The 'Thanks, Opeth' thread


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
I was just scouring through the official site and it hit me... just like the Deliverance tour... Opeth are now touring all over the place, all the time. They're making appearances all across the world and back, and all to promote their music and give the fans what they want.

2 members married, one with a whole family, and one member who's unfortunately still out of the game due to medical reasons, yet Opeth still soldier on, with even greater ferocity than ever before.

I think to have a band with this level of dedication... more than 10 years after their outset, is phenomenal.

So here's a big THANK YOU! to:


& a 'hope you get well really soon, man' to... yes, you guessed it... MARTIN!
Wow, that was very nice of you Ermin. :)
Well, as for me I've been fan of this amazing band since My Arms Your Hearse and what can I say? They have changed a part of me for good, how I see the music from my own point of view, what kind of feelings a band can make you feel inside. That's awesome.
Now all this devotion seems to taking shape. They are coming to my country. Something I never expected since we're having financial problems and everything gets worse day by day. I almost envy you all, because you'll never know of what I'm talking about.
Yes, for us -south american people- it's really a dream coming true.
I dream WE will never forget.

Thank you Opeth.
Opeth, high fiev!

even more so, it is a privelege to have me as a fan.

thanks for the great music. thanks in part to you guys charging to the max my love for music, i have recently dropped out of school!!!! but, its okay, i'm going to go to an audio engineering you didn't screw up my life that bad. i'm gonna go drink and waste away to still life.