The Sports Thread


The funny thing is you are looking back to my first post, when i'm actually revising my opinion and CONCEDING points to you - I don't deny this. Why you are doing this I don't know. What do you have to prove?

He does it again, wow.

Show me where you "conceded" points and didn't simply claim that you meant something else all along.

I have a feeling that if I said "ok i changed my opinion, baseball is actually a really cool sport" you'd be saying oooh no you can't say that because that's not what you said in your FIRST POST!

I really don't give a shit what your personal opinion of the sport is.
He does it again, wow.

Show me where you "conceded" points and didn't simply claim that you meant something else all along.

Anywhere I told you to look at what i'm actually saying and to stop looking back to my first posts.

Holy shit, when Dave says he hates a band he liked 2 weeks ago as he does 10 times a day do people say "oh but but but.. you said you LIKED them in your first post".
Anywhere I told you to look at what i'm actually saying and to stop looking back to my first posts.

Holy shit, when Dave says he hates a band he liked 2 weeks ago as he does 10 times a day do people say "oh but but but.. you said you LIKED them in your first post".

Two things:

1- I've read all of your posts on this topic, and NOT ONCE do you admit that you were mistaken. Not once. Rather, you obnoxioulsy shrug off my initial response ("and this is supposed to be important?"), then claim to have been making an entirley different point ("Oh, and no one outside your shitty country cares about baseball either." magically becomes "I pointed out that it's not a major sport in the overwhelming majority of countries. Just because a few South American countries are into it doesn't falsify this."). That is not a concession. That is an argument, and an irrelevant one at that (since no one has tried to say that it's played in the "overwhelming majority" of countries. It isn't). I've re-read everything you've posted on this subject, and you are contradicting yourself left and right whenever one of your points is shot down. You can keep "revising" your opinions all you want, but it doesn't really matter sinse every point you've tried to make has been wrong. I keep arguing with you because you keep being wrong. Regardless of how you spin it ("Only in the United States" or "Oh, well I meant The America's as a whole" or "Well I meant the America's plus Japan") the overall point that you are trying to make is still incorrect.

2- As a matter of fact, people DO point it out when Dave changes his opinion about a band over the course of a week. That is totally irrelevant here, but hey.
fuck chelsea and fuck that ref. that was a total bogus call! there was no foul, he ran straight into finnan. what was he supposed to do, he couldnt get out of the way...

liverpool won that match. great match though. very physical.
Malouda jumped over the ball. he didnt intentionally look for a penalty. Look at all the Chelsea players, they were getting on with the game whilst it happened, and didnt run to the ref at that moment. It was just the ref being a twat. Yes Liverpool should have won, but you cant blame Chelsea for it.
fuck chelsea and fuck that ref. that was a total bogus call! there was no foul, he ran straight into finnan. what was he supposed to do, he couldnt get out of the way...

liverpool won that match. great match though. very physical.
Yeah, it was shocking. I felt we controlled the game up to that point but after that it seemed to knock the stuffing out of us.

I can't actually think of a reason for Malouda to jump into Finnan other than a. trying to foul him or b. trying to win a penalty. People say he tried to dummy it and jump over the ball but it was about a two feet behind him. The guy supposedly has a reputation for this sort of thing.

All in all, a very positive match for Liverpool performance wise, great goal from Torres, things are looking positive so us.
Malouda jumped over the ball. he didnt intentionally look for a penalty. Look at all the Chelsea players, they were getting on with the game whilst it happened, and didnt run to the ref at that moment. It was just the ref being a twat. Yes Liverpool should have won, but you cant blame Chelsea for it.

i dunno man, chelsea was constantly hounding the ref. half the game was spent arguing over fouls. it was actually kind of funny. but after all of the arguing, maybe the ref just caved.

the ref is more to fault than chelsea, but cmon, who intentionally avoids the ball in the box? if he had went for the ball, he would have atleast been actually fouled.
Yeah they were hounding the ref alot, but for the penalty I didnt see any. You have a point about Malouda but also Drogba was right behind, so thats what I saw. The game should have played on, with Drogba on the ball. Luckily the ref has been suspended for the next set of matches. But overall, Torres scored, and hes my favourite player, so all good in my books.
wow, i didnt know they suspended the ref. doesnt change the result of the game, sadly, but atleast its somthing

and i think that torres goal was mostly luck. i mean, great he scored. liverpool is my team and i have torres on my fantasy team, but it was about as close to a miss as you can get! an inch to the right and it would have bounced out instead of in.
speaking of manchester. what do you think of this years city team? lots of hype about them right now
Shit yeah, they're top of the table right now. Sven is a good club manager, and seems to be doing the job so far. But im not expecting too much from them, top half of the table finish, maybe a place in the UEFA cup. We'll have to find out.
So, hey, I don't know if any of the baseball fans were watching tonight, but... well, the Texas Rangers went and scored 30 runs against Baltimore. Uh... yeah. 30 runs. And it was in Baltimore, too. Ouch.
:lol: Yeah it was inch perfect. Dont worry about it. Should be Chelsea and Liverpool at the top of the table at the end though. Considering Man Utd's terrible start.
They'd be working on that hopefully. I see Tottenham and Man City finishing somewhere in the top 5-6 this year. I follow an 'anybody but Chelsea' policy while following the Premier league.