The Sports Thread

Not sure why, but I don't really like A-rod. Especially what he did this offseason. I don't understand why the hell he wouldn't want to play for the Yankees forever. They are always going to be in the hunt for a championship. He seems to be a really greedy person.

Oh, you're not alone in not liking him. He's a very tough guy to like. It's tough to put ones finger on it, because it's not like he's a bad guy or anything. He's good to his fans and his family, he plays the game right, all the stuff. He seems so damn image-conscious, though, and he tends to come across as "fake", or as having an ego (hard to blame him on the front). And of course, a lot of people see him as being very greedy, which is fair, but he's very business savvy, and he's cognizant of the fact that people are willing to pay him a lot of money.

The off-season stunt, I figured, was a product of him not being happy in New York, which is reasonable considering the extremely unfair treatment he endured in '06, and the view of him as not being a "true" Yankee, despite being a much better player than "true" Yankees like Jeter and Posada (no knock on them, but A-Rod is just plain better). A lot of people speculated that he wanted to be "the guy", and that is impossible on the Yankees. It really seemed like that had to be the reason, because leaving the Yankees would have damaged his image and would have absolutely destroyed his legacy. And, again, he's so image conscious and so in-tune with the games history, that it seemed like his being truly unhappy was the only way he'd ever want to leave.

Then when he came back, the explanation was that his agent (Scott Boras... sort of like the Drew Rosenhaus of baseball) insisted that there was so much interest in him, that the Yankees would have to give him ~35 mil. a year if he opted out, assuming that the Yankees were bluffing when they said they would not negotiate if he opted out. Well, Hank Steinbrenner (at first) stuck to his word, and so A-Rod was out there for anyone to sign, with Boras setting the minimum price at $30 mil. a year for ~ten years. Obviously, everyone wanted him, but no one could realistically afford it, except for the Yankees, Red Sox (who were not a serious contended for several, non-financial reasons) and the Angels (who couldn't pay him that much, not because they couldn't afford it, but because of the message it would sent to the rest of the team). So, when it appeared the opt-out plan had backfired, A-Rod apologized and pleaded his way back onto the Yankees, and actually ended up getting a really, really sweet, long term deal out of it.

So, in other words, he did it because he thought it would get him a better deal from the Yankees... and it did. Now he's got a very serious chance to end his career as the greatest (and richest) player ever to step onto the field, and if he does, he'll do so as a Yankee, which is what every ball player wants, even if he won't say it out loud.
you can't judge Peyton soley on his rings, i mean Trent Dilfer has a SB ring, and Marino had none, are you going to suggest that dilfer is better than freakin marino?

I'll pretend I did'nt see the "is Dilfer better than Marino"?? Of course many great players don't have rings. I only expect guys like Dilfer to be the one having terrible playoff games with 3-picks, no offense and losing, not Manning being the one. Manning has had some real poor games and never really took the heat for it, and now its like those games never happened.

With Manning being labelled the best for many years, the talent and expectations of thier past teams, I don't think its unfair to question or say they should have more titles. Yeah, anyone can jump up and surprisingly win one, but most great players / teams have 2-4 titles. He may get more, time will tell?

Looks like we are moving on to baseball talk. With the Pats (ouch right now) and Sox recently winning 5 comb. titles, this should be fun?
You see, I'm a Rangers fan... so I don't like A-Rod as much as the next guy, but he's a great player, regardless.

He's maybe the most talented to ever play the game. Though, somehow he has been bad in the playoffs pretty much his whole career. He will at least get ya to the playoffs.
Oh, so you're a homer no matter what sport you're talking about.

All 4 teams all my life man. Talk about going thru tough times with the Pats. The Sox have sent a generation into therapy and damn near killed many elder relatives.:)
I don't know if some here are to young to remember the bad times with both these teams? I'm just enjoying what they have recently giving me.:kickass:
Well I guess I'll just post this here since V5 closed my thread.

Well, yeah I agree, just because Jimmy Johnson says he did it, because he learned it from so and so, and heard so and so did this and that doesn't make it right. No matter which way you slice it, it's cheating and as far as I'm concerned whoever is caught should be punished.

It's fairly obvious to everyone outside of the New England era that Belichick is a piece of shit, and what supports that belief is that fact that he was caught cheating. As far as we are all concerned, he would do anything to win, and that is just wrong.

Besides, not everyone does it, I can almost guaruntee that. There's always a handful of people who are good honest people (pretty much everyone who coached under Tony Dungy) who love the sport and enjoy the challenge. And then there are always those fucks like Belichick and Johnson (which I assume he is telling the truth, not sure why you'd want to make that up to make yourself look stupid).
Well I guess I'll just post this here since V5 closed my thread.

Well, yeah I agree, just because Jimmy Johnson says he did it, because he learned it from so and so, and heard so and so did this and that doesn't make it right. No matter which way you slice it, it's cheating and as far as I'm concerned whoever is caught should be punished.

It's fairly obvious to everyone outside of the New England era that Belichick is a piece of shit, and what supports that belief is that fact that he was caught cheating. As far as we are all concerned, he would do anything to win, and that is just wrong.

Besides, not everyone does it, I can almost guaruntee that. There's always a handful of people who are good honest people (pretty much everyone who coached under Tony Dungy) who love the sport and enjoy the challenge. And then there are always those fucks like Belichick and Johnson (which I assume he is telling the truth, not sure why you'd want to make that up to make yourself look stupid).

OK, so not everyone does it... quite a few do and it's still not going to go away no matter what they do to Belichick. My point still stands.
The Pats were flat out stubborn and should have been punished. Obviously not every team has been proved guilty in cheating but take (J.J.s comments), also line up all the good guy or bad guy coaches, assistants etc in the league and ask if the spy-cheating is going on? I think we would find out its happening more than we think. That was my question / point all along. It was'nt to deflect anything away from the Pats. I'm a huge NFL fan and a fan of the game in general, not just a Pats fan.

Also, your banners / posters are very creative but getting a little rediculous.:)
EDIT: If the bothers Manning actually meet in a SB, what the fuck would the parents do, I can't imagine what they would feel like?:)
I don't care what all of the assistants in the league think about "spy-cheating." Fact is, it's against the rules. And willingly doing so against league rules in the way the Patriots were caught is cheating.

I'm happy that I support one of many fair and honest teams.

As for my sig, meh, I like it. Btw, I made the Patriots one. At least, I added the asterisk and the 18-1. :)
Fair and honest that you know of? :)
What about my edit about Manning v Manning SB and what the parents would be going thru? I can't imagine.
Yeah, do you have a reason to believe that Tony Dungy or anyone that worked for him would cheat? I don't think so. Tony Dungy publically criticized Belichick when he was caught.

As for a Manning Bowl...I don't know. I think either way it's a win-win situation. I mean, if I played my brother in the Super Bowl, I'd try my best to kick his ass. But if he were to win, I wouldn't be that upset.