEAT BECAUSE WELL EVEN THOUGH THE GOT CAUGHT DOING IT, IT'S OK BECAUSE THEY- OH YEAH WELL THEY'RE IN THE BOWL BABY, THE COLTS SUCK AND THEY LOST TO A TEAM THAT ISN'T AS GOOD HOW DO YOU LIKE THEM APPLES? HA. THEREFORE THE PATS DID NOT CHEAT."

the point that is that all you fucking haters are just plain JEALOUS that YOUR teams arent nearly as GOOD as the Pats this year. that is a FACT. if no one on this forum besides us fans from new england is gonna give any credit to the players or the team, then fuck off. go and cry some more, and after tomorrow you can take the whole off season to say how the pats cheated and they werent really a good team and the chargers, and steelers, and colts and giants are all better teams and randy moss sucks and tom brady sucks blah blah blah. hahaha it makes me fucking laugh actually. get a fucking grip on reality and fucking bow down to the patriots, the best team YOU HAVE EVER FUCKING SEEN IN THE NFL.

The point is that people hate your team for a pretty good reason, and you can't accept it, so you're acting like a angry little child.

how come the colts arent in the superbowl this year?

I really wish you guys were able to see just how sad your arguments are.
I'm so certain the Pats are going to win today that I'll make the wager that if the Pats lose, I will have to put a gay pride triangle (or something equally humiliating and disgraceful) as my avatar.

My point is, there is NOT A CHANCE that the Pats will lose. I think I'm just going to watch the game here. I can't wait till WHEN the Pats win.

You also said the same thing about Green Bay beating the Giants. well as the Cowboys.

:loco: and this will be you when the Giants win today.
Nice try, but the point is that none of that changes the fact that they cheated to accomplish this undefeated season of theirs. No way around it.

By the way, do you think that claiming- with no shred of supporting evidence- that "everyone does it" makes up for it? Do you think the Pats should get their draft pick back because the others teams probably maybe might have done the same thing at some point in the past? Should MLB stop suspending players for using steroids because "everybody" does it?

Dude, wake the fuck up!
I was the first to admit that the Pats were foolish in keeping the camera on the sidelines and they deserved punishment. So, no they should'nt get thier draft pick back. I'm making the claim that other teams cheated not to direct anything away from the Pats, but because it actually happens. Teams that suck cheat, teams that are great cheat. I don't need evidence to prove this, I know people who work for organizations and what they say, all you need is common sense to know the Pats were not the first team in the history of football to have cheated. It does not take away from the wrong they did, its just they are great because of a genius coach, players etc. I'm sure all thier success is'nt due to cheating, maybe its because they are great and people can't accept it!
Well, call me stupid but I'd rather celebrate 1 Super Bowl title won the right way, rather than 100 won the wrong way. And you can take THAT to the bank!


Its not the "right or wrong way", either you win or you don't! I'm sure the Colts have cheated along the way, it happens. I still think they piped in crowd noise thru the PA system, that is against league rules and you can "take that to the bank".
The Colts laid a bigtime egg at home in the playoffs, so take it out on your own team not other teams.
Dude, wake the fuck up!
I was the first to admit that the Pats were foolish in keeping the camera on the sidelines and they deserved punishment. So, no they should'nt get thier draft pick back. I'm making the claim that other teams cheated not to direct anything away from the Pats, but because it actually happens. Teams that suck cheat, teams that are great cheat. I don't need evidence to prove this, I know people who work for organizations and what they say, all you need is common sense to know the Pats were not the first team in the history of football to have cheated. It does not take away from the wrong they did, its just they are great because of a genius coach, players etc. I'm sure all thier success is'nt due to cheating, maybe its because they are great and people can't accept it!

Uh, as far as I know, nobody is refusing the accept that the Pats are a better team than everyone else in the league. What people seem to be doing is expressing the opinion that the Patriots do not deserve the praise that is being lavished on them because of their cheating, which is obviously true. The accomplishment is diminished by the cheating, even if it was just once.

And, yes, you do need to present some form of evidence aside from "well that's what I heard" when you want to make the claim that "everyone does it".