A Mind Forever Voyaging
Admit it, you just like the shiny pants and the fact you can see the shape of all the players' genitalia.
moi?No, dude, I think he gets his hard ons from lobsters.
well, hibernal_dream, if those childish remarks are all you got, you need to admit America is right.
well, hibernal_dream, if those childish remarks are all you got, you need to admit America is right.
and soccer is anything but fluent, i dont know if we are talking about the same sport here. when i watch it i see a guy inching his way down field with the ball until another guy starts running at him, in which case he lobs it over a team mate's head, making him run to make sure it doesnt go out of bounds, or maybe a guy will slide in an attempt to make a guy lose the ball, making the whole place (for god knows what reason) go wild. repaet for 120 minutes, maybe throw in a score or two, MAYBE. and thats soccer.
Uhh... giving totally inaccurate descriptions of the game is really convincing no-one.
And why the fuck do all Americans think that scoring=excitement? Look at basketball, they a score every 5 seconds so no one really cares about it. Making it so difficult to score is what makes it so exciting, and it means defence is crucial.
Also in NFL if a team is leading by 40 points it's almost impossible to catch up in less than half the game because you need so many goals (touchdowns? lol). In football a 4-0 game (a large lead) can turn around in 10 minutes.
Uhh... giving totally inaccurate descriptions of the game is really convincing no-one.
And why the fuck do all Americans think that scoring=excitement? Look at basketball, they a score every 5 seconds so no one really cares about it. Making it so difficult to score is what makes it so exciting, and it means defence is crucial.
Also in NFL if a team is leading by 40 points it's almost impossible to catch up in less than half the game because you need so many goals (touchdowns? lol). In football a 4-0 game (a large lead) can turn around in 10 minutes.
To be completely honest, I think both of you are fucking stupid for trying to compare two totally different games that happen to share the same name. You ever heard of a thing called "personal taste?" You know, that thing that differs from person to person, like taste in music.
Oh, and no one outside your shitty country cares about baseball either. Well, except the Japs who are like a crazy version of Americans anyway.