The thread where you make me laugh.

Of course man! Who else could look so... Immortal-like?
V.V.V.V.V. said:
You guys do know that's Immortal right?

Of course... :)

The only one that manages to pull it off and look awesome is the one in the middle; the other two just look silly.
Scores so far:

12 points to Mr. Toby for whatever the fuck that thing was. :lol:
10 points to GoD for uniqueness.
5 points to Christie fell for scaring me.
15 points to Decadent. Hahah. :lol:
2 points to All Within My Monster, cause you have to give the special kids something.
5 points to genocide roach for posting Salad Fingers.
8 points to V.V.V.V.V. for the witch hat.
12 points to RosesofShadow for the Bung Balm.

These scores are based on my brilliant and super hip scoring system which is far too complex for you monkeys to understand, so just accept them and don't bitch.

Keep going, y'all!