Oh hey I just finished my play. Since you still don't get why you're wrong and therefore an idiot, please read it.
Hibernal Dream: Hey, everybody! You know, since I want to start shit, I'm going to go ahead and say something obnoxious for no reason. Now, don't try and stop me- I don't even know the first thing about what I'm going to insult! Ok, here it goes: Baseball is only played in the United States, which is a shitty country...Oh, they like it in Japan, too.
TIACN: Actually, no... You couldn't by anymore wrong. The sport is actually hugley popular all in East Asia, the Caribbean, Central America and South America. There was also a "world cup" style event that included teams from Europe, Africa and Australia.
Hibernal Dream: Haha, I didn't say that only Americans like it! Ignoring that fact that he actually did say that What I said was that in the overwhelming majority of countries in this world, it isn't popular! Uh... yeah! Yeah, that's what I said! Don't look back at my origional post, now... You'll just have to take my word for it.
Dave: Well, actually, you DID say that only Americans- by which you meant people from the United States- care about baseball.
Hibernal Dream: Wh-wh-whaaaaat? Oh- uh... Well, when I said "country", what I really meant was a whole bunch of them! I meant The America's- which consists of two continents, but hey- for my purposes, I just though I'd refer to is as one shitty country... Surley you knew that's what I meant... since I've been saying that all along. No, no- no need to bring up what I actually said! I was talking crazy back then! What I really mean to say is that the sport in question is ONLY popular in the Americas! Dave has proven me right! Yup, that is exactly what I have been saying this whole time Again ignoring that fact that, no, that isn't what he's been saying.
TIACN: Well, Dave there was accurate in his summary of your incorrect statement. I don't know why you're trying to use it as proof of your point, but... hey, whatever. Anyway, even if you had been saying that it's only popular in The America's, you would still be incorrect since it's played in Japan, Taiwan, South Korea and China as well.
Hibernal Dream: THAT'S WHAT I SAID! I said that it's only played in The America's and hey JAPAN doesn't count ok because it did it would mean I am wrong!
TIACN: Well... you are wrong. The fact that you have to keep altering your statement should be kind of a red flag that, hey, maybe you are talking out of your ass. Oh, and by the way "Japan" is not a blanket term for "Asia", which you seem to think it is.
Hibernal Dream: Kills self with gun
Jessica Alba: Hello TIACN please allow me to fellate you.
TIACN: Awwww yeah.