The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

Somberlain said:
I just bought An Anatomy of the Beast by Intestine Baalism. I'm impressed, as I weren't too fond of their latest - but this fucking rules.
Yeah, it rules, but I still prefer Banquet in the Darkness.
V.V.V.V.V. said:
No it isn't really any different, since what you're saying is subjective. But fuck arguments, let's talk about good music.

The new Brodequin is surprisingly rocking, albeit REALLY GODDAMN SHORT. If you thought Festival Of Death was boring because the production was muffled-ish and all you could hear was annoying popcorn snare and some chainsaws playing in the background, then I highly advise you check this out.
Indeed! Good music > arguments. *shrugs*

I love Brodequin, and i've never minded their production. I still really need to check-out the newest one. I'd buy it if I had any money.
Nespithe is good shit! Anybody here heard of Dødheimsgard? I've been told there a really good, extremely weird and chaotic BM band, which sounds right down my alley. I'm in the process of getting there 666 International album right now, can't wait!
Heard a couple good bands on Music Choice today.

What can you guys recommend from Impious or Therion?

I also heard the title track from Kreator's new album which, needless to say, is going slay the competition. :headbang:
SculptedCold said:
Indeed! Good music > arguments. *shrugs*

I love Brodequin, and i've never minded their production. I still really need to check-out the newest one. I'd buy it if I had any money.

Really? The production on Festival Of Death is annoying. Popcorn snare + buzzsaws for guitars + really inaudible vocals = yucky, but I guess it sounded different to you. :p

The new one's production is great. Sample is on Unmatched Brutality or right here:

For DSL/cable people

For dialup people

It's the first track, Slaves To The Pyre. Lots of nice groove riffs, but they sound like they cut down a bit on the slams, which is a definite plus for them.
Mormagil said:
Haha, yeah, every track I've downloaded makes me want to get the next one.
Word. Except for the fact that those vocals fucking annoy me to no end. Total shit and ruins the band, IMO. The music's absolutely nuts, though. Catchy and random, and progressive, straight from Finland. ;)

Decadent said:
Agalloch - The Mantle

One year after discovering this utter gem, it does not fail to strike awe into the depths of my soul.
I still can't figure out why people don't like this band. They're so beautiful.

Edgecrusher said:
What can you guys recommend from Impious or Therion?
Anything off Of Darkness or Beyond Sanctorum for some balls-to-the-wall old-skool classical-influenced/composed swedish death metal fury.

Or my personal favorite, albums like Deggial or Lemuria/Sirius B for all-out operatic-symphonic epic metal skullcrushery and multicultural diversity mixed with poignant beauty on the side.
those vocals fucking annoy me to no end. Total shit and ruins the band, IMO.

I wouldn't go that far, but yeah, they're a little cartoony.

I'll also second the recommendation of Deggial. The only other symphonic/epic/whatever album of theirs I've heard is Secret of the Runes, and I think Deggial is better. I like Symphony Masses too; at the bare minimum it'll at least make you laugh.
I find the debut Ultima Thulée to be one of the best efforts out of Blut Aus Nord's discography. The desolate and brooding atmosphere, created through the muddy guitar work and sparse use of dark ambient noises is stunning.