The Sports Thread

Well I'm pretty sure that 4+ years ago still counts as part of his career, bud.

I should have clarified it as "career with the Yankees". But regardless, that doesn't invalidate my point that his most recent playoff performances have sucked. If he can no longer produce in the playoffs, he is not nearly the asset to the team that he's hyped up to be.
I think we need an NFL thread and a MLB thread. My justification for this is that during the off season for sport X, if sport X fans have something to say, the other sport X fans may not know to join in because they don't have any interest in sport Y and they have not been reading the "Sports" thread.

As for other sports, if there is enough interest, they can make a "sports/other" thread which will constantly be dying off and disappearing.

Who's with me?

I don't think that's necessary. We've had this thread for over a year and the off season discussion for any sport has been minimal. And, generally, it's many of the same posters I'll year, though obviously Richard is most active during football season, me during baseball season, etc.

There are only three sports that are talked about here with any degree of regularity. (American) football, baseball and soccer / football. Sometimes someone will bring up cricket (sp?) or hockey, but that's about it, and this thread has been sufficient so far.
I should have clarified it as "career with the Yankees". But regardless, that doesn't invalidate my point that his most recent playoff performances have sucked. If he can no longer produce in the playoffs, he is not nearly the asset to the team that he's hyped up to be.

No one has played well in the playoffs for the Yankees recently. Check out golden boy Jeter's recent playoff statistics. It's not A-Rod's fault the Yankees can't win in the playoffs. He also single handedly kept the Yankees in contention for about 2 1/2 months.
I should have clarified it as "career with the Yankees". But regardless, that doesn't invalidate my point that his most recent playoff performances have sucked. If he can no longer produce in the playoffs, he is not nearly the asset to the team that he's hyped up to be.

You'd still be wrong since he was good in the '04 playoffs. And plus. Your overall point is pretty lame, as well, since the entire team has failed to show up for the playoffs the last three years, not just him. The idea that he is now "incapable" of performing in the playoffs is laughable. He was better than Jeter in last years playoffs, and yet I don't see anyone saying the Jeter is no longer capable of playing in October.

No one has played well in the playoffs for the Yankees recently. Check out golden boy Jeter's recent playoff statistics. It's not A-Rod's fault the Yankees can't win in the playoffs. He also single handedly kept the Yankees in contention for about 2 1/2 months.

Exactly. Without A-Rod, they wouldn't even have sniffed the playoffs. Hardly "useless".
You'd still be wrong since he was good in the '04 playoffs. And plus. Your overall point is pretty lame, as well, since the entire team has failed to show up for the playoffs the last three years, not just him. The idea that he is now "incapable" of performing in the playoffs is laughable. He was better than Jeter in last years playoffs, and yet I don't see anyone saying the Jeter is no longer capable of playing in October.

I might as well say it now while it's on my mind:

I predict a big season for the Rays (big by Ray standards, anyway). Third place, and maybe they finish close to .500. You saw it here first.
Typically, muzmaze is incorrect.

Nope, and you even kinda corrected yourself in a later post.
Show me all the stats you want, A-rod is not that clutch in the playoffs. He will get ya there, hitting 3- hr's and 8 rbi's in June is great, but in the late innings in playoff games when you need a big hit, this amazing talent has failed repeatedly to deliver. Everyones production goes down in the playoffs, you are facing better pitching, I just think with his talent and star-power he should be doing much better. He is tighter than a snare-drum in the playoffs, he just needs to relax.
I have two words to people who are using that whole "A-rod chokes in the playoffs," or "he's just a regular season player."


Once A-rod comes to grips with the fact that the NY media, and the national media do not control his abilities on the field, his true talent will come out. It's just a matter of time.

They both for the most part have been "just regular season players."
Are you kidding me, the media controlling his abilities? The New York fans won't buy that one. You have that kind of contract and play in a city like NY or Boston were you are expected to perfom and win, you better stand the heat show up and get the job done period, no excuses.
So fans in real sports towns like NY or Boston actually have to play pro sports to be able qualify expectations? Never mind the $'s and support they provide. Sorry in those cities its "if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen"! I have played both sports at a reasonable level (not pro), but if I did play pro and made big money in a major market and had passionate fans- I would expect myself to get the job done for both my teamates and the fans in big games.
Real passionate fans (and players) with real expectations and not fairweather fans who just show up late like its a cookout and don't really care if they win or lose.
Doesn't matter say "any sports town" in general if you'd like- the fact or point is the same.