The Sports Thread

Mathiäs;6917173 said:
They sure fucked the dumbass Giants over some years ago...Pierzynski for Liriano, Nathan, and Boof Bonser. Sabean is a moron.

Ha, yeah dude. I'm sorry, but I think that one's going in the books as one of the most epically lopsided trades ever for a long, long time. But you guys have some pretty good young talent in the farm system, no? And that's a division that'll be relatively easy to improve in, I should think.
Haha, Pierzynski was my fantasy catcher last year and save for one game with like two grand slams he sucked the meat missile all year.

I haven't had a close eye on the deals so far this year, but I have a feeling both the Yankees and the Red Sox will be better next season. I am holding some small hope that Wang will suck next season because sinkerballers aren't always the most consistent (Derek Lowe anyone) but I doubt my wish will be granted.
Grandstanding at its best!
A. Spector has made a career of doing this. Funny how this comes out right before the Superbowl. Don't forget the Pats being accused now of filming the Rams walkthru prior to the SB, I think it was pure genious. Again, all teams do this stuff, there are no rules in WAR! This does not take away from thier dominance, all you need to see is this past seasons record, historic and impressive even if they lose the SB. All this while being warned, under a microscope and not cheating, supposably?:)

I see the Colts did make it to the Superbowl this year, albiet so thier Reps could put a bid in to host a future Superbowl.:) I hope they get the bid because that would give the Pats mucho incentive to win one (SB) on thier field as well.
Grandstanding at its best! Again, all teams do this stuff, there are no rules in WAR! This does not take away from thier dominance, all you need to see is this past seasons record, historic and impressive even if they lose the SB. All this while being warned, under a microscope and not cheating, supposeably?:)

its funny people are still talking about this. have you watched or read any interviews with former nfl players? they all have said that pretty much every team uses videotape. it's pretty unfair in my view to have the NFL instate a rule that so poorly understood by all parties - the teams and the league itself - and then try and interpret it in a way it seems fit. the nfl has come out and said that the rule was "written in such that a degree of ambiguity could exist" or something like that. i read that but i forget the exact quote.

either way though of course it takes nothing away from the patriots season. if they weren't a good, dominant team there is no way they would have gone undefeated in the first place. and didnt the jets get busted for videotaping a month or so ago anyway? i mean teams do this. no current player will admit it because they dont talk about it - but all the former guys have said it was always used by teams and coaches.
1) Yes, it DOES take away from their undefeated season significantly.
2) Sources, faggot. What former NFL players have said that "pretty much every team uses videotape"? What did they mean by "uses videotape"? Did they mean illegal uses of "videotape"? Of course all teams use video, but what the Patriots did wasn't simply watching game film. Also, go find that "exact quote" about ambiguity in the NFL rule. Go find other teams that have been caught cheating. Just saying "I mean teams do this" doesn't mean that there is no issue at hand that needs to be addressed. An undefeated team cheating to go undefeated is a pretty big deal, especially in the modern era when there is so much tied to games in terms of bets and ratings and other things of that nature.
Yup, it is funny.
A rule that is poorly understood and is ambiguous. Thats what the Patriot- haters fail to see, and as you metioned, the players and coaches who sometimes speak of video-taping and damn well know it is happening league wide.
It's just absurd to say that the Patriots being caught cheating in an undefeated season with the prospects of a years-long tradition of continuous cheating being revealed in no way diminishes the Patriots' accomplishments. Of course it does, just like the accusation that Roger Clemens has taken steroids has affected his legacy, except in this case we already have proof that the Patriots cheated.
1)Of course all teams use video, but what the Patriots did wasn't simply watching game film.

Hey genius, we know all teams watch game film, thats a giving. Jesus Christ, has anyone else here ever played football?
The way that the Pats used film in question is the game clock / play-calling stuff that has been done by other teams either by sideline vid or by someone sitting in the second row or anywhere in the building.
Wake the f-up haters, this is happening all the time, why is this so hard to understand? It is not even as effective as the assistant coaches whos jobs are specifically and legally to stand on the sidelines and steal signals, down & distance, play calling etc. and adjust on the spot. This makes the video-taping stuff basically useless for ingame use and has become a completely overblown situation, thus you have a misunderstood stupid rule.
What are you fucking retarded? Is English not your native language? I think it's pretty clear why I said what I said there, and it wasn't because I thought I was relaying new information. Which is why I said "of course." But the fact of the matter is that THE PATRIOTS were CAUGHT CHEATING. This is not an issue about any other team, we are discussing the Patriots and the fact that they have cheated and were caught cheating and turned over tapes dating back to 2006 reflecting similar cheating patterns. Show me EVIDENCE of other teams having done what the Patriots have done and then I'll listen to you about how "every team does it." Until then, shu the hell up about how "every team does it" as if that makes the whole issue go away, swept under the rug as no big deal.

And as far as how effective these tapes are, I'm assuming that they were fucking useful. Why else would the Patriots take the time to take those films and catalogue them into a library of video information? I would imagine that Bill Belichick got some pretty decent usage out of those tapes if he bothered taking the films in the first place. I trust him over your opinion regarding how useful said tapes are.
Fucking get over it hater and stop ranting.
If this was your team you'd take the hit like I have, but don't be oblivious to this, like its not happening throughout the league. I've never once defended or denied the cheating. Therefore, I have asked a simple question before, "do you think this cheating has happened with other teams", and once again no answer? Don't give me the bullshit line of, "well just the Pats have been caught and not other teams", so we can't raise questions or expand on it? Did you forget that the league has warned other teams of doing this before, so it has happened. I'm sure teams have done this before against the Pats or most likely even against your team, so I can raise the fucking question.
I'm asking you to prove your claims and you're not doing it continually, again and again and again. Give me a link that shows that other teams have cheated in the same way that the Patriots have cheated. Provide me with some substantive evidence suggesting that the Patriots are not alone. Show me another team that has prospered doing what the Patriots have done. Otherwise, everything else is just hearsay and speculation. For all we know, the Patriots are the first team in the history of the world to do this.

And this isn't about hating the Patriots. You just keep tacking that on as if that discredits what I'm saying. I'm approaching this from a practical standpoint. The Patriots are currently undefeated and stand to go on to be the first team to do so under a 16 game regular season schedule. In doing so, they were caught cheating. I don't see how anyone in their right mind can not think that this is a very important issue relative to the sports world.

It's like Barry Bonds holding the home run record. He took steroids in order to improve his performance, and it could have very well been the case that he would not have been able to break the record without cheating. It could also very well be the case that the Patriots wouldn't have been able to go undefeated were it not for cheating. Of course it's in the best interest of the Patriots and of the league to marginalize the issue as best as possible and move on, so that they can continue on with their headline, their main attention grabbing story of the season. Of course they don't want their 19-0 team to be marred by a cheating scandal, which is why both the Patriots and the league have continually pushed it under the rug. But it sounds like an issue that needs to be addressed and fully aired. It seems as though there is still much left unsaid, both for the Patriots and for other teams that may have cheated. I would like to see this expelled out in the open, and I would like to see all teams caught cheating to be harshly punished. Marion Jones had her Olympic medal(s?) stripped away from her after it was revealed that she cheated, so obviously cheating in sports seems to be important to some people. Accordingly, I don't like the way that the NFL has been trying to downplay this incident since it happened. The same with the MLB and the steroid issue and the NBA and the referee betting scandal. These things should be explored more, because these days a lot more is riding on the games than just a win-loss record.
Grandstanding at its best!
A. Spector has made a career of doing this. Funny how this comes out right before the Superbowl. Don't forget the Pats being accused now of filming the Rams walkthru prior to the SB, I think it was pure genious. Again, all teams do this stuff, there are no rules in WAR! This does not take away from thier dominance, all you need to see is this past seasons record, historic and impressive even if they lose the SB. All this while being warned, under a microscope and not cheating, supposably?:)


I see the Colts did make it to the Superbowl this year, albiet so thier Reps could put a bid in to host a future Superbowl.:) I hope they get the bid because that would give the Pats mucho incentive to win one (SB) on thier field as well.


its funny people are still talking about this. have you watched or read any interviews with former nfl players? they all have said that pretty much every team uses videotape.

First off, why is it funny that people are still talking about this? Secondly, where's your proof? I've never heard people say that every team does it. I've heard player say they knew a team was doing it. Pretty much what you are saying is, you've seen players claim that every team does it therefore their team does it therefore they are calling themselves a cheater as well. I don't think so.

it's pretty unfair in my view to have the NFL instate a rule that so poorly understood by all parties - the teams and the league itself - and then try and interpret it in a way it seems fit. the nfl has come out and said that the rule was "written in such that a degree of ambiguity could exist" or something like that. i read that but i forget the exact quote.

Fyi, the rule clearly stated where they could and could not tape games.

either way though of course it takes nothing away from the patriots season. if they weren't a good, dominant team there is no way they would have gone undefeated in the first place. and didnt the jets get busted for videotaping a month or so ago anyway? i mean teams do this. no current player will admit it because they dont talk about it - but all the former guys have said it was always used by teams and coaches.

In my eyes, it does take something away from their season. It's just my opinion of course, but they were caught cheating during their "perfect" season.

The Jets weren't "busted," you might want to check your facts a little better. They were given permission by the Patriots organization and the league to film the game. NOT the Patriots coaches calling plays in.

Yup, it is funny.
A rule that is poorly understood and is ambiguous. Thats what the Patriot- haters fail to see, and as you metioned, the players and coaches who sometimes speak of video-taping and damn well know it is happening league wide.

Refer to what I said before. If someone interpreted that rule wrong, then they are a fucking idiot.

Hey genius, we know all teams watch game film, thats a giving. Jesus Christ, has anyone else here ever played football?
The way that the Pats used film in question is the game clock / play-calling stuff that has been done by other teams either by sideline vid or by someone sitting in the second row or anywhere in the building.
Wake the f-up haters, this is happening all the time, why is this so hard to understand? It is not even as effective as the assistant coaches whos jobs are specifically and legally to stand on the sidelines and steal signals, down & distance, play calling etc. and adjust on the spot. This makes the video-taping stuff basically useless for ingame use and has become a completely overblown situation, thus you have a misunderstood stupid rule.

What are you fucking retarded? Is English not your native language? I think it's pretty clear why I said what I said there, and it wasn't because I thought I was relaying new information. Which is why I said "of course." But the fact of the matter is that THE PATRIOTS were CAUGHT CHEATING. This is not an issue about any other team, we are discussing the Patriots and the fact that they have cheated and were caught cheating and turned over tapes dating back to 2006 reflecting similar cheating patterns. Show me EVIDENCE of other teams having done what the Patriots have done and then I'll listen to you about how "every team does it." Until then, shu the hell up about how "every team does it" as if that makes the whole issue go away, swept under the rug as no big deal.

And as far as how effective these tapes are, I'm assuming that they were fucking useful. Why else would the Patriots take the time to take those films and catalogue them into a library of video information? I would imagine that Bill Belichick got some pretty decent usage out of those tapes if he bothered taking the films in the first place. I trust him over your opinion regarding how useful said tapes are.

Fucking get over it hater and stop ranting.
If this was your team you'd take the hit like I have, but don't be oblivious to this, like its not happening throughout the league. I've never once defended or denied the cheating. Therefore, I have asked a simple question before, "do you think this cheating has happened with other teams", and once again no answer? Don't give me the bullshit line of, "well just the Pats have been caught and not other teams", so we can't raise questions or expand on it? Did you forget that the league has warned other teams of doing this before, so it has happened. I'm sure teams have done this before against the Pats or most likely even against your team, so I can raise the fucking question.

Here here on Necs last post.
I'm not really trying to prove claims, just throwing out that I think other teams are doing this. As a fan in general of Football, Baseball etc. yes, integrity goes a long way with me. As much as I root for my Pats, I have mentioned my dismay and have never denied the fact that they were caught cheating. Just like the steriods in baseball, all fingers point at Bonds but we know he is not the only one doing them. Look, I could be dead wrong, the Pats could be the first team to ever do this method of cheating, I just don't believe it. I understand many not liking the Pats for whatever reason. The same level of dislike that others have, is the same level that I support the good that the Pats have accomplished and question that other teams have cheated in the same manner.
Here here on Necs last post.
I'm not really trying to prove claims, just throwing out that I think other teams are doing this.

That is just his and my point as well. You are calling us haters of your favorite team when we have a legitimate reason to call out the Patriots and be angry, but yet you are throwing out baseless claims about the rest of the league just out of spite? That's pretty retarded.
KING R., it was a joke.
I heard that the Colts reps went to Ariz. to put a bid in to host a future Superbowl. So they made it to the Ariz. / SB...get it?
That is just his and my point as well. You are calling us haters of your favorite team when we have a legitimate reason to call out the Patriots and be angry, but yet you are throwing out baseless claims about the rest of the league just out of spite? That's pretty retarded.

I have mentioned that I understand the reason to hate, don't take it so personal. I'm not throwing out claims because of spite, I'm throwing them out for discussion or that its probably true and that I actually believe it. It could also be a hypothetical question, but God forbid if I do that.