The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

if only i had more stuff out. i am a man of few releases in proportion to other noise dudes who have been around for a year and a half in whatever shape or form...i know one guy who had like 10 splits by that time...i have a lowly 3 releases. :(

i am just waiting for june when Ketoacidosis is gonna be got pushed back cuz the dude is doing thermal printed discs again. so i am excited for it. then as i said Gorelectronics will come out whenever i stop fretting about the master and just send it to the guy. the guy is actually the effect player/synth dude from Tides. he didn't play on their cd i don't think, just played live, and i'm not even sure if he is with them now.

then um...i dunno. if you wanna see another graphic, you can go here:

that is the front page of my site, but i made major improvement to the discog section today, so that is most important.

more graphics by me (upcoming release art and shits): (front and inner art, respectively, of the upcoming split with mutant ape who is pretty cool british noise) (fake art i made to trick people on another forum i go to that the new burzum album leaked. some people believed me. the photography is from a snowy day in a backyard-y area next to my was touched up in PS) (my avatar, bigger so you can actually read it) (inner/outer art for some upcoming tape that's been waiting for release for a year now and is only gonna be 13 copies wtf) (two part epic: tiger vs. godzilla. you decide who wins by which picture you view first! exciting...and i really don't know why i made those...) (an idea i had for a boris shirt. why don't they make shirts that cool? i dunno, ask them!) (a black metal album cover for a band that doesn't exist but should that i made from a picture of a fjord i found on google. kvlt!)

I guess that's sorta it. I should start a *comp graphics gallery!
varg will either:

1. commit some really fucking kvlt act of revenge he's been planning
2. get shot/stabbed/beaten to death by mayhem fanboys/joos/the police
3. start a long and distinguished career as spokesman for the Norwegian division of Zippo.
V.V.V.V.V. said:
That's not a very good opinion.

Tool have never been about being super-vltra fast...

I ment more of an album that didn't go anywhere, nothing was there to spark my interest.
V.V.V.V.V. said:
thx duder

SO who fucking likes the new Tool

*raises hand*

It owns.

I thought it was quite good. Surprisingly 'heavy' feel to the album I thought. Of course, it needs many more listens.