The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

what's up everybody....did any one now the band -nehemah- there from france an undergroud band...probably the best french black metal band
there's another french band wich is -seigneur voland-==>NSBM=national socialism black metal
those are the greatest french band in all the time

I'm quite sure neither of them are better than Belenos.
Just heard this interview with Abbath. Can;t understand the interviewwe but the questions are pretty obvious based on Abbaths responses. He doesn't say anything I havn;t heard but what suprised me is his speaking voice. Based on his vocals for Immortal and I, I did not expect him to sound like he does.
Suis la Lune - Quiet, Pull the Strings! is a neat little Swedish emo release. In places they're doing the emo/postrock thing which is oh so popular these days, but for the most part it's melodic Saetia/Spirit of Versailles influenced stuff (meaning HELLA twinkly parts which is the best thing about emo for me) with a unique flair!

Bob Tilton are great (and I mean really great, and important) emo from the early to mid '90s. Interestingly they actually flirted with mainstream success; did Peel sessions, NME were clamoring to help them blow up, etc., which was an unprecented level of coverage for an emo band, and probably led to them splitting up. Would've been interesting to witness the aftermath had they become the first and only real emo band to go mainstream.
I'm listening to Pan Thy Monium - Dawn of Dreams for the first time right now, and I really don't know what to think. Perhaps it's a grower.
It sure has been for me, a great album. Nowhere near the top tier of DM, but very enjoyable.

I recently redownloaded Afflicted- Prodigal Sun, which left me severely disapointed in the past,but now listening to it I found it quite good.
The gritty production and bad vocals don't seem as bothersome as two years ago when I first heard it. Pretty damn nice early prog death .
Afflicted - Prodigal Sun is indeed very good stuff! Some of the best progressive extreme stuff from that era.

Speaking of Dawn Of Dreams, everyone should check out the German band with that same name; fantastic melodic blackened death.
It sure has been for me, a great album. Nowhere near the top tier of DM, but very enjoyable.

I recently redownloaded Afflicted- Prodigal Sun, which left me severely disapointed in the past,but now listening to it I found it quite good.
The gritty production and bad vocals don't seem as bothersome as two years ago when I first heard it. Pretty damn nice early prog death .

Fuck yeah Bliss, you are seeing the light!
I'm listening to Pan Thy Monium - Dawn of Dreams for the first time right now, and I really don't know what to think. Perhaps it's a grower.

Pan Thy Monium is great. Musically it is out there and expirimental and might seem weird on a few listens, but give it chance from time to time. Dan swano and benny larsson from Edge of Sanity are in the band(not sure if you knew).

Listen to the song 'The Battle of Geeheeb' also.