The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

V.V.V.V.V. said:
Argh such a good album! The production is very interesting and the guitarwork is fantastic.
Hehe, that album is so weird. Not because it's weird, but because I listen to it, and I love it, I listen to it again, and I don't know what I thought was so good about it. I listen again, and I love it, again, and I wonder what I or anyone sees in it. I basically change my opinion about it every time I listen to it. :p I keep wondering what that means.
Okcham said:
Is it just me or is that "new" Velvet Cacoon album not good at all?
No it's awesome. The atmosphere is so dense and haunting, and the vocals extremely haunting. The album's absolutly other-worldly.

I've been listening to Weaklings "This Entire Fucking Battlefield" over and over. Such a brillant song and that riff that starts around the 10:00 mark is one of the most emotionally intense riffs I've heard in a while...
I like MBV. :)

Threads about music we hate have been attempted. They always end the same way. Flame-wars and insults. Stupidity. In-jokes and off-topic random humor. They don't work. IMO, they shouldn't work.

This thread is constructive. So constructive that it makes me want to defend VVVVV in other threads. So I do. ;)
Thank you to everyone that came out tonight for the benefit concert for Darrell and the other shooting victims. 200 Denver fans came out, on a cold weeknight, on a moments notice, in memory of, and out of respect to those killed. Our hearts go out to the families and friends left behind. Please know, Denver shares your grief, as does the rest of the nation, we have all been touched in ways that cannot be described here.
Thank you to:
NIPP - For your generosity, tickets at the door went directly to the fund
Staff here at RMMG - for working your fingers to the bone on short notice to pull this together, Kelton, Nicole, Chris, Jeff.. thank you.
Uncle Nasty at KBPI 106.7 - YOU HAVE HEART, and are for real.
Switchpin - Thank you for the moment of silence, you could have heard a pin drop, thank you for the respect you showed, and for the heart.
Skapegoat - For the Scarecrow Ballad you dedicated to Darrell.. for passing his picture around the audience, and for causing a mini sea of fans to take out their lighters, and secure a moment in time, that can only be described as from the soul.
Envy, Negative 4 - Thank you for your performances, and for contributing to the cause, you have heart.
Foxnews and Denver 4 News, thank you for coming out and covering this event.. you have heart, and it shows.
Tina - Thank you for reporting this event.. The Dirt is and always has been, Denver's official underground concert and band news source.. Your heart showed today, thank you.
And for everyone that helped get the word out, on such a short notice, that our concert had been changed to a benefit concert, in a two hour period, THANK YOU, from RMMG, and everyone else, thank you.
And finally, to the fans that came out to support this effort.. without you, this would not have been possible.
We are starting a memorial fund with the money raised tonight, for the victims families. This account is going to be held open for the rest of the month. I will post information so that if any fans would like to donate, will be able to. Funds will be given directly to the families involved.
Most sincerely
with thanks,
Teresa Davis
President, RMMG
tcdelfin said:
Thank you to everyone that came out tonight for the benefit concert for Darrell and the other shooting victims. 200 Denver fans came out, on a cold weeknight, on a moments notice, in memory of, and out of respect to those killed. Our hearts go out to the families and friends left behind. Please know, Denver shares your grief, as does the rest of the nation, we have all been touched in ways that cannot be described here.
Thank you to:
NIPP - For your generosity, tickets at the door went directly to the fund
Staff here at RMMG - for working your fingers to the bone on short notice to pull this together, Kelton, Nicole, Chris, Jeff.. thank you.
Uncle Nasty at KBPI 106.7 - YOU HAVE HEART, and are for real.
Switchpin - Thank you for the moment of silence, you could have heard a pin drop, thank you for the respect you showed, and for the heart.
Skapegoat - For the Scarecrow Ballad you dedicated to Darrell.. for passing his picture around the audience, and for causing a mini sea of fans to take out their lighters, and secure a moment in time, that can only be described as from the soul.
Envy, Negative 4 - Thank you for your performances, and for contributing to the cause, you have heart.
Foxnews and Denver 4 News, thank you for coming out and covering this event.. you have heart, and it shows.
Tina - Thank you for reporting this event.. The Dirt is and always has been, Denver's official underground concert and band news source.. Your heart showed today, thank you.
And for everyone that helped get the word out, on such a short notice, that our concert had been changed to a benefit concert, in a two hour period, THANK YOU, from RMMG, and everyone else, thank you.
And finally, to the fans that came out to support this effort.. without you, this would not have been possible.
We are starting a memorial fund with the money raised tonight, for the victims families. This account is going to be held open for the rest of the month. I will post information so that if any fans would like to donate, will be able to. Funds will be given directly to the families involved.
Most sincerely
with thanks,
Teresa Davis
President, RMMG


Anyways my Children Of Maani and Deathspell Omega CDs came today. I am currently very happy with them, although the Maani one came with the bottom hinge broken off. :yell:

But whatever, still a fucking awesome mCD.

Also, since I have it and have secured ownership of a copy, you can get it here for 10 bucks + no shipping if you're in the US.