The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

Spectacular Views said:
ive posted here for like 4 years why stop now just because i dont like metal any more

Umm....because it's a Metal forum for discussing Metal music? I used to like watching the Dukes of Hazzard when I was younger, but I don't feel the need to hang around the confederate TV series forum.

P.S. I did you the courtesy of listening to Rilo Kiley on their website. It's utter fucking bollocks.
Carcassian said:
Umm....because it's a Metal forum for discussing Metal music?

actually as has been established previously and as youd know where you not such a fuckin noob is that this forum is for discussion of any music not just metal
byrne said:
its so mature of you to not like metal anymore. cant wait till i get to don a scarfe, green/white stripped skivy and appreciate indie rock. mum and dad will be so proud.

i still listen to darkthrone and burzum sometimes is that ok
byrne said:
its so mature of you to not like metal anymore. cant wait till i get to don a scarfe, green/white stripped skivy and appreciate indie rock. mum and dad will be so proud.

Don't forget Dead Kennedys!


BTW if we're gonna talk about indie/hardcore whatever stuff, we should talk about the new Trapdoor Fucking Exit CD, which is quite good:
Listening to The Cure's Pornography at the moment. A pretty interesting piece of rock - one of very few to for the most part avoid sentimentality. It explores the realisation of the futility of life, love and ambition, followed by the subsequent fall into hopeless and purposeless nihilism verging on madness, dealing with themes such as the emptiness of trying to rediscover meaning through fleeting moments of cheap pleasure, and the uncaring anticipation of the end.
Wow right now I'm really into Coldplay. I have no idea where the fuck that came from... (Is that ok?)

Also really getting into:

Older At the Gates finally, especiallfy first three tracks off WFIKTBD

New God Forbid which is surprisingly really fucking good if you can get past the breakdowns

Dew-scented Good ole thrash :)
V.V.V.V.V. said:
Doesn't have much to do with anything, but fixed the discography page of my site today, and pretty proud of how it came out. Simple yet efficient table alignment usage...

I love your cousin's comment on Myspace. :lol:

I gave your piece a couple of listens and don't really find anything appealing in it, to be honest. But at least I tried. I'd be willing to try other pieces though.
^ i have never seen you be so pleasant when describing a listening experience i know you couldn't possibly have fucking enjoyed.

@ Vx5 - you should raise the font size on your site a couple points, i like the text color so i'd say keep it, but it's one or the other for readabilities' sake.
Grimace: Text stays as is. Hold Ctrl+roll the mouse trackwhell thing towards you a few times. Should make it a bit bigger.

Dew-Scented is not thrash. They are pretty good though (well, Inwards is...).

Dodens: Yeah haha what can I say...I can't just tell my cousins to fuck off when they ask if they can friend me...

Thanks for at least listening...I did spend like two hours editing that track though...haha.