Stupidest things ever said to metalheads PART 2

Originally posted by AtTheGates2099

Stupid guy: (screams at the top of his lungs, and every head in the entire building turns and looks at us.) ....LOOK!!!....i TOLD YOU IT SUCKS....IT'S JUST A BUNCH OF BASSED-OUT, NO-TALENT, HISSY, DISTROTED CRAP!!!!!!!

Im gonna have agree with Pacifist Rahvin, let him bleed until he dies, and when he dies, throw his body over the edge of a cliff, drive down, pour carosin over him, light him on fire, and fire a nuclear warhead into his forehead. Than this world will be saved from 1 more close-minded, intolerable idiot.

If this happens I was never here.... *runs into his car and peels off into the distance*
you violent ppl, with the easy that is to say, "hey, I'm sorry if I offended you, but have you taken some time to understand the lyrics of *inserbandhere*
but well I normally don't wear anything that could really annoy anybody. So no uptrighted crosses, no naked girls, no nuns masturbating, no hounds copulatings, no horns, no pentagrams...
some skulls (but just the ones that are grining ;) ) Thankgod Dark Tranquillity and the rest of bands I love don't use imagery to seem more cool than their music is.

fathervic (who doesn't like bands who put image above music)
i guess one of the reasons i got that much into dt back in '94 was that they were so serious about good music while at the same time holding no banners and flying no flag. in a time when metal and its side-products still weren't that prominent and popular, almost any band tried its hand at the 'belong to this group' way to commercial stability. dt, on the other hand, were expressing ideas without telling me i had to (a) commit sexual crimes, (b) offend any religious belief, (c) join a bunch of retards called 'the *whatever* militia', just in order to feel that i'm not alone with my weird musical tastes in a cold cold world.

@fathervic: i couldn't say about their lyrics, i've never heard of a band called 'insert band here' before... are they in any way related to 'they might be giants'? ;)

rahvin. (who fervently hopes he never wore any horns)
That type stuff happens all the time where I work... hahaha... I get such a laugh out of it... People get scared around here when I even put in Nightwish to listen too... And in my cubicle it's me the metalhead... one guy into rap and whatever.. and then one guy that's like a deadhead I think... and then a choir boy.. kinda..... talk about heaven & hell

Originally posted by AtTheGates2099
I swear, this will kill ya.....

:mad: Grrrrr :mad: ....He got my blood boiling. I almost wanted to beat the living crap outta him, but I'm not gonna lose my job over some narrow minded idiot like him. But, I seriously wanted to..... :mad:

He didn't even get to the VOCALS!.....I can understand if he didn't like the vocals, or even the style in general, but this is pathetic!!!

I can tell, we are seriously NOT going to get along working at the same job...
He: What sort of music do you like?

Me: Black metal...

He: Me too, do you have the new Linkin Park CD?

Me: What the fuck????!!!!!!!

He: I saw them in concert last month! It was really heavy but there were some guys that started pushing and stuff so I moved a little to the back of the venue.

:rock: go Linkinnnnnnnnn :mad:
Originally posted by rahvin
i guess one of the reasons i got that much into dt back in '94 was that they were so serious about good music while at the same time holding no banners and flying no flag. in a time when metal and its side-products still weren't that prominent and popular, almost any band tried its hand at the 'belong to this group' way to commercial stability. dt, on the other hand, were expressing ideas without telling me i had to (a) commit sexual crimes, (b) offend any religious belief, (c) join a bunch of retards called 'the *whatever* militia', just in order to feel that i'm not alone with my weird musical tastes in a cold cold world.

so now you understand why I also like BG much more than any other power metal band (no, it's not powermetal :P)??? they just dress as normal guys, they talk like normal guys, it's their music and knives, no swords, no leather, no spikes, no mom's makeup!!!!

Originally posted by rahvin
@fathervic: i couldn't say about their lyrics, i've never heard of a band called 'insert band here' before... are they in any way related to 'they might be giants'? ;)

well I guess you should hear the "Selftitled" album and this "Thei Best Work" which is amazing to me....Definately they ARE metal :goggly:
not so much of a stupid thing said to a metalhead but more like an observation..
the other day i was in the car waiting to turn into the supermarket car park, when this kid walks past... now let me stress- kid (not a munchkin/midget/gnome -underpant or otherwise) so this kids probably about 10-12, and about 4ft high... and this is what makes me laugh...he's got a slipknot shirt on (that goes way pass his knees) and a black leather trenchcoat (probably made to measure) and he's strutting down the street in the most 'metal' way he can fathom('i listen to nu-metal an', i got a penknife in my coat -so don't mess with me - oh and i can't wait to get home cos mummy's bought me the new linkin park cd')
so he walks past and takes one look at me and my opeth shirt, whilst he is figuring out whether to run away to his mummy cos there's a goth on the high street and he's a 'real metaller', or to hurl abuse at this 'goth' - i burst out laughing at this ridiculous stupid kiddy quite uncontrollably, of course he sees and just hurries up his pace....:lol: :lol:
Originally posted by Final_Vision
hmm, if I saw a guy staring at me and laughing for no reason uncontrollably, me thinks id pick up my pace as well hehe.

well, actually FV i'm a girl not a guy, and the that wasn't the point of the story - i was just pointing out the ridiculousness and hilarity at the so called 'nu-metal' fans :p :p :p :p :p :err:
Originally posted by GrandMelancholy
well, actually FV i'm a girl not a guy, and the that wasn't the point of the story - i was just pointing out the ridiculousness and hilarity at the so called 'nu-metal' fans :p :p :p :p :p :err:

although oblivious of your sexual identity, final_vision was clearly just making fun of the situation. methinks he got the gist allright. :)

Originally posted by rahvin

oh, come on, i love iron maiden. haven't you seen my top ten? i just think back in 1980 they were a tad naive... but who wasn't back then? i was 3 years old. you could sure call me naive. ;)


May be the first album or two were such, but Seventh Son? Piece of Mind? No prayer? X-Factor? gee... Harris was more complicated and productive (as lyric writer) than any Heavy Metal band of that era. I think that's one of the reasons I liked them so much - and do today (although other than Opeth's version for "remember tomorrow" i havent heard them for year or so) -- also they were the onliest (or one of few) Metal Bands that I admire that performed here (in this metal sub-sub-province called Israel). Too bad it was after Dickinson's leaving (btw, Skunkwork werent bad either).

Just as a specific story about Iron Maiden and Naivity - I came to know em really, after a big weekend article of a teenager (14 years or so) that commited a suicide, and that was related to his Iron Maiden's fanship (he quoted them too long in his diary). Of course suicide could be because of naivity (and its being crashed), but i dont think it's it. As a matter of fact the Maiden didnt have anything to do it, in my opinion - just the media's scapegoat.

Long live Eddie (that was his name, right?)
Originally posted by GrandMelancholy

well, actually FV i'm a girl not a guy, and the that wasn't the point of the story - i was just pointing out the ridiculousness and hilarity at the so called 'nu-metal' fans :p :p :p :p :p :err:

see what we need here is a big 'M' or 'F' in big bold yellow letters under each profile because without avatars of yourself theres no fuckin way to tell! hehe, my apoligies.

And yes, I understood your point, I just think strangers staring at you seems a bit odd, prompting such a person to indeed not hang around hehe.

Final_Vision: Staring at Rahvin!
i love the maidens, but their lyrics are ok at best. up until '87 or so harris had a happy-go-lucky way with words in the songs and they merely added up but it was clearly nothing to write home about. take alexander the great (synopsis: he came, he saw, he conquered. duh) and all those blatantly repetitive war-themed songs (where eagles dare, etc etc)... there's hardly anything worth remembering but they're simple and they're passionate and i listen to them nowadays and smile without the tiniest hint of malevolence.
x-factor lyrics are mostly quotes from the various books and movies the songs are stemming from, so they might look clever because the source is rather clever (take edge of darkness, fortunes of war). but anyway in my post i was referring mostly to the '80-'85 period, when even the mind-blowing the trooper was plagued by total naivety (my goodness, 'a burst of rounds took my horse below' ?? can you say cheesy? ;) ).
on the other hand, you're absolutely right in that no maiden's song might have favoured suicide in any regular human being: you have to be raving mad to take your life just because anyone told you in the first place, but doing it because you saw who-knows-what in an open, happy, vibrant iron maiden song is way psycho.

Originally posted by Final_Vision

I just think strangers staring at you seems a bit odd,

yes but (an if i didn't make it clearer in my post -i'm sorry:p ) that he was staring at me (ane my opeth shirt) first!!!:grin:

and if i may borrow F_V's words - and thats the end of THAT chapter!:loco: