The "Those of us who frequent this forum" thread

I just had a disturbing realization today; I think the university environment is ruining my love of philosophy. :(
There are few things more antithetical to philosophy than the contemporary university. Come on Cythraul, what did you expect?

Concerning more important matters...

Please, fellow posters, let me know who you are when you rep me, as I'm curious by nature.
I don't know what colleges you all go to, but I happen to like my college (VCU)'s philosophy program. We have tons of interesting discussions, and the professors actually make an effort to get to know the students. Granted, it's a small program where I go, so they're able to manage a good student-teacher ratio. Maybe you all are talking about giant lecture classes. I'm curious to know how universities are ruining philosophy, though.
Because the University is a bureaucracy, a business, an industry.

Predictably, philosophy is betrayed, treated as an "interesting" "subject"- three cheers for the smothering of Geist, the oblivion of Sein, the abandonment of denken!
Because the University is a bureaucracy, a business, an industry.

Predictably, philosophy is betrayed, treated as an "interesting" "subject"- three cheers for the smothering of Geist, the oblivion of sein, the abandonment of denken!

I see... so what is your point, exactly? That philosophy professors at a university, by default, have no interest in what they're teaching, and are just doing it to get paid? Or are you suggesting that there's some institutional cover-up of unpopular philosophers?

What do you consider to be the 'proper' environment for a philosophy education, anyway?

John Rawls is the biggest fucking tool... ever.

If you spot one of his books, immediately confiscate it and dispose of with proper indignation.

John Rawls is the biggest fucking tool... ever.

If you spot one of his books, immediately confiscate it and dispose of with proper indignation.

How dare you attack the most important and influential American philosopher. unpatriotic sir, with your high-stepping teutonic airs, attack this fair seeker of justice and liberalism! A Quisling, you are.
Have you read A (Ridiculous) Theory of Justice?

Certainly one of the most absurd and preposterous pieces of writing I have come across, and thats no small feat.
Because the University is a bureaucracy, a business, an industry.

Predictably, philosophy is betrayed, treated as an "interesting" "subject"- three cheers for the smothering of Geist, the oblivion of Sein, the abandonment of denken!

Ego - Pissing contests - Money...the holy trinity of higher ed dysfuntion...

Continental philosophy, by calling into the question the foundation of liberal technocratic epistemology, removed philosophy, history and science from their privileged positions as arbiters of some sort of 'truth.' It simultaneously raised the status of literary criticism - if all discourses are 'fictions,' then literary criticism is elevated in the twinkling of an eye to the premier discipline of the academy. Not surprisingly, lit/English departments latched onto Heidegger, Derrida et al. like a holy talisman. Even less surprisingly, philosophy and history departments rejected the Continental school out of hand and continued to cleave to Analytic philosophy, which reinforced their claims to represent a tradition of 'truth seeking'. There's a bit of 'branding' involved too - survival means showing students that they really offer something different than the lit department (other than more boring texts, that is): headcount is where their budget bread is buttered.

In conclusion, the modern university is a cesspool of faggotry and Judaism disguised as higher learning.
Have you read A (Ridiculous) Theory of Justice?

Certainly one of the most absurd and preposterous pieces of writing I have come across, and thats no small feat.

Also badly written. The linguistic clarity the Anglo-American fucktards fetishistically hold to makes their work read like an 8th grade book report (with much the same intellectual breadth and insight, too).
The linguistic clarity the Anglo-American fucktards fetishistically hold to makes their work read like an 8th grade book report (with much the same intellectual breadth and insight, too).

Is it permissible for me to tell somebody to shut the fuck up in this thread?