The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

Yeah. You can't like extreme metal and totally dislike Hellhammer...makes no sense.

they aren't terrible just not very good... i don't see the big deal and frankly they sound nothing like modern extreme metal. celtic frost is more my style
Human is ok. Oddly enough, the only Death albums that I really like are Scream Bloody Gore and Sound of Perseveramce, which is odd considering they are opposite ends of their sound.

I like Human and Symbolic the most. TSOP has has Flesh and the Power it Holds which is a pretty damn good track, though

Symbolic and TSOP are my favorites. SBG is third with everything else interchanging randomly.

I only have IDP and SOP, but they both kick ass.

Scream Bloody Gore is my favorite followed by Human. I haven't listen to Death in awhile and it's a shame

I agree with everything in this post.

I gather none of you people have heard Spiritual Healing then.
I got it for 280Kč/17,5$ which is really cheap here. One of the cheapest cds you can get here. Reissue 1999.
I got Spiritual Healing easily about a two years ago. It's the first Death album I got, and I'd say it's their best.