Grey Eminence
Well, alot of it is taken to the point of hyperbole but the role of gender and sexuality in politics and culture, in a general sense, has a precendent of a few millenia.
The Bringer said:To be honest I've never studied the female orgasm.
speed said:Thats pretty sweet. Congratulations. I'm sayng a few Tom Fischer OOH's for you, for luck.
Take pictures too. And if you were really comfortable with the Swiss gods of black and death, take em' a Cold Lake cd, and tell em' how much you love it!
Nile577 said:I fly back to England from Wisconsin tomorrow, so I will be out of the loop for a couple of days. As well as uploading the Dreyfus Heidegger lectures I promised someone, I'll have more time to start threads/contribute when I get back.
Justin - We caught the end of that storm here in Madison.
Funny - I did the same thing: Started as an accounting major; ended up with a double major in Psych and Philosophy. I too looked into criminology (forensics in particular) and was enrolled in grad school when I ended up taking a job making video games...what can you do?MegustaMucho said:I was a student in accounting in college but I did'nt like it so I'm changing to "human sciences"...Maybe journalism or criminology...
The Listener far outweighs the Composer - in number and in need. Likewise, the opinion of the "unread" is both needed and encouraged. Feel free to post in this forum on any topic - although philosophical works are referenced, in the end, it is a forum of opinions. If you would like to read more, please check out The Philosopher Book Club thread.MegustaMucho said:I like many styles of metal as long as it sounds good to me but I don't play any instrument
Justin S. said:If I had known you were only an hour or two away I would have lined up some things in WI and we could have got a drink (and possibly saved ourselves many online entanglements)...
I hope both your trip and return home went well.