The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

sikth said:
Excellent review! I checked out Reunion carbide by Garbage disposal the other day, haven't had a chance to listen to it properly but it sounds pretty sweet on first impressions, brutal as a good skull fucking! Tomas corn seems to be a bit of a legend, is he gonna be in the new Lykathea line-up?

Corn is, in fact, going to be featured in the new line-up, assuming they ever release anything. :p
I'm actually sort of worried about it; most of the songwriting was done by that dude who was also in Angelcorpse.

NP- Deeds of Flesh- Spewing Profligacy
If the music is 1/10 as schveeeeet as the cover-art, then it'll be Immolation's best yet, maybe. =)

Yes, i'm pretty sure it will rule. I can't see Immolation writing anything less than pwnage.
fuck, if its 1/10 as good as Unholy Cult it'll fucken own. but has anyone heard anything about release dates or anything tour?
are there any Adhur fans here? anyone got any news of when Eate will release a proper fucken album? they're split with Illbeltz(a former Adhur member's band) and Aiumeen Basoa was awesome and that was what, 3 years ago? RELEASE SOMETHING ELSE YOU LAZY CUNT!
I think the Basque bands are overrated - i think it is really a good idea to connect basque culture and language with metal, but i just think the music itself is nothing great at all.
But Adhur was the best of the bands on the split i think, and i would probably try out a real album by this band/project.
I actually like the Paracoccidioidomicosisproctitissarcomucosis side of their new split with Butcher ABC.

Their first full-length was horrible in the music department, but this shows significant improvement.

And yes, they are a real band. From Mexico.
I'm disappointed too, I think it will narrowly miss my top 10 of 2004 (and I haven't heard a whole lot more than 10 really good albums in 2004)

So far, for me it's their second worst, only "Eyes of the Beast" is less interesting. "Heritage", "Ancestors' Shadows" and "Dying Emotions Domain" are all better.
Can someone reccomend some brutal death metal that's fast and not sludgy to the point of being monotonous?Lately I've been spinning Morbid Angel's Altars of madness all over again for some reason as well as Naglfar's Sheol and Hate Eternal-King of All Kings.
Garloc said:
Can someone reccomend some brutal death metal that's fast and not sludgy to the point of being monotonous?Lately I've been spinning Morbid Angel's Altars of madness all over again for some reason as well as Naglfar's Sheol and Hate Eternal-King of All Kings.
Anata "Under a Stone With No Inscription"

Try that
Garloc said:
Can someone reccomend some brutal death metal that's fast and not sludgy to the point of being monotonous?Lately I've been spinning Morbid Angel's Altars of madness all over again for some reason as well as Naglfar's Sheol and Hate Eternal-King of All Kings.

Saprogenic - The Wet Sound Of Flesh On Concrete
Wormed - Planisphaerium
Gorgasm - Masticate To Dominate
Kronos - Colossal Titan Strife
Mithras - Forever Advancing...Legions
Wow, you guys are helpful I was expecting maybe a 24 hour period of silence and then a few posts telling me about such rare *rolls eyes* bands as morbid angel, and vital remains or something like that. At least that's how it is on other forums at times, anyway I appreciate the help and I'm looking them all up as I type this.
Garloc said:
Wow, you guys are helpful I was expecting maybe a 24 hour period of silence and then a few posts telling me about such rare *rolls eyes* bands as morbid angel, and vital remains or something like that. At least that's how it is on other forums at times, anyway I appreciate the help and I'm looking them all up as I type this.

The point of this topic in the first place was to brag about how awesome the bands you listen to are, as well as to get recommendations. Sinc eit's a sticky thread, now, the replies are very punctual.

In any case, you're welcome.
Garloc said:
Can someone reccomend some brutal death metal that's fast and not sludgy to the point of being monotonous?Lately I've been spinning Morbid Angel's Altars of madness all over again for some reason as well as Naglfar's Sheol and Hate Eternal-King of All Kings.
Lykathea Aflame - Elvenefris
In-Quest - Epileptic
Gorguts - The Erosion of Sanity
Harakiri - Twilight of the Idols
Visceral Bleeding - Remnants of Deprivation
Spawn of Possession - Cabinet
Necrophagist - Onset of Putrefaction
Diabolic - Supreme Evileverything by Suffocation and Immolation

everything by Suffocation and Immolation

i'll stop now