The point that I've made numerous times so far is that "they do it between batters" has no place in this argument and you're a retard for bringing it up.
Wow, you're STILL not getting it. I take back anything positive I've ever said about you, because you're clearly just a complete fucking neanderthal with no semblance of intelligence resembling modern man. It wasn't IN the argument. It was a passing comment used to heighten the fact that reviews can be done in a short amount of time, say, oh I don't know, the time it takes for a batter to walk up to the plate. You're a retard for not understanding this and extending a very simple concept into a multilayered petty dispute with no real meaning. I'm sure a quick poll of the rest of the people here will say that you're pretty fucking stupid for not being able to understand this from the beginning, and you apparently
still don't.
A.) You did, however, imply that the delay of game would be too short to be an annoyance, which it obviously would be which is why baseball fans don't want a replay. Oh shit!
No I didn't you ponce. Also, I doubt it hasn't been implemented simply because some people might find it annoying.
B.) So since there are already things that delay the game, they should just go ahead and add another one that is unnecessary? That makes a lot of fucking sense. Stop talking.
It IS necessary to get the right fucking calls, which is kind of
the entire point of officiating a baseball game, namely, making the right calls. And sometimes, in order to do so, you need to resort to footage instead of rely on memory.
It's a fucking stupid point because the vast majority of calls do not need review, and the ones that would warrant replay world obviously require more time to analyze than you seem to think.
HO. LY. SHIT. Are you now implying that I mean to have EVERY SINGLE PLAY REVIEWED? PLEASE don't tell me this is what you're extracting from my post now, or I might have to hang myself given the knowledge that there can be a person in this world as so completely stupid as you are right now.
Also, many "close call" reviews can most likely be done on the fly, without formal intervention. The booth can simply look back on the play under their own means and see if the runner really was safe/out, for example, without interfering with the game. This is kind of what they do, you know. They look at a play, and if it looks questionable, they look at it again to see if it needs to be reviewed. Then if it does need to be reviewed, they, you know,
review it and stop the game.
Because I form all my opinions based on disagreeing with you. Pull your head out of you own ass, please. You can roll your fucking eyes all you want, it doesn't change the fact that replay video does not completley convince me that Holliday did not touch the plate. I doubt that he did, but I do not think the video is clear enough to justify over-turning the call. Look, whatever you need to tell yourself to think you're right, fine. But that video is NOT conclusive, and I would think so regadless of whether or not you had decided to argue with me about it.
Luckily you're not the one that needs to be convinced. Also, you're forgetting that these people won't be looking at two camera angle shots on fucking youtube. I'm not saying that there will never be inconclusive results, but it will be a great aid to the sport in terms of getting some poor calls overturned. Every wrong call is an injustice.
The problem here is that I'm right.
In your own little solipsistic world, yes, I bet you're
totally right. I bet you're even the monarch, with a little pink crown and dildo scepter and everything. But in reality, as I'm sure most people who have the endurance to read through your arguments here will be willing to attest, you're full of fucking shit.
Nervous laughter out of fear of not having a proper rebuttal through the internet? Man, that's pretty pathetic.
And it isn't enough of an improvment to justify the problems it will cause and has caused in other sports.
And what are these immense problems aside from potentially making the game lasts for 5 more minutes?
As I've stated before, being able to overrule ONE false call is all the justification that's needed.
You're a real uppity fuckstick. I know it's hard for you accept being wrong, but in this case you are. Get over it, you fucking queer. Also fuck off. And die.
Poll the audience of your own accord. I'm sure you'll find that you don't have much support, or even if they agree with you, they'll likely find the way you go about defending your argument laughable at best.
The moral of this story if that you are wrong, I am right and you should stay the fuck out sports arguments before you embarass yourself further.
You should stay out of anything that involves me in a hostile manner, because it never works out in your favor.