The "Those of us who frequent this forum" thread

Well, alot of it is taken to the point of hyperbole but the role of gender and sexuality in politics and culture, in a general sense, has a precendent of a few millenia.
I really want to post several things, but its been very busy, and on top of that, my electricity, internet, and hot water was out for 24 hours do to an unusually strong storm here in Chicago. Its now back on, but It might be a few days before everything gets settled and I can properly respond (I hate to announce my intentions and then not carry them through).
I fly back to England from Wisconsin tomorrow, so I will be out of the loop for a couple of days. As well as uploading the Dreyfus Heidegger lectures I promised someone, I'll have more time to start threads/contribute when I get back.

Justin - We caught the end of that storm here in Madison.
speed said:
Thats pretty sweet. Congratulations. I'm sayng a few Tom Fischer OOH's for you, for luck.
Take pictures too. And if you were really comfortable with the Swiss gods of black and death, take em' a Cold Lake cd, and tell em' how much you love it!

No pictures have surfaced yet (they are out there, though), but I was so pumped up after the show, that I spit out a review of the performance (for some local e-zines/forums). I just posted it in the Reviews section for this forum. That section seems to be limited to album reviews, but perhaps you can check it out, if so inclined, before it gets pulled.
^Very cool! "Back-when" I saw them only in that inexplicable, pseudo-glam phase that ushered in their imminent demise - the show was, to very honest so forgettable, I cannot recall the performance at all, but that I met Reed St. Mark & Martin Ain backstage(which was pretty cool then), as I was working as a Stagehand at the time of the show.
It is great that they have come out of the moth-balls to expunge that unpleasant hairspray era away, and reclaim their rightful place in Metal history. (though admittedly I'm rather partial to Hellhammer!)
Nile577 said:
I fly back to England from Wisconsin tomorrow, so I will be out of the loop for a couple of days. As well as uploading the Dreyfus Heidegger lectures I promised someone, I'll have more time to start threads/contribute when I get back.

Justin - We caught the end of that storm here in Madison.

If I had known you were only an hour or two away I would have lined up some things in WI and we could have got a drink (and possibly saved ourselves many online entanglements ;))...

I hope both your trip and return home went well.
Some of you may remember and some of you may not, but I was here causing havoc earlier in the year and I've recently returned, more out of sheer boredom than anything really.

What can I say, I love music and I've been playing guitar off and on for almost 2 decades now I think, have 6 guitars (2 les pauls) and a bass and will one day record a solo cd, played in a few bands, have an honours degree (4 year) in computer science, very much into zen and taoism, spend a lot of time gaming, want to write a horror novel this winter ..maybe have all my friends as characters then kill them off in a variety of creative ways because I'm a tad morbid, I'm amazed at the beauty of (some) females but I think thats part of being Italian and male, I'm working on a number of secret projects that I hope will make me rich before long, I also plan to make an online multiplayer fishing game ..a secret project I can mention, am quite fond of movies and I'm just considering what I want to do the rest of my life.

Hi, my name is Marcio and I never post on this board, but I often read the threads here. I don't make posts here because I don't know enough stuff, but I want to learn hehe. I have some basics in modern philosophy and ancient philophy but it's nothing..

What more can I say? I was a student in accounting in college but I did'nt like it so I'm changing to "human sciences", it's politics, psychology, philosophy, geography, history and social stuff. I don't know what am I going to study in university (here in Quebec (Canada) we have college (after high school and it's 2 years) and university (3 years) after college. Maybe journalism or criminology...

I like many styles of metal as long as it sounds good to me but I don't play any instrument :P I often posts on the Cob Off-Topic boards and Battleheart boards. btw, I'm only 18 yrs old.. I know that many people of my age is not interessed to the kind of discussion you guys have on this board but I think I'm different on that point..

anyway, cya and continue with the good threads :D
MegustaMucho said:
I was a student in accounting in college but I did'nt like it so I'm changing to "human sciences"...Maybe journalism or criminology...
Funny - I did the same thing: Started as an accounting major; ended up with a double major in Psych and Philosophy. I too looked into criminology (forensics in particular) and was enrolled in grad school when I ended up taking a job making video games...what can you do?
MegustaMucho said:
I like many styles of metal as long as it sounds good to me but I don't play any instrument
The Listener far outweighs the Composer - in number and in need. Likewise, the opinion of the "unread" is both needed and encouraged. Feel free to post in this forum on any topic - although philosophical works are referenced, in the end, it is a forum of opinions. If you would like to read more, please check out The Philosopher Book Club thread.
Justin S. said:
If I had known you were only an hour or two away I would have lined up some things in WI and we could have got a drink (and possibly saved ourselves many online entanglements ;))...

I hope both your trip and return home went well.

Heh, yes going for a drink sounds like a good idea indeed. I'll likely be back in the area in a few months, so perhaps we can meet up then.

My trip home was fairly torturous, now that you mention it. Said storm caused delays at Chicago and my flight was re-routed, meaning I missed connections. I also lost all my luggage (again! - it was lost on the way out). Gah, never fly U.S. Airways. There is quite the philosophical epiphany into the nature of loneliness to be had in realising that, despite the continued squeak of the conveyer belt and the single, circulating case which is NOT yours, your luggage will not be turning up and it is time to reacquaint oneself with emergency toothpaste :waah:
My band is playing a gig tonight, and I'm videotaping it, since we're debuting our new song tonight.

I guess I'l link the videos by the end of the week so everyone can see 'em.
The show was a success... Video and pics coming soon, if anybody wants to see me in tight leather pants. :rock: