The Sports Thread

Barry will DH for the Yankees. They like hiring over the hill mercenaries, especially steroid addled ones.

Funny, I was thinking the same thing the other day, but I think it will only happen if the Yanks miss the playoffs.

I really hope they do miss the playoffs, then I can laugh at every Yankees fan until the next season.
Cause you predicted it. If baseball means anything at all to Barry he should retire a Giant. Just like most of the greats.
Barry will DH for the Yankees. They like hiring over the hill mercenaries, especially steroid addled ones.

You are incorrect, sir. If George Steinbrenner was still running the team, maybe, but not Brian Cashman. Plus, the Yankees really don't need anyone, especially not an OF / DH and especially not one with as much baggage as Barry Bonds. Not to mention, Barry pretty much sucks now. There is absolutley no way in hell that he would ever come close to being a Yankee and you're all on crack for even thinking so. Honestly, the way Theo Epstein us running the Red Sox, Bonds would be a lot more likey to go to Boston. I'm not saying it would ever happen (since he has already said he would refuse to go there), but these days the Red Sox are more likely to pick up a big star than the Yankees are. Epstein is running that franchise the way Cashman did when Steinbrenner was calling the shots. Cashman has moved towards using small trades and developing talent in the minors. Consider the players and pitchers they've called up within the last few seasons and that their farm system is still stacked. Looking at the way the two teams are now being run, I would be very, very shocked if the Red Sox don't have a significantly higher payroll.

The Red Sox actually have more potential revenue than the Yankees. Sounds crazy, yeah, but the Sox actually have the biggest market in the league and have no competition. They could build a 60,000 seat stadium, charge a fortune for tickets, and they would fill it every night.

As for the "sterioid addled" thing... Well, yeah. I know that was probably mostly meant in a joking manner, but I will say this: It seems very, very likely that Giambi will be gone next year. Of course, the Sawx have never had any steroid scandals. Then again, John Henry is buddy-buddy with Selig, Larry Lucchino is a front runner to be the new commisioner, and George Mitchell used to be part owner of the Sox. I'm not saying there's any funny business... but it makes you think. :err:
You are incorrect, sir. If George Steinbrenner was still running the team, maybe, but not Brian Cashman. Plus, the Yankees really don't need anyone, especially not an OF / DH and especially not one with as much baggage as Barry Bonds. Not to mention, Barry pretty much sucks now. There is absolutley no way in hell that he would ever come close to being a Yankee and you're all on crack for even thinking so. Honestly, the way Theo Epstein us running the Red Sox, Bonds would be a lot more likey to go to Boston. I'm not saying it would ever happen (since he has already said he would refuse to go there), but these days the Red Sox are more likely to pick up a big star than the Yankees are. Epstein is running that franchise the way Cashman did when Steinbrenner was calling the shots. Cashman has moved towards using small trades and developing talent in the minors. Consider the players and pitchers they've called up within the last few seasons and that their farm system is still stacked. Looking at the way the two teams are now being run, I would be very, very shocked if the Red Sox don't have a significantly higher payroll.

The Red Sox actually have more potential revenue than the Yankees. Sounds crazy, yeah, but the Sox actually have the biggest market in the league and have no competition. They could build a 60,000 seat stadium, charge a fortune for tickets, and they would fill it every night.

As for the "sterioid addled" thing... Well, yeah. I know that was probably mostly meant in a joking manner, but I will say this: It seems very, very likely that Giambi will be gone next year. Of course, the Sawx have never had any steroid scandals. Then again, John Henry is buddy-buddy with Selig, Larry Lucchino is a front runner to be the new commisioner, and George Mitchell used to be part owner of the Sox. I'm not saying there's any funny business... but it makes you think. :err:
Yeah, I was being unrealistic in my loathing. The Yankees have been running their organization better recently and have Phil Hughes and Melky Cabrera to show for it. Not as good as Papelbon, Lester, Pedroia and Delcarmen, but they're trying. Also, my guess is that the Red Sox, like every team, have had players that used steroids. If I had to guess one guy I would say Carl Everett. But we have never had people so obviously juiced as Giambi or Sheffield.
Yeah, I was being unrealistic in my loathing. The Yankees have been running their organization better recently and have Phil Hughes and Melky Cabrera to show for it. Not as good as Papelbon, Lester, Pedroia and Delcarmen, but they're trying.

And Chien-Ming Wang, Robinson Cano, Joba Chamberlain, Shelley "Mr. Excitment" Duncan and Andy Phillips. :)

Pretty hard to take anyone over Papelbon. That boy's the goods. Looking at their hitting stats, Cano and Pedroia compare pretty well. Cano has more hits, runs, doubles, triples, homeruns, RBI's, total bases and a higher slugging percentage. Pedroia has more and a better average and OBP. As for playing second base, I don't know. There really aren't any reliable fielding statsm so you just have to judge by watching them. Cano is pretty good at 2B but still makes some dumb mistakes and I haven't really seen enough of Pedroia.

So... Yeah, both teams have some pretty good kids.
And Chien-Ming Wang, Robinson Cano, Joba Chamberlain, Shelley "Mr. Excitment" Duncan and Andy Phillips. :)

Pretty hard to take anyone over Papelbon. That boy's the goods. Looking at their hitting stats, Cano and Pedroia compare pretty well. Cano has more hits, runs, doubles, triples, homeruns, RBI's, total bases and a higher slugging percentage. Pedroia has more and a better average and OBP. As for playing second base, I don't know. There really aren't any reliable fielding statsm so you just have to judge by watching them. Cano is pretty good at 2B but still makes some dumb mistakes and I haven't really seen enough of Pedroia.

So... Yeah, both teams have some pretty good kids.
Pedroia committed his 4th error today. Pretty good for a rookie to be on pace for only ~6 errors. He also doesn't make any stupid plays that aren't necessarily errors.

I hear this Joba ("Jofa"? :loco:) fellow throws fast. I can't wait for Papi to take him deep.
Mathiäs;6414527 said:
Duncan will falter once pitchers learn to not throw him a fastball right down the middle.

Maybe, maybe not. Obviously he's not going to keep hitting bombs every five at bats, but the minor leagues do produce good players from time to time.

But for now he's Mr. Excitement.

I hear this Joba ("Jofa"? :loco:) fellow throws fast. I can't wait for Papi to take him deep.

They say that Joba's slider is faster than a lot of guys fastballs.