The thread heard 'round the UM (Bryant/Glenn)


Mr. Sleepy
Apr 14, 2002
Sweet home Alabama
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First I want to say that I rtuly appreciate everyone's support in this, but here is the deal:

First, I was extremely harsh and out of character on my post to him. Those types of rants are exactly the things that I TRY TO AVERT/AVOID in my posting style. I don't apologize for my opinion, but the approach I used was an extremely poor use of judgement. Cursing someone out is not a good way to promote your opinion and I was flat wrong with the way I handled myself.
Secondly, despite being a long time gold badge holder, I shouldn't be given particular "immunity" for something like my post. Had it been a gold badge holder that maybe is only a lurker on the forum make this type of post, Glenn would ban that person and nothing would be said by others. My familiarity should not be a factor in the decision and that is fair.
Last... I would like to point out that I have absolutely no problem with Glenn as the promoter of PP, nor with him as a person. He and I aren't "chums" but are far from adversaries. My piss-poor post has seemed to stir up some stuff about Glenn and his "holier than thou" attitude, possibly from the "Glenn, you rule" type posts. I can vouch for Glenn that he has always been cocky and it probably takes his type of personality to pull these events off. I don't think Glenn has changed much (considering) over the years, and it wouldn't be Glenn if he were any other way.

I want to personally apologize to Glenn as well as all posters and lurkers on the various forums (particularly the PP forum.) Neither Glenn nor anyone else should be subjected to the garbage I spewed. As I said, it was not my opinion I am apologizing for, but rather my approach and language/name calling etc. I hope I through my previous posts over years and years that this is an isolated event and is far from the way I try to represent myself. I will not subject anyone to things like this in the future.


Bryant post like yours elevate not only your status as a great thinking human being but also what UMOS is about.

I'm eager to meet you face to face at PP next year. I'm honored to be your metal pal :worship:
That was a very good post Bryant. I really hope you worked things out with Glenn. It sucks about what the rules have become, but it seems something had to be done on his part. I hope to see you there next year, along with a lot of the UMOS crew. I can't wait to tell the truth. Hawk, Carnut, Wyvern, KB, Pabla, JD, Wheezer, MXG! Who else is coming aboard this crazy adventure to Atlanta, GA. USA!:rock:
Well thanks for all of the support guys. I hope not to let any of you down with anything like that again. I am far from perfect and get cocky, intoxicated, bored etc. but nothing like that, so if I find that happening again, I'll get a prescription for some valium or something. >:P~

Bryant said:
Well thanks for all of the support guys. I hope not to let any of you down with anything like that again. I am far from perfect and get cocky, intoxicated, bored etc. but nothing like that, so if I find that happening again, I'll get a prescription for some valium or something. >:P~


go listen to some Aquaria, youll be as happy as can be. youll probably even go to CVS and buy a fairy halloween costume that wouldnt sell and jump around in the park around the chess players while listening.

that shit just makes you happy.
No-Mercy said:
go listen to some Aquaria, youll be as happy as can be. youll probably even go to CVS and buy a fairy halloween costume that wouldnt sell and jump around in the park around the chess players while listening.

that shit just makes you happy.

I was picking at their "look" but I am an Accept fan so that says something in itself..... aren't you jealous of Udo ? He has to be the absolute most handsome man in the world. In all seriousness.... I will ive them a try and I don't care how they look. One of my fave guitarists played for White Lion.

Bryant said:
I was picking at their "look" but I am an Accept fan so that says something in itself..... aren't you jealous of Udo ? He has to be the absolute most handsome man in the world. In all seriousness.... I will ive them a try and I don't care how they look. One of my fave guitarists played for White Lion.


i love aquaria, dont get me wrong...but be warned, im one who dresses up as a knight and goes fighting with other ppl dressed up in the forest at the nearby park.

but im also the guy who interrupted a live interview with some local band to come roaring in with leather and a metal church shirt on, playing guitar on an belt amp thing, adn scream Mano-Fucking-War into the camera, and run out the other side.
Excellent Bryant! I was really worried that I wasn't going to get to see you at PP. It really has become the bright spot of my year and it would not have been anywhere near the same without you.
Hello Bryant,

Someone just pointed out this thread to me. That was a very classy post.

Once Deron gets back online, your status will be restored. If it makes you feel any better, your post did inspire me to investigate possible solutions further.

Glenn H.