the STUPIDEST things ever said to a Gothenburg metal fan.


I am one sick fuck
Oct 28, 2001
Dallas, TX U.S.A.
Just listen to this arguement......

Stupid person: At The Gates kinda sounds like Korn.

Me: WHAT!?

Stupid person: Yeah, that's all they are is a cross between Korn, and cheesy Iron Maiden riffs.

Me: Dude, you need to clean the shit outta your ears. W.T.F.?

STupid person: Seriously, just listen to "Terminal Spirit Disease", after the first 20 seconds the go into a Korn-riff, and once they reach 2:20 seconds they go into a cheesy Iron Maiden riff.


Other stupid things that have been said to me....

"What's your shirt say?...Dino Bogger? Deemo Bigger? Dimeo Bugoo? Dammu Beergeer?

Some kid: What are you listening to?
Me: Burzum.
Some kid: Brooz'em?

"In Flames suck"

"Korn is so original"

"Limp Bizket was the first band to rap and play guitars"

"Soulfly was better than anything Sepultura ever did."

(some kid playing a Slipknot song)
"Hear how fast those bass petals are going???...How many drummers can do that????
(, every death metal drummer in the entire world.)

(Me playing kid a Children of Bodem song)
"They suck, anyone can play that...."

Every black metal band copied KISS

Siz Feet Under is rapcore

Cradle of Filth is a band????

Suffocation isn't THAT heavy

If the singer for Blind Guardian ever dies, they can just get the guy from Demon's and Wizards.

Metallica didn't sell out they just changed.
:err: :err:
"In Flames is just a rip off of Slayer"
yeah....considering they sound nothing alike...sure...

*me playing my friend a CoB song*
"Dude he sounds like all the other bands you listen too"

"Mudvayne has the fastest double base i have ever heard"

"Children of BoDoom?, Children of Bottom?"

Today -

*me showing my friend my print out of the lyrics for "Crimson Winds" on my binder cover*

Friend making fun of me "Oh I bet everyone will be amazed at your lyrics for Doctor Trankrillity, they dont even know who they are"

Friend 2 : "What you have the lyrics to Dr Feelgood?"

Me: "Dude quit listenting to that rap shit."

Friend: "Alright, let me get my heavy shit...Creed!"

>>(some kid playing a Slipknot song)
>>"Hear how fast those bass petals are going???...How many >>drummers can do that????
>>(, every death metal drummer in the entire world.)

:lol: :lol: that gave me a good laugh.....

why are nu-metal fans so ignorant? (in general of course...)
If the singer for Blind Guardian ever dies, they can just get the guy from Demon's and Wizards.

:loco: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: o_O

A friend of my little brother came over once and they were playing playstation... I played some "Nile" and his friend went... "You listen to white music!"... :err: Ignorant bastard...
I had this guy last weekend at a party ask me "do you have Sepultura's first cd,whats it called,Roots?" and then he tried to tell me Disturbed were better then Testament. He is actually in a nu-metal "band",so nuff said really.
"What's your shirt say?...Dino Bogger? Deemo Bigger? Dimeo Bugoo? Dammu Beergeer?

Some kid: What are you listening to?
Me: Burzum.
Some kid: Brooz'em?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :loco:
hehehehe we all have been nailed down with some words few stupids have told us. "You really like that noise???" "are you a sissy with that long hair look??" "don't you think waring black is quite depressing" "manowar are so technical!!!" "marilyn manson is not so ugly" and all the sort of the above...just odd huh??
the thing i like most is when little girlies with him-shirts (nothing against him from my side! i liked the first two releases VERY much) ask me if I knew opeth (ha!) and that think to know what blackmetal is because they have the newest cradle-release...

quote: deathmetal is when he sings that christians suck and blackmetal is when they sing about the woods and stuff...:lol:
Two guys listened Dimmu Borgir 2001 at headphones for the first time ... then one of them said : " Hey , did you hear it ?!! The drummer has lagged behind"!!
...blessedly are the mentally deranged :D

my favourite statement:
"that sign on your longsleeve (Therion) looks like the Quake I logo!"
Too numerous to mention...A lot of morons here who say they like metal just to be cool (Well, I guess i'm lucky - it's not cool to "be metal" everywhere hehe), that is sad.

The worst thing I know is when there's a party and we're listening to delicious delicious metal, and then some jackass comes asking for boybands....brrrrrrr.....guys who are into boybands....

well most metal bands are boy bands :D

one should go and collect this refined stupidity into a website or something like that. there are numerous sites on the web where statements of LAU (least able users) to helpdesk / support people are collected (maybe one or the other knows "the bastard operator from hell"). i think we should do it with bad music taste as well
I wish I could once have a conversation with a nu-metal kid and set some things straight for him

So, how would you convince that kid that Mikael Stanne is COOLER than Marylin Man$$0n, even if he his eyes are both of the same color? %)
this is one i've had repeatedly from different people on most of the bands i like

-i'd like that kind of music if it wasn't for the vocals...

um, aren't they part of what makes it 'that kind of music' ?

-it's just not catchy enough...

i despair for people sometimes...often
Originally posted by the face of smeg
this is one i've had repeatedly from different people on most of the bands i like

-i'd like that kind of music if it wasn't for the vocals...

um, aren't they part of what makes it 'that kind of music' ?

-it's just not catchy enough...

i despair for people sometimes...often

MY God, I've heard the same thing from so many fuckin people.

So I tell thiem "O.K.....You tell me, could you imagine this kind of music with any OTHER Kind of vocals and it still sound right?"

Them: "Well, I'd like it if it just didn't have vocals at all"

BULLSHIT, then you'd complain that there's "something missing" or it get's boring and repetitive"

grrrr....some people make me sick. I admit, the vocals were a little annoying at first for me, but after a few listen's I got into the vocals more than the music. The fact that other people hated the vocals made me like them even more.:D
Don't much talk with nu-metal listeners.

Overheard this though (names changed to not to humiliate the participants):

"What do you listen to, *beep*?"

"Well, mostly metal. System of a Down, Limp, Korn, Endo. You know mind boggling stuff."

How mind boggling can nu-metal really be... THAT boggles my mind.
system of a down fuckin rule, just as mudvayne (whoever brought up the idea of them sounding like a SLIPKNOT-ripoff doesn't have any sense of music at all or is just totally numb... no offence meant :D ) do. both of them are progressive as hell (especially the latter) and they both have a sound of their own.
the problem is their fans. I'm not older than 19 years and even to me most of them seem like kiddies...
an open mind and a closed fist
I like System Of A Down too, spiders rulz :)
I find them really close to Faith No More's King for a day and IMHO is not similar to the crap slipkSnot are..