The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

see: Youtube: Blood hunt - Island of horror

Metal band is looking for hobby/fun 3d dark-art artists to awake this first song on our new album to life. Short horror scenes of all kind are welcome so that we can put them together to a movie. Authors who have worked on that movie will receive from us the limited edition of the new Blood hunt CD on 5.1 surround, also they get an acknowledgment on the CD cover. More info on:
Been digging the ever lovin' shite out of Fleshgod. Alot of people seem to dislke the symphonics taking front stage as of their last two albums but I frigging love it! Besides it is their actual vision as opposed to what they were doing before.
Been digging the ever lovin' shite out of Fleshgod. Alot of people seem to dislke the symphonics taking front stage as of their last two albums but I frigging love it! Besides it is their actual vision as opposed to what they were doing before.

I love the high-pitched clean vocals. It sounds like the guy has his balls caught in a trash compactor.
Listen to Anatomy of I - death prog album with Steve Di Giorgio. It's posted here on the site, great stuff.
There's a prog metal band from the 90's called Superior. Their first album ''behind'' is a masterpiece in my opnion
I'm really getting into thrash, so I'd like to be able to understand it's backround a little better. I'm also looking for new stuff.
I like stuff like Five Finger Death Punch, Metallica, Skillet, Iron Maiden, power metal like Blind Guardian, DragonForce, etc. I like stuff that doesn't comment at all on religion.

^ New Dead Congregation album confirmed for 2014!

Can't wait. Came across this via a MA thread; the artwork above is on their official Facebook. 2014 is shaping up to be a an amazing year!
Is there any band which plays music with similar athmosphere like Black Sabbath - Damaged Soul?

I'm looking for something heavy and nasty with dirty guitar solos.
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Tiamat came on my shuffle today for the first time in forever. A lot of people I know don't like them, they think it's 'chick music'. Which some songs/albums definitely are, but 'Sumer by Night' kicked my ass earlier.

I like them.
Looking for some good folk and viking metal albums. Not the beer drinking and chanting kind though, preferably something with a bit of black metal or thrash thrown in. What can you good folk recommend?
Tiamat came on my shuffle today for the first time in forever. A lot of people I know don't like them, they think it's 'chick music'. Which some songs/albums definitely are, but 'Sumer by Night' kicked my ass earlier.

I like them.

I've tried to like Tiamat many times now. I enjoyed Wildhoney partly last time I checked it out, but then I gave Amanethes a whirl...hated it. What's the rest of their discography like?
Listen to Judas Christ and A Deeper Kind of Slumber, there's a lot of gothic metal/rock kind of stuff but what really makes them shine are the instrumentals:

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I've found their good songs are kinda scattered, which really sucks.

If you dig a psychadelic vibe overall I have a thread going in the recommendations section seeking 'Psychadelic Jazz Metal' and people delivered some pretty cool stuff.

Theres also probably a thread with plenty of alternative, non-viking folk that you're seeking over there.