the thing with r2r

Dark idea

Jul 7, 2003
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People ( some ) will like this album. Thats for sure but, the average age of listeners of in flames is much younger then before. And thats normal cAuse this album is made to have more cash. Look! Everything shows it! The clothe, the music ( the music lost alot of riffs and is basic ) , the shows ( cant go on the stage anymore?? wtf?? ) the look!, Anders drealocks!. In flames are not sell-outs yet but they are real close! Now of course I will get some response to this thread cause alot of r2r listeners don't know anything in music and will say that it is a good album. ( lots of people like this first heard in flames on r2r ) and others are just brain washed. So if you want my advice....R2r sucks hell and it is a insult to the death metal.
@dark idea: read the other long long thread about r2r. plenty of material to discuss over there. no need to clog it all with reroute discussions, right? ;)
btw, what's with you people and this record? it's been out since forever. i hear no one mentioning the new type o negative. or zyklon b. or nevermore. or i don't know. come on.
The new Type O does sound pretty good. I haven't given it it's share of listens to give a good opinion on it yet though. On a side note, I think I listened to the song Bloody Kisses like 5 times last night.
rahvin said:
wasn't it supposed to go through your nose? :err:
I was expecting you to make that exact joke... it's cool when you can predict some things, based in your enormous intellect :p

How about the new arn enemy? I had read it was total crap at the AE forum, but when I listened to it, it sounded very arch enemish :)) ) to me
This board is starting to look like the In Flames board. Every second thread is R2R related... :err: