The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

Well, I say I was 'one of the doubters' but I always liked it, I just thought people were going a bit over the top. That's still the case to an extent, I don't think it's quite the 'best BM album in years' that people branded it as, but it rules.
I think "Si Momentum" is the best black metal album in years. The moment I sat down and turned on "First Prayer", I was just awe-struck and I didn't stop listening until "Malign Paradigm" was finished. It just haves everything! Hateful energy, it's intelligent, great vocals, interesting riffs, superb drum-work, the best lyrics in a black metal release ever, an eerie and evil atmosphere. Everything! I'm even contemplating adding it to my "top ten of all time list". And just the picture on page 8 in the booklet makes it worth the fifteen bucks. ;)

And I can't believe I have to be at work tomorrow at seven, and here I'm sitting browsing a message board. Not clever.
Si Monumentum is realy magnificent, but I'm starting to enjoy Inquisitors of Satan a lot more.

Guardian of Darkness said:
Considering *this season* is when they became well-known (relatively speaking), it's no wonder more people started to bash them (not to mention fellate them). "Suicidal Emotions" is Burzum for goths though, really. Their old stuff is pretty derivative too, though not quite as... well... gay.

"Burzum for goths"... it's a wonder why more people don't take you seriously.
Black Mayonnaise - Ttssattsr is an outstanding release. It might sound like a joke, but it's actually really really evocative sludgy atmospheric stuff. Repeating, echoing kick-snare drum programming, sludgiest-of-the-sludge guitar riffs, weird textural keyboard atmospheres, and the weirdest fucking pitch-shifted vocals ever. Definitely check it out.
Listening to Nokturnal Mortum's Weltanschauung right now. I'll come back later once I've listened to it a couple more times. Doesn't seem so bad right now, although there are intros for just about every song...Great use of Ukrainian folk instruments.
RosesofShadow said:
And I just bought the Nemesis Ocvlta, I'm not saying that it is great, but definitely worth buying and good shit it is. The bass is just amazing too and the riffs, good.

Cool! If you can give us a list of albums you're looking to buy next time you do so, post it and we'd (AS IN ME MAYBE OTHER PEOPLE) help you narrow it down.
V.V.V.V.V. said:
Cool! If you can give us a list of albums you're looking to buy next time you do so, post it and we'd (AS IN ME MAYBE OTHER PEOPLE) help you narrow it down.

Thanks! Well, I'm still on the hunt for Arghoslent - Incorrigible Bigotry, The Chasm - Deathcult for Eternity, Psycroptic - Scepter of the Ancients, Necrophagist - Onset of Putrefaction, Dark Angel - Darkness Descends, Deathspell Omega - Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice, Destroyer666 - Phoenix Rising...

I think those albums are clearly said in this forum already...
RosesofShadow said:
Thanks! Well, I'm still on the hunt for...

Seeing how you're in Asia, I assume it'd be cheaper to mailorder within Asia and maybe from Australia than from Europe or the US. Here's some links that should help you find what you need.

T.H.A (Japan)
GoatorwaRex (Australia)
Asphyxiate Recordings (Australia)
Apcalyptor Records (Australia)

Arghoslent - Incorrigible Bigotry

Apocalyptor has this on CD and Asphyxiate will have it on LP soon.

The Chasm - Deathcult for Eternity

Got this from Relapse... havent had much luck elsewhere.

Psycroptic - Scepter of the Ancients

Got this from the band themselves... seems to be the cheapest way.

Deathspell Omega - Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice

GoatowaRex has this.

Destroyer666 - Phoenix Rising
I think T.H.A has this.
Morta Skuld's "Dying Remains" is an enjoyable slab of old-school mid-paced DM from 1993, though a little predictable. Quality is in the execution rather than the ideas, but I imagine fans of anything from Carnage to Vore will find this one enjoyable for at least a few listens.