The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

Somberlain said:
I see how it is. :p

Well...obviously heheh. That's why I said look yourself. GET IT NOW THOUGH.

It's pretty fucking rare.

OK so people who like thrash should check out the hardcore/punk band Anti-Cimex if you haven't already heard 'em. Almost-crossover, but not quite, extremely catchy thrashin' riffs and shouting angry vocals. Fucking awesome shit.

If you like punk with occasional thrash elements, check them out NOW.

Is this what it feels like to be on the giving end of a recommendation to you, VVVVV? It feels pretty good!
anonymousnick2001 said:

If you like punk with occasional thrash elements, check them out NOW.

Is this what it feels like to be on the giving end of a recommendation to you, VVVVV? It feels pretty good!

Haha sure man. What's the best album?
RosesofShadow said:
I heard Propaghandi. I think their lyrics deal with the anti-government or something, just like many punk bands have...

Their name sounds like an allusion to the fact that people make a huge deal out of things that do not want to be made a huge deal about.

Metalucifer rules.
Doomwatcher said:
Can anyone offer opinions and info on these obscure Swedish DM bands?


Carbonized are weird atmospheric death.

Hey someone recommend me stuff similar to Idu Na Wy! by Dub Buk. Something with epic overtones, fast paced, keyboards, yet still raw and hateful.
Doomwatcher said:
Can anyone offer opinions and info on these obscure Swedish DM bands?

Morpheus' Son of Hypnos is more akin to the American death metal scene, NYDM in particular - while still having Swedish qualities. Good, solid technical death metal.

For the Security is the only Carbonized I've heard. It is kind of weird, but still pretty straight forward death metal. Apparently they delved far deeper into weirdness with Disharmonization - which may be worth checking out.

Uncanny's Splenium for Nyktophobia is a potent blend of melody and brutality. Really catchy and groove-laden with a crushing guitar tone.

I think For the Security is still available, but I suspect the others are long out of print.
Somberlain said:
Morpheus' Son of Hypnos is more akin to the American death metal scene, NYDM in particular - while still having Swedish qualities. Good, solid technical death metal.

Does it bare similarities to the likes of Morpheus Descends and Immolation?

For the Security is the only Carbonized I've heard. It is kind of weird, but still pretty straight forward death metal. Apparently they delved far deeper into weirdness with Disharmonization - which may be worth checking out.

I gathered from certain reviews that Disharmonization is somewhat a mix of grindcore with psychedelic influences.

I think For the Security is still available, but I suspect the others are long out of print.

According to metal archives, all their full-lengths have been re-issued.
Jaar-Gilon said:
Sort Vokter, Whats the deal? I like black metal. but i dont get how this is musical. and it definitely doesnt deserve an average of 93% on
In the immortal words of Pauline Hanson, "Please Explain??"

It's purely minimalistic. He made it under the influence of THC. It's generally horrifying in scope. Some of the riffs are excellently crafted.

I could go on and on but I'll spare you.
Sort Vokter... hm i think it is a bit overrated, but definitely great:
wild, bestial and animalic atmosphere...
That's the great thing about Sort Vokter.
But i understand that many people dislike the minimalism of Ildjarn and Sort Vokter...
For Propagandhi:

How To Clean Everything
Today's Empires, Tommorow's Ashes
Where Quantity is Job #1

Are Sort Vokter worth checking out?
Freanan said:
Sort Vokter... hm i think it is a bit overrated, but definitely great:
wild, bestial and animalic atmosphere...
That's the great thing about Sort Vokter.
But i understand that many people dislike the minimalism of Ildjarn and Sort Vokter...

I haven't heard much of Ildjarn and there seems to be mixed opinions on his works. What are the best releases?