THE thread for people who don't wanna get their asses banned

Rune said:
Finnally some Admin who pays attention to this forum. It needs some desparate cleen up.

Ohh and you can ofcourse write your opinion, but saying NEW Bodom sucks isn't an opinion, it's a lie. Even thought Bodom makes a weaker album than hatebreeder and FTR, it dosen't mean that they suck. Alexi still can play amazing, roope is way better than Ale and who gives a fuck about stealing riffs!

Ummm, it's your opinion that it doesn't suck.
COBHC Webmaster said:
Funny that most of you people try to misunderstand me on purpose. Like I said, it's totally okay to state your opinion and hate AYDY. There's absolutely nothing wrong with I hate AYDY threads but just keep it out of the normal discussion. It's just that certain individuals on this board continuously terrorize threads just because they are dissapointed on the new album. If you don't like it, fine, but you don't have to come on every thread to insult people and kill all the on-going discussion. This warning is here just to create a better and more friendly atmosphere on this forum. This forum is for all COB fans and I can't allow some bitter oldschool fans to ruin the fun from the others.

Now this seems better, thanx for trynig to create a friendlier atmosphere. :Spin:
-Gavin- said:
Stopping our opinions of a shit CD is just pathetic...

Some of us try to analyze the CD and give opinions, and if positive opinions, they're being savaged by a party of fucking hyenas which are you Aydy bashers, umbelievable mental violence. :loco:
Bodom’s style has changed, it’s here to stay and I’m getting used to it. If you listen to this CD as a piece of music and NOT as a Children of Bodom CD, you will love it.

Pretty good review.
Lanterns said:
Those bunny threads...that was like when? Summer 2003?

And Gavin I actually agree with what you said on reviews, good approach.

November 30th, 2003, 02:46 PM

Lantern said:
Let's hope... that the Angry Bunny Rabbit will NEVER become a second Timo Tolkki!!!!