The Tale of Seattle (taken from my Live Journal, l0lz0rz)

Lunar Still

Doodle drawrer
Jan 14, 2006
The Tale of Seattle [Aug. 27th, 2006|09:03 pm]
[ Current Location | Home again ]
[ Current Mood | jubilant ]
[ Current Music | Distorted Mind - Frozen Reflections (Thanks Bozzy!) ]

Okay, a brief recap of the last few days is definitely in order.

I got up early as fucking hell on Thursday to get to the airport. The flight left at 6:39 AM and arrived at 8 in Dallas, which has an airport that can only be described as odd...for instance, one of the janitors is a perfect likeness of Carlos Mencia's brother. I left Dallas at 8:30, and got to Seattle at I ended up spending about 20 hours in the AM. I guess I should mention Brandy, the random chick I met on the flight to Seattle who was going to Alaska for the Army. She was cool.

It was quite a while before Will Bozarth arrived from New Jersey, and quite another while before his guitar finally came through the baggage claim. From there, we found a shuttle to the hotel, and I am convinced that Ray, the driver, was insane. When he drove me back to the airport on Saturday morning, he started acting like he was going to run over old people, and mentioning that he was a felon. Creepy.

We met Tyler (AnvilSnake) at the hotel, and basically just hung around there all night. Dan (DreamNeonBlack) was supposed to arrive at noon, but due to problems at the Connecticut and Chicago airports, he didn't reach the hotel until 7:30 PM. Damn. We went to hang out at Kevin's (Shpongled) house that night, and what did we forumers do after only talking on the internet for months on end?

We talked on the internet some more.

The next morning saw a visit to Denny's for breakfast, where we had some delicious pancakes (nipples!) and made fun of the waitress. I swear, this whole trip was like the forum in real life and a fucking billion times funnier, from the evil elevator in the hotel to Arnold Schwarzenegger and Miss Swan singing a duet on Dreaming Neon Black to Dan singing falsetto while on the toilet.

Anyway, we hooked back up with Kevin (by the way, I have to thank Kevin for being an awesome host and showing us around Seattle), and hung out for a bit on the waterfront. And then, 7:30 rolled around, and the big event was on.

The first three bands on the bill at Studio Seven were actually pretty entertaining, and put on a decent show. That said, the fourth band, who supported Nevermore directly, FUCKING BLEW DONKEY ASS. It was basically a union of every single terrible hard rock cliche to come out of the U.S., and some extra dumb shit. The keyboard player thought he was Nacho Libre, wearing a luchador mask onstage, and the two singers just made it worse. One was a pseudo-hardcore dick, half of whose performance consisted of nothing more than yelling "Circle Pit!" over and over, and no one did it because they hated him.

The second singer, however, was even worse. His main stage trick was pulling down his pants to reveal Incredible Hulk boxers, and jacking off the mic. Just for good measure, he mooned the audience as well. His girlfriend was on some serious ecstasy, as she kept leaning on Tyler and Dan (who were in the front row, along with Bozarth...bastards) to try and grab the dude's dick.

However, there was justice done. At the end of their horrid set, the singer took a bow, and the bass player tried to follow suit, promptly dropping the neck of his guitar straight onto that asshole's head. At that point, everyone clapped and went nuts, as that was the best thing the bass player did all night.

Finally, the crowd was packed in....there was some douche who took the place of the jackoff singer's cockwhore, bragging about the half hour he drove to get there (HAHAHAHAHAHA), and how it was his 6th time seeing Nevermore (Dan has been seeing them since they were Sanctuary in the 80s). He got kicked out later anyway, the bitch.

Despite a few technical problems, Nevermore sent that tiny-ass venue into a fucking frenzy, as I knew they would. The setlist was great, but then again, not-so-great...every album, including In Memory, was represented, EXCEPT Dreaming Neon Black. We asked Warrel about it later, but he simply said it was "a touchy subject." Not something to press on I guess, but damn.

I'm not bitching, by the way. Here's the supreme setlist:

01. Final Product
02. Next In Line
03. Enemies of Reality
04. Matricide
05. What Tomorrow Knows
06. The Garden of Gray
07. Inside Four Walls
08. This Godless Endeavor
09. The River Dragon Has Come
10. I, Voyager
11. Dead Heart in a Dead World
12. Born
13. My Acid Words
14. Narcosynthesis

F'in A.

We waited around forever, talking on the phone to EricT and Isabel (Kvlt Wench) about the show. Finally, we got backstage and hung out with Warrel and watched Jim move some shit. Jeff and Chris were gone already, and Van was his usual elusive self. I now realize how lucky I was to get those pics with Van, as no one else seems to be able to.

Also, Jim seemed to be amused by rather "distinct" sig on the board, and for that I must say that Jim rocks even more than before (pfft, if that was possible!)

We left Studio Seven at about 2 in the morning, so that left me with hardly any sleep before I had to get up and get to the airport...I didn't really get a chance to say goodbye to everyone, but I did accidentally leave Tyler my sunglasses in his Jeep. Maybe that's some sort of consolation. I'll have to send a check to Dan or whoever paid my part of the hotel bill.

The flights back sucked. That's basically all there is to know about that. Although, had I missed my flight in San Francisco, I might have just stayed and seen Death Angel with Isabel and Eric. Hahaha.

So, school starts tomorrow...woohoo.
For some reason we did not meet. I should have introducted myself. I was standing with you guys at the end of the show. I was wearing the Iron Cross hat and the Zero Hour 'T'. Anywho, yes it was indeed a great show. Sorry I we didn't meet.
fading said:
For some reason we did not meet. I should have introducted myself. I was standing with you guys at the end of the show. I was wearing the Iron Cross hat and the Zero Hour 'T'. Anywho, yes it was indeed a great show. Sorry I we didn't meet.

Yeah, I probably should have asked, since most people who loitered around the stage at the end were actually forumers. No one introduced me to Neal, either. :lol:
Lunar Still said:
I swear, this whole trip was like the forum in real life and a fucking billion times funnier, from the evil elevator in the hotel to Arnold Schwarzenegger and Miss Swan singing a duet on Dreaming Neon Black to Dan singing falsetto while on the toilet.
The best part of the trip. <3
Lunar Still said:
The Tale of Seattle [Aug. 27th, 2006|09:03 pm]
[ Current Location | Home again ]
[ Current Mood | jubilant ]
[ Current Music | Distorted Mind - Frozen Reflections (Thanks Bozzy!) ]

Okay, a brief recap of the last few days is definitely in order.

I got up early as fucking hell on Thursday to get to the airport. The flight left at 6:39 AM and arrived at 8 in Dallas, which has an airport that can only be described as odd...for instance, one of the janitors is a perfect likeness of Carlos Mencia's brother. I left Dallas at 8:30, and got to Seattle at I ended up spending about 20 hours in the AM. I guess I should mention Brandy, the random chick I met on the flight to Seattle who was going to Alaska for the Army. She was cool.

It was quite a while before Will Bozarth arrived from New Jersey, and quite another while before his guitar finally came through the baggage claim. From there, we found a shuttle to the hotel, and I am convinced that Ray, the driver, was insane. When he drove me back to the airport on Saturday morning, he started acting like he was going to run over old people, and mentioning that he was a felon. Creepy.

We met Tyler (AnvilSnake) at the hotel, and basically just hung around there all night. Dan (DreamNeonBlack) was supposed to arrive at noon, but due to problems at the Connecticut and Chicago airports, he didn't reach the hotel until 7:30 PM. Damn. We went to hang out at Kevin's (Shpongled) house that night, and what did we forumers do after only talking on the internet for months on end?

We talked on the internet some more.

The next morning saw a visit to Denny's for breakfast, where we had some delicious pancakes (nipples!) and made fun of the waitress. I swear, this whole trip was like the forum in real life and a fucking billion times funnier, from the evil elevator in the hotel to Arnold Schwarzenegger and Miss Swan singing a duet on Dreaming Neon Black to Dan singing falsetto while on the toilet.

Anyway, we hooked back up with Kevin (by the way, I have to thank Kevin for being an awesome host and showing us around Seattle), and hung out for a bit on the waterfront. And then, 7:30 rolled around, and the big event was on.

The first three bands on the bill at Studio Seven were actually pretty entertaining, and put on a decent show. That said, the fourth band, who supported Nevermore directly, FUCKING BLEW DONKEY ASS. It was basically a union of every single terrible hard rock cliche to come out of the U.S., and some extra dumb shit. The keyboard player thought he was Nacho Libre, wearing a luchador mask onstage, and the two singers just made it worse. One was a pseudo-hardcore dick, half of whose performance consisted of nothing more than yelling "Circle Pit!" over and over, and no one did it because they hated him.

The second singer, however, was even worse. His main stage trick was pulling down his pants to reveal Incredible Hulk boxers, and jacking off the mic. Just for good measure, he mooned the audience as well. His girlfriend was on some serious ecstasy, as she kept leaning on Tyler and Dan (who were in the front row, along with Bozarth...bastards) to try and grab the dude's dick.

However, there was justice done. At the end of their horrid set, the singer took a bow, and the bass player tried to follow suit, promptly dropping the neck of his guitar straight onto that asshole's head. At that point, everyone clapped and went nuts, as that was the best thing the bass player did all night.

Finally, the crowd was packed in....there was some douche who took the place of the jackoff singer's cockwhore, bragging about the half hour he drove to get there (HAHAHAHAHAHA), and how it was his 6th time seeing Nevermore (Dan has been seeing them since they were Sanctuary in the 80s). He got kicked out later anyway, the bitch.

Despite a few technical problems, Nevermore sent that tiny-ass venue into a fucking frenzy, as I knew they would. The setlist was great, but then again, not-so-great...every album, including In Memory, was represented, EXCEPT Dreaming Neon Black. We asked Warrel about it later, but he simply said it was "a touchy subject." Not something to press on I guess, but damn.

I'm not bitching, by the way. Here's the supreme setlist:

01. Final Product
02. Next In Line
03. Enemies of Reality
04. Matricide
05. What Tomorrow Knows
06. The Garden of Gray
07. Inside Four Walls
08. This Godless Endeavor
09. The River Dragon Has Come
10. I, Voyager
11. Dead Heart in a Dead World
12. Born
13. My Acid Words
14. Narcosynthesis

F'in A.

We waited around forever, talking on the phone to EricT and Isabel (Kvlt Wench) about the show. Finally, we got backstage and hung out with Warrel and watched Jim move some shit. Jeff and Chris were gone already, and Van was his usual elusive self. I now realize how lucky I was to get those pics with Van, as no one else seems to be able to.

Also, Jim seemed to be amused by rather "distinct" sig on the board, and for that I must say that Jim rocks even more than before (pfft, if that was possible!)

We left Studio Seven at about 2 in the morning, so that left me with hardly any sleep before I had to get up and get to the airport...I didn't really get a chance to say goodbye to everyone, but I did accidentally leave Tyler my sunglasses in his Jeep. Maybe that's some sort of consolation. I'll have to send a check to Dan or whoever paid my part of the hotel bill.

The flights back sucked. That's basically all there is to know about that. Although, had I missed my flight in San Francisco, I might have just stayed and seen Death Angel with Isabel and Eric. Hahaha.

So, school starts tomorrow...woohoo.
Sounds like you guys had alot of fun, sad that I missed it:(
And because they played Next In Line someone has to die. hehe..
Pretty much. He didn't seem happy about it. Haha.

and a half hour ain't nothing... I drove a total 3 and a half hours...

But Dan, Will, and Russell still win.