The Systematic Mixing Guide - Finally out in hard copy!


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Hey all. Since the guide originally began here, I wanted to make sure you folks saw this. Here is the official press blurb:

The Systematic Mixing Guide is finally available in hard copy format. The book is beautifully presented in a perfect-bound, 8.5" x 11" soft cover. It contains the most recent, and final version of the guide.

To those unfamiliar, the Systematic Mixing Guide was an eBook released in early 2012 to great acclaim. Thousands of copies were circulated, and after much demand the printed book is finally here!


You can find the book here:

Otherwise, there is a small competition I'm running on the Systematic Productions Facebook page, where those who share the status go into the draw to win a free copy:
Awesome man! :kickass:
Will definitely buy the hard copy. E-version is a must-have for everyone interested in the subject abd provides great knowledge to all.
Delivery Options (Brasil): :(:(:(:(:(:(:(
Delivers 7 to 21 business days after printing.
Note: This option does not allow tracking
Delivers 4 to 5 business days after printing.
Delivers 2 to 4 business days after printing.
Congrats on finally getting this thing printed up! Question: what's the procedure for getting an updated e-version? I see nothing on the site about logging in for previous customers or updating or anything.
A mass e-mail was sent out to all prior buyers of the guide, to their original purchase address, offering a free download link to the updated guide.

The cost of the book itself was set to account for any potentially excessive postage charges to certain parts of the world. Those in the US, or other easy-access nations should get it for not very much more than the e-book itself.
Anyone received it ? Still too early ? Can't wait to make it look like a coloured Xmas tree because I'm a big colour markers user with a colour code that I use already on dozens of manuals at work. I add sticky markers too to find parts faster when opening the book. In a short time It will be ready to be used on the fly, and I'll make diagrams out of them with my own tweaks. So hurry up, Spanish mailmain !
I bought the digital version of this a couple of weeks back, and I have found it incredibly well done and very helpful.I assume that this is the most up to date version as I don't appear to have any email. Is that correct?