The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

A lot of people seem to think there's a new Drudkh coming out today, but the Supernal site suggests otherwise.

Just a rumor or...?
A lot of people seem to think there's a new Drudkh coming out today, but the Supernal site suggests otherwise.

Just a rumor or...?

Pfft, these Ukranian albums are coming out every day at the moment, I wouldn't bet against it.

The new Astrofaes is pretty boring. The NM is somewhat interesting but it hasn't made me listen to it repeatedly thusfar. Drudkh... I think I know what we're going to get - another uber-naturalist Burzum clone that's pretty enjoyable but hyped as 'the most original BM of the year' when it's really, really not.
unknown said: that mp3shitter website to download stuff?

No. That would be quite illegal (and awesome). It just tells you what's been leaked/ripped by certain ripping groups. It's really only helpful for people who like a lot of stuff besides metal that isn't stuff closely related to metal (i.e. ambient), since they have a ton of indie stuff, etc. But it's great anyways and very useful.
Supernal E-mail guy talking about new Drudkh said:
Yes, there was a delay because the artwork we received had some problems. The new release date is 14 March.
so there

Décadent said:
Seems that it was meant to be out today, but there was a fuckup with the artwork and now it'll be out on March 14.
xxChaoticManifestoxx said:
Hey...In dire need of some epic death metal

I've got The Chasm, Arghoslent, Vital Remains, Serpens Aeon... Name some bands that are melodic but sound majestic(no other word to describe). :D

Amon Amarth - Sorrow throughout the Nine Worlds
Amon Amarth - Once Sent From the Golden Hall
Amon Amarth - The Avenger
Amon Amarth - The Crusher

will likely cover your needs
Over the last few days, i've been consistently listening to The Chasm's From The Lost Years. It mostly explores the songwriting ideas that would later be honed to perfection on the following the album.
xxChaoticManifestoxx said:
Hey...In dire need of some epic death metal

I've got The Chasm, Arghoslent, Vital Remains, Serpens Aeon... Name some bands that are melodic but sound majestic(no other word to describe). :D

Check out:

Soulburn - Feeding on Angels

and if you don't have Lykathea Aflame - Elvenefris get it too
Me said:
Gontyna Kry, bitches. Welowie is such a great (albeit short) folk-ish "MELODIC" black metal release. I say melodic because it's that kind of interestingly fucked-up disjointed black metal kind of melody. The vocals sound like they were recorded through 5 layers of thick steel; very detached, processed, possibly reminding of Drawing Down The Moon in their fucked up harsh whisper weirdness but much more abrupt and crazy.

Silexater is also quite great. Despite having possibly a MAXIMUM of 9 songs under his belt, this one-man German band who's the brother of the Malicious Records owner churned out a demo and an EP's worth of great jarringly atonal black metal. Listen to the fuckin title track of the Mad Sorcer demo. More of that great weirdly melodic leadwork BM loves to give us these days.

Stiny Plamenu is yet ANOTHER good, solid, melodic (again, in the non-retarded use of the term) black metal band. Another one man band, interesting string-bending riffs from Lord Morbivod churn relatively convincingly over great (I think?) drum-programmed rhythms with the typical hateful black metal screech.

Maniac Butcher is an INTENSELY underrated, underappreciated, and overlooked Czechian black metal band who'd been around for nearly a fucking eon until they split up a while back. However, they have about 5 great albums under their bullet belts. Fierce, hateful, stereotypical black metal in the slightly-old-school-German feel with a bit of their own country's inflections on melody and production aspects. Not incredible or groundbreaking but consistent and engaging nonetheless. And yes their album covers may seem jokey and STUPID (hell, they really do blow), but don't let that stop you from experiencing them.

Amduscias were a really underground Japanese black metal band (probably one of the only good JapBM bands ever to exist!) Yet MORE (MORE!) fucked up creepy melody, except in the more prominent Necrophobic vein (*watches as people pee their pants*) than some techniques employed by recent black metal melody-infused bands.

Marblebog, too! Semi-recent droning black metal with interesting ambient parts and cool folk melodies which I'm guessing are Hungarian in descent (based on the guy's location). The demos reek of slower Burzum (a good thing) complete with greatly executed tortured screams emanating from seemingly nowhere, but the real gem is the newest album (this year's best BM release so far, IMO) Forestheart (discounting the apparently ambient Wind Of Moors that I sadly haven't checked out yet). Very very good drawn out, droning black metal with appropriately hateful vocals and great folky melodies. And the last track is practically a 13-minute folk/ambient/drone song, which warrants a listen to the album for that alone.

Finally, Negurã Bunget. Man they rule. Weird weird weird is the name of the game, and 'n Crugu Bradului does better than their other releases at showing off this band's unique sound. Epic, melodic (I'VE GONE OVER THE LIMIT! *dives off building*), utterly fucked up songwriting. Somehow seems intensely minimalistic but at the same time is really really complex (THE DRUMMING OH LORD THE DRUMMING! SO BUSY AND NON-BM OH GOD!).

btw Silexater rules.