The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

Yeah, it's cool. I have not heared Wicked Innocence. What is it like? And how does the other Golem compare to Eternity (which is fun)?
The Wicked Innocence is brutal death metal with certain oddities that separates it from the conventional crowd. Somewhat similar to Demilich’s Nespithe.
Wow, comparing Demilich to something else is new. I like them but they're kinda overrated because of their distinctiveness. I'll try to get it. What about their other albums?
Guardian of Darkness said:
I'm listening to Aarni's "Bathos" and my reaction for the moment is along the lines of 'man, this shit is crazy'. I've just gone on another big downloading spree :rolleyes: I can't help it. :(

That's a fucking A+ album.
kmik said:
And how does the other Golem compare to Eternity (which is fun)?

Similar in as much as it's a work of disturbingly desolate genius, though "Eternity..." is slightly the better of the two. Once again there are those good old mechanical rhythms, but there's a great deal more uber-fast syncopated drumming providing plenty of ambience in contrast with the twisted, warping melodies. While "Eternity:" was huge in scope, "Dreamweaver" is a more confined chaotic blizzard, though equally bleak. It's also generally got more of a Floridian sound than "Eternity...", and very different production with notably trebly drums.
Dreamweaver feels like it lacks...direction or something. Less blasts/less PROMINENT blasts would help I think, but the guitar tone is so friggin' interesting. The melody the guitars pull off is good, but they eventually break into genuinely annoying "BLASTBLAST" parts.
I'll have to give a few serious listens to it, but Omnipotence seems awesome. I have to get their other CD's.

Oh, and Abyssic Hate is gay.
anybody heard of Amaka Hahina? I just downloaded a few mp3s, and it just sounds like some crazy old man telling scary stories in a foreign language with awkward background music.
Décadent said:
Because he can't answer. After all, bashing Abyssic Hate is "in" this season.

Considering *this season* is when they became well-known (relatively speaking), it's no wonder more people started to bash them (not to mention fellate them). "Suicidal Emotions" is Burzum for goths though, really. Their old stuff is pretty derivative too, though not quite as... well... gay.