The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

I have purchased quite a few albums lately. I would say my most played are:

Soul Reaper "Written In Blood"
Opeth "My Arms, Your Hearse" and "Deliverence"
Behemoth "Zos Kia Cultus"
Shakti, w/ John McLaughlin
Obscenity "Cold Blooded Murder"
Pelican "Austrilasia"
Unleashed "Where No Life Dwells"
Dimmu Borgir "For All Tid"
I forgot to comment on the albums I listen.

Soul Reaper "Written In Blood"...great album overall

Opeth "My Arms, Your Hearse" and "Deliverence"..DAMN! I haven't heard a bad Opeth Album yet. These two are heavy, both musically and emotionally. I also watched the "Lamentations" DVD finally yesterday, very impressed with it. Very mesmerizing.

Behemoth "Zos Kia Cultus"...good death metal.

Shakti, w/ John McLaughlin...non-metal, kin d of jazzz rock stuff. very impressive to me.

Obscenity "Cold Blooded Murder"...first time i have heard these guys, I would like to hear more.

Pelican "Austrilasia"...very good instrumental album.

Unleashed "Where No Life Dwells"...also, first time i have heard these guys, I would like to hear more.

Dimmu Borgir "For All Tid"...i have heard this one before, also impressive. a must own for every Dimmu Borgir fan.
None_So_Vile said:
Well currently I'm spunking my boxers over...

Watain - Casus Luciferi
Nattefrost - Blood and Vomit
Deathspell Omega - Inquisitors of Satan
Blood Red Throne - Affiliated With The Suffering
Amon Amarth - Once Sent From The Golden Halls
Morgion - Cloaked By Ages, Crowned In Earth
Ulver - Nattens Madrigal

I would ask for recommendations but to be honest, I have no idea of what I really want at the moment

  • Watain is great
    I've been wanting to hear that Nattefrost album
    DS Omega's albums are all excellent
    Blood Red Throne is great
    That Morgion album is absolutely godly

As for recommendations...based on what you like already:

  • Amduscias' solitary self-titled album. Excellent Japanese BM
    Maniac Butcher's Lucan - Antikrist album. Good Czech BM
    Wall of Sleep's Slow, But Not Dead album. Great trad. doom...and...
    Axis of Advance. Either of their albums. Canadian 'militant' black/death

ShroudOfDusk said:
Good idea for the thread.

I try. :)

xxChaoticManifestoxx said:
It'd be cool if people recommended more brutal tech death, avantgarde metal, black metal with excellent songwriting, I already know quite afew, more wouldn't hurt at all.

Brutal tech death: Vomit Remnants, Dripping, Alienation Mental, Mithras, Disavowed
Avant-Garde: Kekal (weird psychedelic drum machine BM/prog), Teen Cthulhu (symphonic hardcore, but avant-garde nonetheless), Earl Shilton (Bolt Thrower drummer's side project), !T.O.O.H.! (progressive-sounding grind)
Black Metal with excellent songwriting: Astrofaes, Gontyna Kry, Ashen Light, Thunderbolt, Weakling, Silencer

Ultimate_Symphony said:

Estradasphere (avangarde, a mix of metal, jazz, oldies, hardcore, big band, hip-hop and some other genres) - Buck Fever

Excellent band. All 3 of their albums are amazing, schizophrenic, and sound great.

anonymousnick2001 said:
...and Oceans - Into The Dynamic Gallery of Thoughts

The Dynamic Gallery of Thoughts is one of the most brilliant and underrated symphonic black albums every spawned.

Barth Vader said:
Can anyone suggest any starter death metal bands that don't sound like carbon copies of each other?


Intestine Baalism - A Banquet in the Darkness
Cephalectomy - Eclipsing the Dawn
Akercocke - Choronzon
Morbid Angel - Blessed Are the Sick
Anata - The Infernal Depths of Hatred
Cynic - Focus
All the stuff Ultimate Symphony said, with 5 stars next to Elvenefris. :worship:

mrweijia said:
...Isn't this thread just "General Music Discussions"????


My recent purchases/noteworthy bands and albums:

Blut aus Nord - The Work Which Transforms God
Sleep - Dopesmoker
Abgott - Fizala
Electric Wizard - Let Us Prey
Unearthly Trance - Season of Seance, Science of Silence

Recently loving:
Sleep (Stoner doom)
Ocean Chief (Stoner doom...>_>)
Church of Misery (Stoner doom...haha)
dot(.) (Stoner
Buried at Sea (Sludge)
Cult of Daath (BM from the underbelly of Illinois)
Inveracity (Greek death metal similar to early Suffocation)

And tons more. Keep this thread alive.
I've been listening to these lately:
Watain - All
Deathspell Omega - All
Ondskapt - Draco Sit Mihi Dux
Funeral Mist - Salvation
Katharsis - Kruzifixxion
Nasheim - Undergång
Darkthrone - A Blaze in the Northern Sky & Under a Funeral Moon
Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
Horna - Hiidentorni and Split with Woods of Infinity
Xasthur - Telepathic With the Deceased
I've been listening to Immolation alot latley. Mostly Unholy Cult and Failures for Gods.

For black metal, I love Burzum, Darkthrone, Moonblood, Fullmoon, Summoning, Beherit, Mayhem, Emperor, Wolfnacht

For death metal, I love Arghoslent, The Chasm, Suffocation, Immolation, Atheist, Cannibal Corpse, Malevolent Creation, Vehemence
I've been listening to alot of grind lately.....Phobia, Nasum, Terrorizer, Birdflesh, Repulsion, Regurgitate, CODC, Pig Destroyer, Lock Up....if there are any more bands like this that have MUST OWN cds let me know.....I love hateful/pissed off grind

Also I have just discovered Sinister.....their first three cds are amazing and very underated
Spirit In Black said:
I've been listening to alot of grind lately.....Phobia, Nasum, Terrorizer, Birdflesh, Repulsion, Regurgitate, CODC, Pig Destroyer, Lock Up....if there are any more bands like this that have MUST OWN cds let me know.....I love hateful/pissed off grind

Discordance Axis, Rotten Sound, Brutal Truth, Hemdale, Malignant Tumour, Japanische Kampfhorspiele, Watchmaker...take your pick. :)
V.V.V.V.V. said:
with 5 stars next to Elvenefris. :worship:

It'd be cool if people recommended more brutal tech death, avantgarde metal, black metal with excellent songwriting, I already know quite afew, more wouldn't hurt at all.
Not sure if you know these, but what the hell:

Weakling - Dead As Dreams
Nagelfar - Srontgorrth
Negura Bunget - 'N Crugu Bradului
Obtained Enslavement - Witchcraft
Bethlehem - Dictius Te Necare
Arckanum - Kostogher, Fran Marder
Taake - Nattestid Ser Porten Vid
Azrael - Into Shadows Act I: Denial
Blut Aus Nord - Memoria Vetusta
Ultimate_Symphony said:
Lately i've been listening to:

Unanimated - Ancient God Of Evil
Fuck yes, i've had this album for a few years and it still owns me everytime I listen to it.

Glad to see alot of people getting into Deathspell Omega, excellent band.

What i've been listening to lately;

Bilskirnir - The Flame of Purification
Nehemah - Shadows of the Past
Haemoth - Vice, Suffering and Destruction
Satanic Warmaster - Opferblut
Dub Buk - Idu Na Wy!
Astrofaes - Heritage
Hate Forest - Purity
Blut Aus Nord - Ultima Thulee
Ad Hominem - A New Race For A New World
Veles - The Black Ravens Flew Again
Carnage - Dark Recollections
Massacra - Enjoy the Violence/Final Holocaust/Signs of the Decline
Nocturnus - Thresholds
Watchtower - Control and Resistance
God Macabre - The Winterlong
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Reactions: TheMick
HannibalGuy said:
Anal Cunt:

40 More Reasons to Hate Us
I Like it When You Die
It Just Gets Worse

Meat Shits:

Fuck Frenzy
Sniper at the Fag Parade
Violence Against Feminist Cunts


Unfinished Business
Thanks....I have heard AC and I have hear of Meat Shits....but Whore is new to me
Somberlain said:
Nehemah - Shadows of the Past
Blut Aus Nord - Ultima Thulee
Ad Hominem - A New Race For A New World
Veles - The Black Ravens Flew Again

Hmm, how do these compare to Light of a Dead Star, The Work Which Transforms God, Planet Zog: The End and Black Hateful Metal respectively?
Guardian of Darkness said:
Hmm, how do these compare to Light of a Dead Star, The Work Which Transforms God, Planet Zog: The End and Black Hateful Metal respectively?

I only know how Blut aus Nord's Ultima Thulee compares, and they're almost equal in goodness, yet quite different in sound. Where TWWTG utilized a detached atmosphere, weird guitar riffs, and astoundingly technical drumming, Ultima Thulee has some folk-y parts, ambient passages (TWWTG isn't unfamiliar to these, but the ones on UT are slightly more peaceful, or something to that effect).
Guardian of Darkness said:
Hmm, how do these compare to Light of a Dead Star, The Work Which Transforms God, Planet Zog: The End and Black Hateful Metal respectively?
Light of a Dead star is probably a better release. Shadows of the Past is more in the style of the the early Norwegian bands, especially early Emperor. A good release, but nothing spectacular. Ultima Thulee is more experimental, contains alot of keyboard laden, epic passages and a bit of ambience in some of the tracks. And as always, the dissonant, haunting riff work. I am currently enjoying this more than TWWTG, definitely check it out. I also find the newer Ad Hominem superior to Planet Zog: The End. It's very similar, but I find myself enjoying A New Race.... more. The Veles is excellent, like Black Hateful Metal, it's full of hatred, sorrowful melodies and an extreme NS influence. The production is crisp and clean, which I think enhances the mood of the album greatly. All well worth checking out.
Spirit In Black said:
I've heard Discordance Axis, Brutal Truth, and Blood Duster any good btw?

Blood Duster is horrible. Maybe it's just me because I'm not much of a grindcore person. Blood Duster is only interesting live because of their energy and absurdity of the stupid shit they sing.